Implant Fortify

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KiritoSenpai, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. KiritoSenpai

    Does Fortify only work at Point interaction or will it stay as long as you are on the point? Would love this implant for point holding.
  2. TR5L4Y3R

    far as i understand from the wiki it works when you interact with a capturpoint but lasts for 15 seconds .. don´t know what the cool down is ..
  3. Beerbeerbeer

    I have it maxed. To activate it, you stand at the control point pedestal, very close, and it’s just like destabilizing a generator in regards to activating it: press and hold E. It takes a few seconds of standing there before it activates.

    There’s no indication that it’s active (unfortunately), but you hear a sound when it drops. You can reactivate immediately. It works really well with bionics.

    I wish implants like this or deep operative would give a visual HUD indicator telling you it’s active.
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  4. KiritoSenpai

    Thanks everyone for helping me out. I will definitely use it now thanks!
  5. OneShadowWarrior

    It’s junk in it’s current state, no one has time to hit a capture point and hack it like a terminal to activate it every time. Your usually dead before you can active it during a clutch fight. In my opinion it should be a passive implant when you are in the capture point. I’ve tried it on my NC character.
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  6. Liewec123

    That is how I imagined it should work too, as long as you have the progress bar at the top that let's you know you're on the capture point you should have it active, shame it doesn't work like that.
  7. Beerbeerbeer

    Yeah I agree, activating it is a pain.

    It should be just regen x amount of shield per second within y feet of the capture point. Or something like that. And for the love of god, put in a visual indicator that these implants are active.
  8. GnosticMonk

    Yeah. Here’s my two cents. This implant needs desperately to be unnerfed. This could be a cornerstone to a lot of base defense loadouts. I dropped my iso-4 on it only to find out it was ****** somehow. Now I can’t figure out a good implant to compensate for not having the intended effect that this implant should have delivered. I think getting it to work As intended would be a good start. I think that the devs maybe for got to put a decimal in 15 it’s seems like it last only for 1.5 seconds. If it worked like it was supposed to it would be super. I think what would make it a better implant would be a full shield recharge upon control point interaction with a 2 minute cool down. Every subsequent tier could lower the cool down rate. That would essentially means that in those close quarters control point shootouts if you’re left alive you could FORTIFY yourself for the next inevitable wave of run and gun losers.