How do we feel about 4th faction / NSO?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nehlis, May 6, 2020.

  1. brutes359

    Well. How do I feel about them. Look i can only say this from a console perspective. But I'm pretty sure they purpose was to get more people to join different factions. That said, currently Vanu have 40% population on ps4, own 3 contaminants and are taking the 4th. AND they have all the NSO bots. so whatever their goals where. They obviously didn't work. most of the people I've talked to over here hate them. Some claim their an excuse the devs put to continue buffing VS without getting direct flak for doing so. Others think they're just a poor idea in general. A desperate attempt by the devs to put out fresh content for the baying wolfs while they tried desperately to cash in on the over-inflated battle royal bandwagon with little to no real consideration as to what they actually offered in terms of game-play experience. I say this. If you have such bad faction bias that you literally need to add another faction just as an incentive to get others to break up they're favoritism. You as a developer and your balancing team. have failed to provide proper balance between your factions. Or provided acquitted incentive to try the other two.

    Vicious attacks aside. They offer only the new NSO max, and the hover bike. Other than that they're offer nothing you cant get on your own....maybe cosmetics too but they cant even add unique voice overs to them. so its obvious now that they realized how stupid they are that they've stopped working on them. And good riddance for that.
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  2. KhlorosTesero

    I would love it, IF i could transfer my main into a NSO, and take my implants and weapons with me.
    I dont want to have to spend 100 bucks plus to try and max out my implants AGAIN.
  3. shadowh4nd

    It's pretty much non existent but I don't think we had the extreme population imbalance that we can have now. Playing robot kind of sucks when, no matter where you warp, you're stuck without any squads because the faction effectively vacated once they realized they're not winning the alert.
    The only time I've won as robot was catching an alert super early (ie: another one going on) and just luckily spawning into someone that is going to bloat it
  4. Trebb

    NSO Max isn't useless. I've aurax'd both weapons (melee was way easier than other maxxes). As long as you know that you die to C4 if it's in the same hex, you'll be ok. In chaotic fights, remember how annoying that OHK knifer guy is? Picture that but with the same health as a Max(minus the OHK of course). Great for weapons locking the competition! I think it runs faster too, but maybe it only feels that way because it's shorter.

    I love the accurate Kura directive weapon, picture the Yumi, but with all of the rounds of the magazine going out. I think the delay is less than Yumi too?

    That said, we play this game to have fun with people. And with alerts constantly going, continents locking, let me stay with the platoon I'm in when they shift continents, I think I've earned it! Does it really matter in the long run for population?