Complaint: Fix The Comms Please!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    "For the love of god what is the holdup?" - Chris Farley, SNL

    So what would you say the reputation of Vivox is at the moment? Does DBG own it? I don't know. Either way, dead comms kills fun and no fun means less income. Am I speaking your language now? :mad:
  2. The Shady Engineer

    Comms have been working fine for me ever since the Colossus patch. Seems to be working for many others as well if we were to go by the amount of chatter in pub platoons.

    Are you sure its not something in your settings?
  3. ChUnKiFieR

    Are you on Connery?
  4. Villainous Hydrosa

    Vivox is not owned by DBG, which is why it's so hard to fix. That being said, they added a thing under the Voice tab under Settings, it has a reset button that will fix your comms for you. Mine still break here and there, but for the most part, the reset button helps a lot. I am on Connery, btw.
  5. Trigga

    *presses 'Z' to give his squad an order.......
    ....o sorry guys, i didnt mean to speak in outfit chat, i pressed squad chat....
    *presses 'numpad 4' (proxy) to warn his gunner of an incoming flank.......nothing

    Ye chat is working fine, just brilliantly.
  6. ChUnKiFieR

    Glad to hear it's not just me. Thanks
  7. Johannes Kaiser

    I remember Outfit and Squad and Platoon chat doing the merry switcharoo (despite the settings still being the same). Didn't test after the latest changes though.