2 Question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marik, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Marik

    When I was playing with some other people last night I noticed some things and I hope you can help me with the questions that follow.

    About the situation:
    We were two Rep-Sundys and a Prowler with a shield. We were besieging the base under the Mulac Technik facility on Hossin against the new new conglomerate. (Was on the PS4)

    To the first question:
    Is there an upper limit on the amount of EXP you can collect within a certain time?

    Since we were under constant fire, I had to work extremely hard with my Rep-Sundy to keep him and the Prwoler alive. The second one. Rep-Sundy had to wait a while. But after about 2 minutes (can't say how long that took). There was still the insertion for the troop-healing and repairs. But there was no EXP anymore. Only after we had taken the base.

    Now to my second question:
    Why did so many people use lock-ons?
    Maybe someone can explain this to me. During the above mentioned situation my Sundy beeped non-stop because of all the lock-ons. The same was true for the Prwoler except when I activated the smoke wall of my Sundy.
    So maybe someone can explain to me why so many lock-ons are in use? Against airplanes I can understand that somehow. To bring down a fighter without Lock-Ons with a normal rocket launcher is almost impossible, if it is not totally aggressive towards you. Especially if it is not a decimator.
    But why should it be possible against normal vehicles, which on top of that stand still like us?


    Als ich gestern Abend mit ein paar anderen Leuten gespielt habe sind mir ein paar Sachen aufgefallen Und ich hoffe ihr könnt mir bei den daraus folgenden Fragen helfen.

    Zur Situation:
    Wir waren 2 Rep-Sundys und ein Prowler mit Schild. Wir belagerten auf Hossin die Basis unter der Mulac Technik Anlage gegen das neue neue Konglomerat. (War auf der PS4)

    Auf zur ersten Frage:
    Gibt es eine Oberlimit an EXP die man innerhalb einer gewissen Zeit Sammeln kann?

    Da wir unter Dauerbeschuss standen, hatte ich selbst mit meinem Rep-Sundy extrem damit zu tun ihn und den Prwoler am leben zu halten. Der zweite. Rep-Sundy ließ etwas auf sich warten. Nach aber etwa 2 Minuten (kann leider nicht sagen wie lang das dauerte). Kam zwar noch die Einblende für das Trupp-Heilung und Reparaturen. Aber es gab keine EXP mehr. Erst als wir die Basis eingenommen hatten.

    Nun zu meiner 2. Frage:
    Warum nutzten so viele Lock-Ons?
    Kann mir das vielleicht einer erklären. Während der oben genannten Situation piepte mein Sundy ununterbrochen, wegen der ganzen Lock-Ons. Das selbe galt für den Prwoler Außer halt als ich die Rauchwand meines Sundys aktivierte.

    Also kann mir vielleicht einer erklären warum so viele Lock Ons verwenden? Gegen Flugzeuge kann ich das ja noch irgendwie verstehen. Einen Jäger ohne Lock-Ons mit nem normalen Raketenwerfer runter zu holen ist, wenn er nicht total aggressiv auf einen zufliegt fast unmöglich. Erst recht wenn es dazu kein Decimator ist.

    Aber warum auch gegen normale Fahrzeuge, die obendrein wie wir Still dar stehen.
  2. JobiWan

    XP is capped yes, if you get a certain amount within a certain time for the same thing, it temporarily stops awarding XP, to protect against atat padding.

    Regarding using lockons, why not? Personally if I see a few tanks spamming, I'll grab a lockon. The job is to kill the enemy or at least deter them and lockons do a good job in making tanks retreat, if not destroying them.
    • Up x 2
  3. TRspy007

    You can get kicked for farming the same type of XP too much too quickly, and before that it caps the xp gain, preventing you from earning anything for an amount of time. If you've played engineer and dropped a well placed ammo pack, you'll see after a while the XP disappears, then suddenly reappears after some time. Also, depending on the population your faction has on the continent and at that base specifically, your XP can be increased/reduced.

    As for the lock-on question: in my experience, most people run with the deci because it's the only launcher that reliably has a chance of killing things. The only explanation for why people use a lockon is either because they want to complete the launchers directive, or farm air deterrence ribbons. Remember some launchers like the swarm and annihilator can lock on to both air and vehicles, but cannot be dumbfired. If you're getting lockons in these scenarios, it's likely because the guys are using one of these launchers or/and are trying to unlock the kraken.
  4. Marik

    It's a matter of habit with the guided missile launchers. I come from playing where they are rather frowned upon. If they are either extremely aggressive and can't evade them and/or they are as strong as normal guided missiles.


    Das mit den Lenkraketenwerfern ist Gewohnheitssache. Komme aus spielen wo solche eher verpönt sind. Wiele diese teilweise entweder extrem Aggressiv sind und denen nicht ausweichen kann und/oder sie etwa genauso stark sind wie normale umgelenkte.