PepeLaugh Oh no no no PepeLaugh He doesn't know...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IVANPIDORVAN, May 30, 2020.


    EXCUSE ME WHAT? +150HP FOR HEAVY ****TERS? Jesus ******* chist... now it's meta implant alongside with assimilate. It always been what 80% of loadouts oriented to infantry vs infantry was assimilate + something. Survivalist was a decent option, but now... now it's mandatory. Imagine gaving guaranteed 1150hp for each encounter. How this is a nerf? What are they thinking, it's unbeliavable bad decision.

    P.S. RIP OP Chameleon Module, never gonna play stalker again.
    *Cries in 4333 kills with blackhand.*

    P.P.S. If only they decreace dmg per pellet for autoshotty from 125 to 100 (to match other shotguns), so i could "cry in 5123 kills" on my AS16 EASYMODEHawk... if only...
  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Personally I think the reason why the Survivalist implant is being changed is because they have no clue how to fix the LA Rocklet Rifle bug, so they decided to 'fix' it by changing the implant instead.
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  3. zelekk

    Its regen over time. So its any use if user menage to run away with will be harder with nerfed movment speed or if you are **** shoot but then its not differnece.

    "It really hard to kill skilled heavy ****ter, let's add another 1-2 bullets for BTK, who will notice a difference?"
    Don't forget what Nanoweave will have effect on these 150hp meaning what if your weapon deals less than 188dmg it will require 2 bullets in certain circumstances
    It's ******* guaranteed Assimilate trigger for each 1vs1 which is just majority of gunplay in this game.

    Yes, i am aware about this bug and i am totaly ok with all changes except +150hp, this is to much.

    You no longer need to even activate your overshield to survive 2 bodyshots from cqc bolt which deals 700dmg.
    Entire weapon balance built around 1000hp, nanoweave and overshields. Even Auxilary shield what adds just 50hp what may seem insignificant is actually a +1bullet to kill. It's not game breaking because statpadkits is meta.
  6. Twin Suns

    It's a podunk company. They can't even fix the voice chat brah.

    This podunk company has two names. Is it DBG or RPG? The podunks's website still says DBG and that's their true name. RPG is just misdirection.
  7. LodeTria

    If you can't kill a half health heavy assault in 6 seconds there's far more problems going on than 150hp.
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  8. Liewec123

    i don't think it's gonna be that great tbh,
    they won't be going "sonic" as much anymore since the speed ends if they take damage,
    and 20 health a second for 5 seconds isn't really going to change anything,
    in my eyes that should just be a placeholder until they can add something more interesting.

    im glad that the reload exploit is finally getting axed!
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    This is not about health per second dude, this is about whole bonus taken momentary, in a fight where it is critical.

    They buff Die Mao to 325dmg, but it still won't be able to kill anyone even with extended mags, because it is only 325*0.8*4=1060dmg.

    It is actually the case for every weapon with 334dmg, you won't be able to kill the target in 4 bodyshots, you now need 5!

    If you not playing NC this implant will increace BTK on full auto weapons by 2, because you need 188dmg per shot to mitigate advantage what survivalist gives you.

    Remember my words, like the spitfire turrets this implant would become the most common thing on auraxis in just a few weeks.

    I am, the Heavy, what you wouldn't be able to kill in 6 seconds, kiddo. Zigzag, statpadkit spammage, crouchside 2. GLHF M8. Mad cuz bad? Just get gud lol.
  11. Liewec123

    i don't get it,
    325 x 4 is a max damage of 1300, lets pretend the target is running nanoweave for -20% damage,
    its gonna take another 3 seconds before the regen effect brings their health above fatal levels
    but this is PS2, fights are over in under a second.

    heavies will survive because of their shield,
    its nothing to do with the weak implant healing them for a minuscule amount.
    this implant won't change their survival.
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    Oh schaisse! I thought it will apply instant +150hp when proc, not the slow regen. ABORT PANIC! ABORT PANIC! My bad
  13. KhlorosTesero

    Alright so i get the need to want to be funny, and like idk, edgy with your post, but can you do a favor for all us 30 year old boomers out here and you know, tell us what the **** you are talking about?

    Are they changing survivalist or something?
  14. Liewec123

    oh snap yeah, that'd be strong and instantly mandatory! :D
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  15. KhlorosTesero

    Im still lost whats being changed about survivalist
  16. LodeTria

    It now heals 150hp over 6 seconds when your shields break.
    The reload speed buff has been removed.
    The movement speed increase (the most important part) now disappears if you take any damage whilst it's active.

    It's a big ol nerf into irrelevancy.
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  17. Liewec123

    as Lode said, its pretty much getting removed, which i'm happy with, the implant is too good,
    both the speed boost (which currently turns you into sonic if your shield breaks)
    and the ridiculous reload bug which lets LAs fire their rocklet rifle like a machine gun without reloads.

    its getting changes so that taking damage will remove the speed boost (bye bye sonic!)
    and the reload speed is getting swapped for 150 health regen over 6 seconds.
  18. TRspy007

    exactly, might as well just run athlete instead. I'm not sure why the dude is complaining, survivalist is getting a huge nerf (likely because they couldn't fix the reload bug!), and there's literally no point in using it now since medkits do a far better job at restoring health.
  19. Liewec123

    there was a little misunderstanding of its effects, they thought it gave the 150 hp instantly, which would have indeed been OP :p
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  20. KhlorosTesero

    Oh ew yeah that is a really bad nerf.

    Its sad to see that they cant fix the bug, I mean, i would say just remove the rocket rifle all together but, im bias on that.
    Its just a shame because it was such a good implant that really went well everywhere. Personally dont think it was OP as some claim but oh well.

    As a heavy main i guess now im gonna take....idk, battle hardened? Pretty much have a free implant slot now. Wonder if i can meme with assimilate and bionic, or assimilate and....hell idk.