Tells with unintended directions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZDarkShadowsZ, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I was just thinking about the amount of tells I've received vs the amount I've sent to others.

    I remember a few years ago I was a Light Assault at a Biolab. I was perched under one of those arm support things where the air pads are when an enemy Light Assault swoops on down and starts shooting at me (before the carbine-flight changes for LA). I was caught off guard a little but managed to kill them. They sent me a tell saying, 'Lucky'. I sent a reply saying, 'No you're just bad'. I'd meant to say, 'No you're just badly positioned' but sent the tell before I could finish.

    I'd realised what I just sent, and how it would be taken, but it was too late. They already replied to me with some passive-aggressive response saying how it's 'cute that I think I'm better than them' and blah blah. I felt bad because what I said came across like this huge a-hole unintentionally, and to make things worse, they were new to the game.

    Since they were new I'd wanted to explain that the reason why they died even when I was caught off-guard was because they were trying to kill me whilst spraying and praying whilst jet-packing whereas I was stood perfectly still, crouched, and a few other things. It didn't go that way, and the conversation lead into a direction I didn't intend.

    How about you? Have you had moments like this? Have you had conversations with others that escalate into an unintended direction?
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  2. Twin Suns

    "Nice shot killer"

    "Eff you mother $&@?er!"

    Not so much anymore. I've come to the realization that most of the inmates deserve to be here.

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  3. Fragsteel

    I try to make a habit of telling players when they got a really awesome kill. A surprising number of players ignore it, but it's fun to bond with someone on another faction when they chat back.

    Recently I got into an infiltrator duel, which for me is one of the most intense situations in the game - constantly trying to anticipate when they'll be more active, when they're hiding to restore cloak vs. looking for you so you can drop yours, chasing shadows, etc. Anyway, I got into a really good one with someone, who ended up killing me by luring me into a doorway that he had mined. I was like "Dude, grats, that's an awesome kill and the best feeling in the world to pull that off." And he was totally in agreement.

    Another time a few years ago, I was cloaked walking around a building in an amp station. A dude in a flash drove past and saw me, so I jumped into the building. He drove his flash into the doorway and looked for me, so I froze. I was 99% sure he didn't see me. But then he throttled the flash to full speed straight at me, hopped off it and started shooting, which didn't matter because his flash ran me over. I pinged him and was like "that was straight out of an action movie, holy s**t". He was like "Yeah, don't ever underestimate Engagement Radar."
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    I wouldn't feel too bad. Players who take the time to tell you how "lucky" your kill was (especially if they should have killed you) are typically salty enough that helpful explanation isn't going to make a difference. They just want to vent their frustration at you.

    The only good example I've got is one instance where I told a sniper 'NS' after a particularly nice snipe and he didn't know what it meant so I had to clarify. The only times I actually initiate conversation is either when someone gets a nice shot at me or when someone with an awesome name kills me and I feel like I need to let them know, so there's rarely room for misunderstanding.
  5. Alkasirn

    Man what alternate universe is this where people send/receive tells about another player killing em? I've only gotten 3 in the past ~7.5 years. 2 happened just recently when players who joined the Escalation hype told me "sorry" after a TK (I guess they didn't know about the voice macros, which is fair...)

    The other conversation de-escalated after going in an unintended direction though. I saw someone run in a straight line in an open field, so I shot at them til they died. They called me a hacker. APPARENTLY on their screen they already reached the base and I would have needed to shoot clean through 3 whole buildings to hit them. It's nice that sometimes the server forgets to do the one thing it's supposed to do and desyncs a single player by an entire minute like that...
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  6. NotziMad

    try V6ing everyone you kill, you'll get a whole lot of tells haha :)
  7. Garmus

    Nice question and actually an interesting thread. Not sure if my /tell experiences fulfils your "unintended directions" condition, but I will try to share at least the somewhat interesting ones. Sorry in advance if I misunderstand your point and you actually asked for something a bit different.

    Shortly after game was released, I tried just to deter an enemy ESF with AP tank shot. It was just a "shot and forget" attempt from me to simply deter that player, because I was tried to at least firing a shot infront of his ESF cockpit. Important note: the ESF was flying at full speed. Then I did not believed my own eyes when i got a kill confirmation and XP for "ESF destroyed", and I was telling myself something like "Dafuq? I actually not just hit him, but even succesfully destroyed that ESF? Omg, what a lucky shot!" Then i got a tell from that pilot, it was something like "Man, that was really a surprising and awesome kill, how you managed to do that?" I wanted to answer him that it was just an unbelievably lucky shot and that I myself did not believed I actually hit him, but as I said, it was shortly after game was released, I was PS2 newbie, so I didnt know how to write private messages in Planetside 2. I tried to push F1 (in many games it opens help page), but it didnt worked, so I was not able to answer him because I did not found a way how to answer him. After I ended that game session, I immediatelly searched on internet how to write private messages in Planetside 2. That was my very first experience with private messages in this game :D

    Some years after, when I was playing a sniper infiltrator, I one-shot-killed 3 players runing roughly 100 meters infront of me, roughly at the 60 degree angle towards my direction.I got a tell from them "Nice aimbot, dude". Important note: at that time, I was playing daily, at least 2 or 3 hours per day, so my aiming skill was pretty good at that time. So i told them that they did one (and deadly) mistake: they were runing in a straight line, and not even one of them at least tried to zig-zaging movement, so it was relatively easy to guess their position where I should aim my sniper shot. So I told them that. Got no answer from them.

