still no 32% maximum lock for the 3 civs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x360pc, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. x360pc

    devs take a maths class.32/0.this is the end of a balanced maths game.beyond this is unbalanced.Lock down a civ @32% per map.
  2. Blam320

    We're not "Civs" like in Civilization, we're "Empires" in official terminology; we're colloquially known as "factions."

    As for putting a hard cap on faction pop at 33%... how do you enforce that? Lots of people want to be able to play with their friends... so how do you let people do that while enforcing population balance? What if there's a disproportionate amount of one faction playing at one time? Do you shunt them all over to the spillover continent? That's not fun. The people from the other two factions will be grossly outmatched by the sheer numbers, and the one with too many people won't have any planetmans to shoot; just an empty continent.

    A better solution is to give NSOs the ability to swap which faction they're on mid-game; if they switch to the underpop faction they get bonus XP, nanites, or some other reward in exchange. This will let NSOs actually, effectively balance population.
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  3. x360pc

    The big picture is players jump ship and factions end up being 39%/34%/27%.its not hard to see the outcome of this map.32%,with a 4% margin for dropping in and doesnt work any other way balanced.I wouldnt bother playing this game when this happens,spawn trapped.Maybe they need to dump a faction and just go 50/50.
  4. Blam320

    Yeah no, population imbalance has been a part of the game since its inception. Dropping a faction would completely ruin the lore and the design of the game. Maybe you should do as you said, and don't bother to play this game if you're not willing to actually help come up with a decent solution.
  5. Peebuddy

    In planetside 1 the under popped faction would get exp boosts, respawn reductions, and health increases. They'll give you a bonus to exp in planetside 2 but that's more of a bonus to play a under-popped faction, we need an incentive. Becoming a super soldier certainly is an incentive, while I'm not saying you should become master chief but if you're 10% under popped you should gain 10% health or shields. Maybe a %age reduction across the board for stuff, something that'll pull more people toward your faction because even a 50% exp increase is just ignored if you're just going to be farmed your entire play session.

    NSO was supposed to combat this, but they turned it into an absolutely worthless affair that does nothing but provide unique max suits to the game.
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  6. Liewec123

    hell no, the queues are what kill the player population more than anything,
    noone is going to wait in a 30 minute queue to play an ancient game.

    imho the best time in this game was before there was any queue, sure TR would have a gigantic overpop,
    but VS and NC would double team them, the game was fun and noone was left waiting to play.
  7. JohnMcCreedy

    I don't even think it should even be an option. If you die and the pop levels have changed, you should respawn at the warpgate of the faction with the lowest pop. Making it an ability gives people the choice not to swap which defeats the object of NSOs.
  8. DarkStarAnubis

    NSO can move from a faction to another by changing continent or logging out and in again.

    However they do not choose the faction. The system does it for them.

    Some people do not understand/know that and it leads to interesting scenarios: I was TKed by someone who believed I had thrown a grenade to him and two other guys killing them (which was true) and since I was now part of his faction he said it was griefing and TKilling (which was false, I was his enemy at that time) :D
  9. Blam320

    That removes player agency, which isn't fun. On top of that, what if someone is playing as an NSO, and is part of a really fun squad or platoon? It would be unfair to suddenly "auto-balance" them onto one of the other factions in the middle of their play session, taking them away from their friends.
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    Maybe, but we also need to remember that NSO first and foremost is a TOOL. A tool for population blancing. And if they don't bring that to the table they are a literally worthless 4th faction.
  11. x360pc

    32/0 % is the solution and the only solution that will cannot be over powered within this maths should come down to the players individual skills and not the amount of players on your team which seems to always be the case. my faction where @40% just know and walked all over the map.boring.its not fun or challenging to be on either side of this. the 4% offset can used to ensure friends can play together but rebalance out over time.
  12. Blam320

    It being the "only solution that will work" is an out and out lie and you know it. The other solution I can think of is actually giving people incentives to attack the strong faction instead of doubling up on the weak faction in this situation.
  13. Peebuddy

    Maybe like confetti shooting out of their butts every time you kill someone on the over poped faction?
  14. Blam320

    This is what the Empire Strength system was supposed to do; it was supposed to let people know who needed to be cut down to size. But people generally ignore it and still wait for the territory percentage to pop up during an alert. And even then, people never waste an opportunity to farm or to take easy territory from the enemy. I think there should at least be an extra XP incentive for fighting at territories that belong to the empire with the most population. If not, then an out-and-out XP penalty for fighting in territories belonging to the empire with the least pop. It could definitely scale based on which of the two empires has less pop; on top of that, the empire with the least pop could get nanite bonuses so they can use vehicles and MAXes to swing things back in their favor, and XP bonuses so at least they can still make progress on levelling up.

    Otherwise, another strategy is to make it harder for the larger empire to hold its territories, through logistical problems such as providing bases with extra power or even blocking certain lattice links.

    Hybrid Lattice would be really nice, too. Only have the Lattice system link the major facilities and warpgates, while everything else uses the standard influence system.
  15. x360pc

    good riddance,im done,high percentage wins sick i gave to sixty euro.its not worth 60 the bin with ye.

    ps.the fps drops in large battles shows how poorly you code this game,id suggest you thread the game correctly.very poor.