Why can I not cap? (30 second video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. Zizoubaba

  2. Bragg

    As the info says above the console. Enemy secured
    You have lost links to that facility. Crown seems to be your latice link to that base. Crown is 3 capture point base. So if one of those points is captured, or just turned neutral. Link to that base your are is then secured by enemy.
    And in 3 point capture base loosing 1 point, doesn't trigger capture countdown timer visible on map. Same thing with control point turned to neutral.
    • Up x 3
  3. Zizoubaba

    If you check the bottom left of the screen (just above the minimap, where it says ; A B C), you will see that ;

    A is blue
    B is blue

    (and wait for it !!!=

    C is red! :)

    (edit) btw Crown is 4 point ;) )
  4. Zizoubaba

  5. Bragg

    Sry, my mistake. I never fight in Crown because its super boring. You are correct, Crown is 4 point base.
  6. Zizoubaba

    ok, so, you respond to the tiny off topic point at the bottom of my post but not to the main point of my post? the point that is actually the topic of this thread?

    hey, no worries, it's a free world right? :)