Outfit points broken? See this pic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DerMalle, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. DerMalle

    Hi everyone,
    can someone explain to me the huge gap in outfit points between vanu and the other two factions? Is it a bug abuse?
  2. csvfr

    There are no queues during nighttime low population hours, allowing the VS fanbois to zergroll all the bases on all continents.
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  3. TRspy007

    Ghost capping.

    They're larger outfits, with more platoons and players on at all times ready to ghost cap entire continents.
  4. DerMalle

    I don't believe that you get that many points by night activities.
    Maybe this is just the involuntary proof of what we always knew. Vanu is OP and needs nerf ;).

    First one I posted was Cobalt. This now is Miller:

    What are the numbers on other servers? I might be onto something o_O
  5. iller

    It's uniform across ALL servers right now.
    And no, Wrel won't ever fix it because he's a huge Vanu fanboy

    Also we already have a new thread on this topic (VS being ignored to ghost-cap) which is just rehashing FOUR YEARS of the same threads basically ever since ZOE max first became a thing and sh** got really out of control. Recursion was basically the only outfit this doesn't apply to, but ironically enough it's because they can COLLUDE directly with the VS outfits to make whatever they want happen. (...it was rigged from the start just like all Politics are)

    Too Long Didn't Read version is: TR and NC only want to fight eachother because it's "NOT FUN" to fight VS
  6. zelekk

    Cobalt case was. One outift of stacked best shooters from all 3 factions created just for OW to prove a point, versus zergfit created to exploit system by sole numbers inviting every new player that have come with update.

    Stackfit created a lot of tension in vanu faction and at the very end of quali both outfits went ham on geting points. (2 terrible days to play on TR or NC)
  7. LodeTria

    NC & TR: I dun wanna fight VS dey too haaaaard
    VS: It's free real estate.
    Outfitwars: Real estate determines points.
  8. Twin Suns

    TR is VS their just in red. I thought everybody knew that. :)
  9. Gutseen

    Fought against them, rapid fire BR's in a laser line, hard target focus even under concuss nades.
    Deff macros users, maybe hit box exploiters.
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