Returning after years away and it seems they made this game into infantryside?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Kimble

    Seems infantry don't fear vehicles anymore like 6 years ago when I played they did and it now takes multiple shots of HESH just to kill one trooper. Yet they are flying all over the place C-4ing and running right up with no fear at all. Actually the only luck I've had is using AP on my vanguard.

    So is this basically an infantry game now? Are vehicles dead? The only reason I used to play is for vehicles. The lightning HESH really seems weak against infantry now in particular.

    EDIT-Nevermind I did some research and figured out they made WREL a dev and he ruined this game by buffing everything he liked to do (light assault 24/7) and nerfing vehicles into the ground (since he never liked or played vehicles). Screw him and I regret resubbing this past weekend and will cancel right now! I was wonderting why I was hating this game so much !bye!
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  2. TRspy007

    Basically whatever vehicle is on the ground sucks. Only air vehicles dominate, and it's really stupid. They messed damage resistances so 2 C4 no longer kills a tank, and then gave the wrel rifle to light assaults so they could actually kill more vehicles with their C4 + rocklet rifle (that has higher damage output THAN A ROCKET LAUNCHER) than before.

    I love playing as a light assault, but in it's current states it's a bit too much. Being able to not only scare off but kill MBTs by myself is pretty silly. Also light assaults now are the ultimate spawn killing machine, so fun.

    Since the change to resources and the combined arms initiative, it's become an infantry dominated game, with air vehicles that are Gods.

    Only AP is worth equipping if you're a tank, all the other tank weapons against infantry have been stripped of their 1hk. If you really just want to be untouchable and farm loads of infantry and vehicles, learn to master air.
  3. Demigan

    The tanks weaknesses against infantry:

    - tanks are faster
    - tanks can dictate the distance where they engage
    - tanks have better effective range
    - tanks can easily get out of range or behind cover and repair up.
    - practically all infantry AV weapons are pitiful against tanks, more often than not exposing the player to OHK hits than a successful vehicle kill.
    - the one successful AV weapon (C4) has half a dozen counters like radars, lots of repositioning, spitfires, flanker armor/blockade armor/shield module and just basic situational awareness. All of which are ignored for some reason. C4 can only really be used when the target isnt aware of the C4 fairy.

    Oh wait those were the advantages of tanks. I'm not sure where you see infantryside in this? Oh wait I do: you ask for the no-skill ultra-large OHK AOE shots from the old days. Fk that it served nothing but to screw infantry over for a handful of idiots that enjoyed farming.

    There are a million-and-one better ways to balance infantry and tanks, and as long as infantry requires walls to segregate them from vehicles just so infantry can have a decent fight vehicles are just too strong.
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  4. strove

    Im with Demigan here. I play a lot of mech and engineer. Tanks are still very powerful, they cant just roll up to enemy spawns and laugh at them, keep your distance, relocate often, spitfires or proxy radar are great for early warning for C4 fairies. Other than that, you should be fine so long as your cautious or a vulkan harasser, in which case, ignore everything i said, go ham and kill things because you can with very little punishment...
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  5. WCRjv27NC

    It's obvious you just a troll. Nothing you say ever makes any sense. I hope you enjoy your life just walking through it with a mental illness. You are sick sad mental case to just hang out on the forums and spew this nonsense. Don't you have anything better to do? Get a life man.
  6. IceSavage

    It has always been infantryside. Heck PS1 released an expansion just to make it infantryside. People want infantryside.
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  7. InexoraVC

    WTF ? Have you ever tried to fly ESF ? Everything is against you and everything tries to kill you: trees, rocks, tank slugs, burster maxes, all types of tower cannons, skyguards, lockon missiles (striker! damn it!), primary infantry guns, bult bases, other ESFs, Dalton Liberators.
    I think you play only ground combats and don't even imagine what happens above!

    WTF again ? What about HESH or HEAT ? Have you ever played tank gameplay ? Or have you ever equipped your harasser|tank top gun with AI weapon or Halberd ???
    Have you ever played HEAT MBT + Kobalt cannon on top ? This is pure "human mower" while still able to kill vehicles.

