[Suggestion] Two features that i feel are mandatory now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DaMetaEX, Sep 12, 2020.

  1. DaMetaEX

    I have two features that should be added to the game. atleast the PS4 version.

    I play PS4 on genudine and i hate the fact i can play 1 hour 29 minutes and 59 seconds of an alert but if i crash at that last second i get a whopping total of "NOTHING" you should have had a system in place to track how long players participated in the alert and award them fairly for it. Crashes are an all too common thing on PS4 for this NOT to be a feature already.

    well now the one idea i know people would agree with is out of the way. time for the one people will hate.


    i have played on Genudine since Beta launch and very commonly one faction will outpop the other. your current system to restrict players doesn't work. infact they outright ignore your system. every alert i garentee half of one faction will jump to another creating unfair populations. and what is your system for balancing it?

    delayed timer from VR? NSO? the VR thing still allows players in reguardless of pop ballance and NSO dont make me laugh. your halff ***** attempt at making a 4th faction to give players something to play while playing for the lowest pop faction doesn't work because at most 20 people play it.

    i am using a bot program on discord to look at pop balance and the common thing i see. NC TR 250+ VS 200ish NSO 15 the first couple days a pattern formed where VS is always underpoped and it lines up with what i see in game. Playing NSO as my main i'm on vanu. infact in terms of percentages i have been on NC/TR .01% of the time i have been on VS logging in. in order for me to join those other factions i have to wait for alert to end and hope swiching maps actually puts me on another faction. not to mention all the missing features NSO doesn't have access too ESF MBT Flak armor for Maxes.

    Since you clearly dont care about the PS4 version to actually do something to improve the balance issue i demand a forced cap lowest pop vs highest pop 20 soldiers MAX and thats me being generous. i was wanting 5 people difference between Lowest pop and highest pop. as it stands now on average 50+ soldiers difference between lowest and Highest has caused plenty of unfair fights that push the lines in one direction until one faction is out of the game for good.
  2. JobiWan

    LOL, you demand it? Who do you think you are?

    They clearly don't care about PS4, yeah that's why they recently hired a PS4 specialist and released a massive update a few weeks ago.
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  3. Marik

    The problem you name is also present elsewhere, not only on Genudine. I also heard Pas's problem with the crashes, even though it never happened to me when it crashed. Which is much more common before the DX-11 update than nowadays.

    The pop problems are more familiar to me, but you should ask yourself why you prefer so little VS and play with the other factions.
    I think that VS is the best faction, because in my opinion they get more good stuff than other factions.

    A forced pop might make for faded fights, but at the same time it shuts out many players. It is hard to find a good rule there. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.


    Das Problem das sie benennen ist aber auch wo anders vorhanden nicht nur auf Genudine. Pas Problem mit den Abstürzten hörte ich z.B. auch, auch wenn es mir nie passiert ist, als es genau dann abstürzte. Was vor dem DX-11 update deutlich häufiger auftritt als heutzutage.

    Die pop Probleme sind doch eher kenne ich auch, aber da müsste man sich doch eher Fragen warum z.B. so wenig VS bevorzugen und lieber bei der den anderen Fraktionen spielen.
    Ich bin der Meinung das VS eigentlich die beste Fraktion ist, weil sie meiner Meinung nach mehr gutes Zeug bekommen als andere Fraktionen.

    Eine erzwungene Pop sorgt für vielleicht für ausgeblichene Kämpfe, grenzt aber gleichzeitig viele Spieler aus. Es ist schwer da eine gute Regel zu finden. Beides hat seine eigenen Vor- und Nachteile.
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    It's DaMetaEX. Player-Since-Beta, Member-of-Genudine, NSO-Operator and PS4 Jockey. I know all this because he told me so just now. You can tell he's serious business by the authoritative usage of CAPITAL LETTERS, poor spelling and run-on sentences.
    When he says crap we say Where? How Much? and What Color?

    You must be new here.
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