Lag lag lag lag LAG !!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rooklie, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. Rooklie

    I normally have 40-60ms, since a few days ago's maintenance, my ping is at constant 170+

    I get that can you still play like this, that many players may play with pings much higher than this, but I'm spoilt, I've been playing with pings under 50ms on online games since 2006, and I just can't get used to it..

    (which, on a side note, reminds me of those people complaining about lag hacks, call me a noob, but I really don't see how this gives me any advantage, it's quite the opposite really..)
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  2. Grandizer

    it's terrible even when my ping is 38-50ms. game lags like crazy. it's not you
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  3. TRspy007

    Definitely not you man, it's just the servers have too much population right now, but it should die away soon .
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  4. ican'taim

    Which server are you on? All of the other servers got upgrades except Emerald, which will come on the 25th.
  5. TRspy007

    Really, all servers are doing really bad, I'm not sure the update/"upgrade" did anything to fix that.
  6. Cyllus

    Half the planet is stuck at home watching Netflix. It's not going to get better anytime soon. :p
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  7. Rooklie

  8. Pikachu

    I got 30000 server latency today. Connection good. What is this.