    You play other game. Not Planetside2.
  8. TRspy007

    Ultimately, yes, the game has always been infantry oriented. But it's really when they merged all the resource pools and implemented the CAI that everything just went infantry focused.
  9. Johannes Kaiser

    Certainly feels like that whenever I try to get a bit into flying (with the inevitable outcome that I drop the intention a few minutes later and bury it ever deeper in the ground.
    But that REALLY depends on the fights you are visiting. Depending on the size and the base in question, as well as population ratios, the enemies might be really preoccupied trying to get their point(s) back and not have that much time, manpower or energy to spare for you. Fought yesterday at East River. 60% TR attacked us, and all we could do was try our best to hold the thing against constant MAX pushes. Then a Mossie appeared, while for obvious reasons all eyes were on the jump pad. I don't know how many kills this person got. I might get angy if I knew. Point is, due to this ONE person, we had 3 lockons (at least it looked like ones, scanning the sky with rocket launchers) and 2 Burster MAXes. Now, thanks to East River being far up and having buildings on top, there was plenty of cover for the Mossie to evade, lots of infantry in cramped spaces it could farm and no tanks that were eny danger at all, since this guy's forces held the ground.
    So you either have a crappy time of evading with the occasional kill, or the farming streak of your life. And due to mobility, air can choose which of those to have.
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  10. TRspy007

    Ironically, I actually pulled a mosquito this morning and killed a good dozen reavers, and a few dalton libs as you say. I also went full tryhard and picked off a few vehicles and infantry. I cleared the skies for my faction to push, defended a poor bobthebuilder's base who was being zerged by a platoon of NC, and trolled the ground in surrounding hexes for at least 20 minutes before one reaver rammed into me while I was dueling his friends and forced me to land my burning mosquito on the ground (I was a light assault, so I couldn't repair it).

    I was using the default nosegun and afterburners too.

    I'm not a good pilot, I'll admit that was a lucky run, most of the pilots I was fighting weren't aces. However there's people who have mastered flying and become absolute menaces to any form of gameplay.
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  11. McToast

    Short answer: Yes.

    They mostly nerfed AI weapons on vehicles (massive splash and damage nerfs). In tanks it's now easier to nail infantry with AP weapons than with the nerfed AI guns. The increased velocity and reloadtimes are better than the splash. If I can't reliably kill infantry with splash, I'll go for the direct 1shot. ESF AI noseguns still work, if your faction already has the upper hand. Liberators are mostly AV now, we usually run Dalton/Shredder for A2A/AV duty and a Bulldog to kill the drivers who hop out.
  12. Campagne

    I really don't understand the ridiculous nonsensical idea of "infantryside."

    "Oh, I can't instantly kill another player for free with a single shot which almost hit them? Wow, I guess the devs. must play infantry." Never mind the fact that almost all vehicles hold nearly every single advantage over infantry at all times.

    If you think other players should "fear" you because of your chosen class/vehicle/playstyle, you need to take a long contemplation on your goals before coming to the forums and saying everything is worse.
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  13. Demigan

    Nerfed vehicles =/= infantry side. While vehicles have ben nerfed (and buffed!) They are still far superior to infantry. Additionally people seem to ignore that infantry has received AV nerfs as well, such as the rocketlaunchers having the same TTK against vehicles but requiring more rockets to get the kill and lots of buffs to vehicle survivability against infantry AV.

    A problem in these discussions is that people think in terms of infantry vs vehicles, rather than infantry&vehicles against other infantry&vehicles. Infantry need to be strong enough to deal with vehicles so that we can remove the walls segregating them, on the other end of the spectrum vehicles need to play a more integral role in the capture and defense of bases. And the opportunity to actually have vehicle defenders at every base even after a lost field battle rather than attackers having a massive upper hand in the vehicle department.

    It would also help if infantry and vehicles can more readily support each other with tools designed to specifically help the other arm. Not just firepower, but also buffs, nerfs, informational advantages, protection, evasion, ECM etc.
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