[Suggestion] Revert outfit resources changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turak, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Turak

    I understand that the late resource system had flaws with tagging bases, but what's the point of this change?
    • Outfits now require a minimum participation score (combined between members) of 3000 before receiving base capture resource rewards.
    I'm leader of a small outfit and, also, small comunity since SOE > DBG > RPG have never given some attetion to my country. I promote the game as I can, and Escalation, as being focused on outfits, made me come back.
    But now we are partially excluded of the expansion, since we can't earn resources anymore and thus can't make anything in armory. In the old system, when we could earn by participating of a capture, I acknowledge that we could make bastion twice a week, so I schedule every wed and saturday as being Bastion Day in order to create peak time for my outfit and it was so f****** fun. We were starting to organize those things, I made a sheet of the roles etc. but now it's pointless and the events were gone.
    I just can't see why. I understand that tagging a base was and is problematic and need changes, but why excluding ppl from the Ecalation's feature? Whats the point? And that change is also a big incentive to just join zerg outfits, as if we need even more centralized outfits in the game, right?
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  2. RigaMonstro

    Totally agree.
  3. optimus

    agreed, my outfit is less than 10 people and we struggle to collect resources now. Either revert the change or severely lower the 3,000 point required minimum to something like 1,000. Or make it so you need to be at the base for at least 50% of the capture timer or something. Punishing small outfits that aren't racking up score but are still doing valuable things to help cap the base like guarding the point or hunting for enemy sundy's, is not the way to go here. We were earning resources at a respectable rate pre-patch, now it has slowed to an un-moving crawl.
  4. Turak

    And my main question is why. I see that TAGGING a base was problematic, so why not apply this rule to tagging alone? Making impossible for us to pulling bastion, interacting with armory and so on is not fun.
  5. Demigan

    I hope people realize that the exclusion of small outfits is wrong, and that excluding non-outfit players is equally wrong?

    The points system should take into account the amount of players of that outfit that are online. Small outfits always have a small amount of players online and large outfits with inactive members wont be punished by this either.

    So a massive Zergfit going down a lane suddenly needs a lot more points to get resources... so much so that they might be better off not being a zergfit at all. Smaller outfits and playercounts would also mean the players can still achieve resources.
    Best yet is when anyone not in an outfit can try and create faction-wide resources. Teamplay shouldnt be about outfits, it should be about every single player in a faction working together.
  6. Johannes Kaiser

    Best recommendation I can give for now, as a small outfit officer to another, is to bring your people into the best possible spots in any fight (medics and engies into blobs, rest guard back entrances etc) and ALWAYS deploy the Sunderer that is the most conveniently placed.
  7. Derudan

    Being a medic is useless, the exp you get from heal/revives doesnt count for cap credit, so it doesnt help yo get outfit resources.
  8. Crayv

    It's bad enough that it only starts to count when the point gets flipped. In most cases by the time that happens the defenders are already pushed back into a spawn and probably thinking about redploying so you run the risk of just sitting in an empty base and getting nothing.... in fact it encourages this behavior as by doing so you can deny the enemy resources.

    If they want to even think about keeping this system then they need to change it so a base is considered attacked the moment the enemy have a spawn present.

    Just... why?
  9. TRspy007

    They should have adjusted crafting prices based on outfit pop/resource gain.

    Doesn't make sense why things for massive outfits who max out their resources in a day cost the same as smaller outfits who need to wait days (expeditions) to craft anything.
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  10. Turak

    My suggestion is simple:
    • let the old system of earning resources by participating in a capture;
    • add this 3k rule for tagging a base.
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  11. Johannes Kaiser

    That is a pretty good and simple idea. Should the outfit with most points gain the base if not a single one came out over 3k?
  12. Turak

    To be honest I even think that the tagging system should allow co-owner as Camikaze78 talked about, but as a change ASAP I think only who has 3k+ should have it, if not the base should not be tagged, or be tagged without giving resources over time (pre-Escalation system).
  13. NotziMad

    Or .... (if what they were trying to do is prevent ghost cappers from from getting easy ressources (((((WHICH OFFICIALLY WAS NOT THE REASON THEY DID THIS))))))))))))

    They could always reduce the amount of points needed.

    Like, instead of 3k, put it at 1k or something.

    If you're ghost capping, you don't get much points (depending on boosters, pop, and XP events) it's more or less a couple hundred isn't it?
  14. Den

    When coming back for Escalation, I made a little outfit for myself and just a handful of friends, with a focus on supporting roles and an Armory goal to build Citadel Shields and ANVIL drops; no interest in OS or Bastions. Even alone, I was able to earn a small trickle of Auraxium just by fighting at bases normally, even though not once did my Outfit ever have its nametag appear on a base as the primary capturing faction.
    But ever since the patch, I've yet to see a single piece of Auraxium come my way.
    What even contributes to "Participation Score"? Derudan said Healing doesn't do it. I'd imagine resupplying and repairing wouldn't do it either.
    Besides squatting on a point, is it really just kills? How abysmal.
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  15. Turak

    Before latice we had problems with gost capping, because some small squad just go behind frontlines and start a ghost cap. So, the platoon or whoever had to retreat just to retake that base. Now, I can't see any issue with ghost capping, if there is no one at that base and a small squad capture it, because no one came to defend, I don't see the problem of rewarding them with the resources, I mean game mechanically speaking.

    Making outfit armory less inclusive makes its items more rare, and making it more rare makes the game less fun, and less fun means less players logged in.

    And maybe sunderers/deploy spawn points
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  16. NotziMad

    If I were a dev, I might find a problem with this : (this is literally what I used to do).

    I go to empty continent. (sometimes even at prime there is empty continent).

    I pull ESF. Go to enemy base, wait for the first "guarding A point" XP tick (it's like 100 points).

    Then I take my ESF and do the same in another base, and again, and again, and again.

    In less than 20 minutes or so, I've got 5 bases providing me with resources even though I only ever spent like 60 seconds at each one.

    I'm guessing that that would be the problem (not the small sqauds who don't have enemies, that's not their fault)
  17. Turak

    That its not possible because you only get resources if you stay in base's region at the moment the base is captured. And when you leave the base's region you leave the score board, so you can't tag it also.
  18. NotziMad

    Well, I've been doing it since resources were introduced...

    It stopped working last patch (when they introduced 3k point rule, but even then, the base would still tag my outfit even if I wasn't there.

    And now, (since yesterday maybe the day before), I can again do it.

    (when you leave the base's region you do not leave the score board..........)


    Unless you're speaking of outfit wars in desolation, which I never participated in, so I have no idea how that works.
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  19. alienprobe

    I was going to make my own new post about this, but i see it is already here so il just add my own.

    i created a outfit along with the bastion update and have been recruiting pretty decently, and have got 318 members since. Now this 3000 team capture has destroyed my resources, i use to be able to craft a bastion every 3 or 4 days. Now ever since the last update i havent even been able to buy 1 single piece of the bastion. 5 days and i havent even be able to craft 1 single piece.. That is going to take months to craft a bastion.

    I think they created the 3000, rule to stop exploitations of it AKA flying ESF base to base but this new system has crippled new outfits. It is very de-motivating for me to want to continue to grow the outfit, or even think about competing in outfit wars.
  20. Ledess31

    As a solo player I found a solution to take advantage of the excalation update:

    J'ai créé une tenue dont je suis le seul membre. Pour gagner des points en étant seul, je vais au jeu le soir ou **** le soir, et je capture des bases où il n'y a personne. C'est long et ennuyeux car ce n'est pas amusant de capturer sans avoir de résistance, mais ça marche ...

    This update benefits a small elite of the game