    Third time was the weirdest one. Again I played a sniper, when I noticed I killed 3 times the same low BR player (I think he had BR 8 or something like that). I tried to somewhat educate him, and told him "Dude, change your position, you are easy target for snipers". Didnt worked, and I killed him another 5 times. After his 8th (yes, eighth) unsuccesfull attempt, he finally realized its probably not the smartest idea to stand at the same place again and again infront of a sniper, so he moved roughly 5 meters to the right, and the entire situation repeats. After I killed him ANOTHER 5 times (total killcount of him 13 ! ), I told him "Seriously? For real, dude?!?!" and I felt really sorry for him, and I was worried that my killing spree will force him to ragequit and uninstall the game and PS2 will have one player less, so I wrote him some tells how to behave in the game, that when he stand in the same place, his head when he un-crouch will be always in the exact same height and my sniper rifle with 12x zoom scope is precisely pixel-pointed at the exact sweet spot. That he needs to constantly move to be a harder target for snipers, and that for a new player, its best to play engi/medic, follow other more experienced players, and learn from their behaviour how he should play and what to do and not to do in PS2. After these tells from me, he tried to do some "wannabe" zig-zag movement, so I intentionally didnt shot him and just watched him, to encourage this movement behaviour and them I teleported to somewhere else to let him calm down his probably already high ragequit mood. This game is hard to learn , and very unforgiving, so I hope I helped him at least a little bit. Again got no answer from him, he probably didnt know how to write private messages as he was clearly a total newbie to whole FPS games genre at all.

    Hmm, this my post seems already somewhat long, so I should stop typing right now : ) .
  8. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I don't anymore, the moment just crossed my mind recently is all and was curious if anyone else had moments like that. I stopped trying to explain myself others a long time ago. People are way too angry to consider that their opponent is actually trying to be nice and honest. Plus the fact that sometimes with the way people write, myself included, things can sound unintentionally sarcastic or nasty towards others... so it's better if I say nothing at all.

    I've received a lot of tells over the course of playing this game. Most of them are rate tells but I have had a few complimenting me.

    With apology tells, to be fair, I still do them too. V8 is a quick and convenient way of saying sorry to someone, but I want the person I accidentally TK'd to understand my sincerity. Taking the time to stop everything you're doing and actually send a 'sorry' message to someone has more weight for me than if I were to just V8 at them and be on my merry way. When friendlies send apology tells to me, I'm very grateful to the fact they took the time to stop and apologise, so I always respond saying, 'No worries' or something similar.

    Nah, I dislike doing that. I had it done to me when I first started playing and I found it's just a toxic behaviour that breeds toxic behaviour. I only really V6 at people who are known server a-holes, someone I personally can't stand, or someone who tried hard to kill me and should have but still failed to do so. With that said, I don't care if it's done to me. I find it more 'insulting' (if it can be called that) if an enemy taunts me by saying 'thanks' than when they V6. I appreciate a person who takes a few extra moments out of their game time to reach over and press 6 instead. I take it more as a compliment than anything more.

    At least you received a nice tell when you air-shot someone... all I got was 'Ok then'. Like, what did they expect when they flew so low and hovered in the face of my tank turret...?

    I can relate with the snipers quite well. I've had many a time when an enemy just keeps going back to the same spot over and over. For the first 2-3 times it's funny but after that it's just plain saddening. I try to avoid repeat killing new players because I just feel like some a-hole statpadder even if it's unintentional. Sometimes it can't be helped, but I try to avoid it whenever possible.
  9. NotziMad

    You know where that "thanks" came from?

    I got my own little theory.


    Bob gets killed by Joe.

    Doogy the medic, runs to Joe and heals him.

    Joe says "thanks".

    But all this time, Bob is laying dead on the floor, waiting for his timer, and he fins that "thanks" insulting.


    Bob kills Joe.

    Bob spams "thanks" "thanks" "thanks".

    Joe, lying dead on the floor, finds that insulting.


    Joe kills Kevin.

    Joe says "thanks" thanks".


    you get the idea :)

    Honestly, half the time, people saying thanks aren't saying it to the dead guy.
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    It's not really on topic, I sometimes try to help newer players I kill by giving them some advice of what they can do better in situations like the one they just died in. Not a single one has responded over the years.

    Although I have a few ingame friends on other factions I got to know over stuff like "awesome kill" or "how the heck did that happen?". :)
  11. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I wouldn't really say that's a theory, it's fact. It's what happens many times. If people are getting insulted over that then that's their problem since it's quite obvious (to me at least) the gratitude wasn't aimed at them as a taunt.

    With that said, it's obviously a taunt when an enemy singles you out by unloading a magazine into your corpse whilst spamming 'thanks' or 'sorry'. Especially if you and they are the only ones around.
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  12. ChUnKiFieR

    Oh my god.

    What is this the "Woke" sorry i shot you outfit group hug meeting place?

    Toughen up buttercups!
  13. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I think you misunderstand the purpose of the thread.

    I asked if others have ever had moments where a tell ended up heading in a direction other than its original intended one. That was all. Maybe read a bit more before posting?
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