Add the ARGENTINA flag

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by WachiturraPower, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. WachiturraPower

    Hello my name is WachiturraPowerUp in the game. My name was because of an error since once I entered the game to test it, they killed me every three seconds and I stopped playing it for years. I recently returned to play and I find that there is no ARGENTINA flag in the game. I would like this message to reach the developers of the game so that they will soon add the flag and thus be one of the first to have it. (Although the dollar in my country is very expensive) It would be nice if the flags are unlocked even if it is with 5 thousand certs. I think I found a great game in which I am good or so I believe and I would like to do everything possible to help the LATIN AMERICAN community grow in the game and tomorrow to know that there is a server for SOUTH AMERICA. Although people (not all) call Latinos "Jumpers" and the truth is not to my liking. I take the time to post this in a game forum because I think it is important. Sorry for the English since this is written by GOOGLE TRANSLATOR and my English is very limited. Thank you!. WachiturraPowerUP

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  2. Scorch Draken

    You English is good enough, and this is a good idea, that they should add more national flags into the game.

    I do just have to note, this probably has a better place in the "Gameplay Discussion" forum instead of the "Outfit Recruiting" forum. I suggest copying the message and pasting it in a thread over there to get more attention to it.
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  3. WachiturraPower

    thanks for answering B)
    I'm glad to hear that someone reads the post TX