Is it possible to counter the Bastion from the ground?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by andy_m, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. andy_m

    Hi Peeps,

    Bastions are, without a doubt, blooming awesome.

    Is it possible to counter a Bastion from the ground or do you have to hit it from above using aircraft?

    I've tried a number of things from the ground and nothing seems to touch it.
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  2. Scrundle

    Once the two weakspots on the underside are destroyed then no, there's not really anything you can do to a Bastion from the ground. You do see Skyguards following them around like vultures but they're feeding on the ESFs, not the Bastion itself.
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  3. TRspy007

    What, in this game, generally does damage to air? The AP rounds on tanks or the decimator. You can't look straight up, and I'm pretty sure even if you could the rounds would fade away or miss the bastion's weak spots.

    It's just another insanely strong air vehicle, with no counters from the ground.

    You must pull air vehicle to effectively deal with air threats, as usual. The problem is that the bastion constantly hands out free aircraft, so unless you are a god or have a bastion on your side, you'll probably tickle the thing at best before getting shot down by a swarm of esfs, and you'll run out of nanites too quick to pull esfs fast enough to actually do something.
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  4. Johannes Kaiser

    With a tank you can, at least if there is a hill or something to that effect nearby. Park on the incline, aim up. But obviously this only works in one direction. :)
    I'd approve of an increase in tank weapon movement angle.
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  5. TRspy007

    Yeah i was referring to infantry in that statement, since it would be kind of funny if tanks could simply "look straight up". The turret elevation angle though is really ridiculous though, and makes it really simple for a pilot to destroy a tank while avoiding it's sights. It's also fairly easy for the aircraft to adjust even if the tank finds a nice piece of terrain to angle itself. An increase to turret angle of elevation would be welcome.
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  6. RRRIV

    Could probably give the bastion a form of "health" that only AA flak cannons can hurt, and when it reaches zero, the bastion is permanently immobilized, allowing air platoons to deal with it easier or keeping it out of the fight. i dont want AA too powerful because then base AA (read amp stations) combined with AA zergs could render it useless/too weak for its cost.
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  7. Crayv

    I like the Bastion but I am slightly annoyed that once again the counter to an aircraft is MORE AIR.

    As long as you have a cloud of air support with the things it is basically impossible to bring down. However this means that so many aircraft show up to do this they the faction that has one starts to suffer from having most of their force concentrated around it. So it ends up becoming like a mobile version of the old Crown: Whoever holds it starts losing everything else.
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  8. andy_m

    Thanks for your replies Peeps :)

    Pretty much as I thought, then.

    I never fly... No skills in that area at all. So I usually pull a Burster MAX just to farm a few certs from the enemy aircraft that swarm around the Bastion. Usually a base away because once the Bastion concentrates on the base below it you don't last long as a MAX even if you stay in the spawn room.

    I ain't complaining. I have enjoyed watching what the Bastion can do. Although quite a few times now I've found that some of the Peeps that pull one are happy to wander around the map dishing out destruction willy nilly. If, for example, two factions are scrapping for a base, the third faction's Bastion will sometimes be there farming away with gay abandon.
  9. Johannes Kaiser

    Yesterday evening we had a PMB that got attacked by a bastipn. That was amazing. The AI AA turrets brought down at least 6 mossies, everything was exploding ang the skyshields held for 4 minutes of bombardment.
  10. Kaizure

    Mmh... technically you can counter it with ground if you get the right angles, but it's difficult to do and requires a lot of practice / knowledge of the terrain around you. Continents like Amerish and Indar are best for it, and it's doable on Esamir, but on Hossin it's a nightmare because of all the trees in the way.

    Anyway, the Bastion has the bottom two hard points, but it also has four additional hard points on the left and right side of the 'cockpit', which are little squares. I've nailed them a few times with a Saron, but the Bastion is usually flying over me when I'm firing at it, so the shot doesn't stay for long. It's easier when the Bastion is sitting still.

    So the next time you see a Bastion headed your way and you have access to a Saron, Enforcer, or Halberd, use it on a Harasser and use turbo to get up to an elevated position, then go duck hunting. At least if the bastion's lower cannons nail you, you won't have lost something like an MBT's worth of resources.

    With enough people coordinating and performing this action, you could theoretically take out six of its eight hard points. The only ones the air force would really need to deal with are the two nose hard points on the flight deck. And even if you don't manage to take them out and only hit a few shots... hey, every little bit helps; it makes it easier for the fly boys to take them out.
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  11. SarahM

    In before: hostile takeover by galdropping vehicles onto an enemy bastion.
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  12. Johannes Kaiser

    They'd fall off once it moves. Would be a fun stratagem though. :D
  13. SarahM

    Mhh... does anyone know if a sundy can deploy on a stationary bastion?

    I gues it can not, but I'd like to have confirmation.
  14. LodeTria

    Probably, you could do it on galaxys after all.