[Suggestion] NSO Suggestion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shadowh4nd, May 27, 2020.

  1. shadowh4nd

    Since, you know, it's likely never going to happen, BUT it would be a thematic "event" of sorts:

    - NSO Bastions spawn not friendly to any faction
    - All NS Operatives set to this team
    - All NSO spawns removed and set to Bastion
    - All NSO reassigned to low pop faction once Bastion is destroyed

    Why: Robot uprising
    Why not: Chaos
    • Up x 1
  2. Liewec123

    Wrel: "did someone say it'd cause chaos?" *instantly implements*

    But in reality the devs are all like "what's NSO?" o_O
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  3. Johannes Kaiser

    I don't play NSO, but just going from what I know, the only interesting thing about them is "they have a better MAX than NC".
  4. RblDiver

    To be fair, the NSO robots aren't AI, it's more like the pilot is remote, similar to how most of our drones all over the world are flown from...Arizona? New Mexico? Something like that.

    So, it'd be more like an overthrow attempt than robot uprising.