moving,shooting bots in vr training

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nagibator, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. nagibator

  2. Onical

    that could be nice or allow human players to join teams in the training room to practice.
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  3. AlcyoneSerene

    Yeah, either suggestions above would be excellent, and help warm up on various weapon recoil patterns and bullet velocities.
  4. TRspy007

    id love to see directive weapons available in vr, and also have customizable targets. (A tank with flanker armor, a max with ordnance, etc) just so people can test resist types in vr.
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  5. JibbaJabba

    Never. It's been a request since the game was released.

    I do recommend just getting out into the field where the targets respawn rapidly. Here is my drill when I'm trying to adjust muscle memory to a new mouse setting. Get good at this and it will work just as well on a moving target.

    Spawn a sundy, drive it out to the killing field in VR.
    Get a generic NS-15 with a 1x. (works with the goals below)
    Find 4 targets in a small circle and stand in the middle. There is such a group a bit in front of the Prowler.

    You should be able to do both of the following:
    kill the targets rapidly enough that when you finish the 4th, the 1st should be just respawning.
    Make it around the circle twice (8 targets) in one clip.

    Do this alternating clockwise then counterclockwise.
    Reloading from the Sunderer when empty.
    Finishing the excercise and moving on to Live play when the sunderer despawns.