And what about that bug where if someone is repairing your sundy, you can't un-deploy? WAKE UP DBG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Zizoubaba

    I don't even remember when that one appeared, less than, year ago, I think, but it was introduced by you :

    "sad bunch of slackers"
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  2. InexoraVC

    It is a feature. Not bug :)
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  3. OgreMarkX

    The bug you mentioned has been assessed and found unrelated to loot boxes. It will remain as is.

    All hail PS:Lootboxes, the way forward.

    i hAve aLrEaDy aDdrEssEd tHe aSp rEcErT mAnY tImEs. yOU pAyINg cUsTOmeRs aRe jUSt SaLtY.
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  4. InexoraVC

    Stop crying. This is minor bug which doesn't affect gameplay much.
  5. Zizoubaba

    you wrong and your right, and then your wrong again.

    You're wrong to tell me to stop crying.
    You're right to say it's a minor bug which doesn't affect gameplay much.

    But you"re wrong in what you didn't say but clearly emplied, that I should not expose minor bugs and complain about them not getting fixed after such a long time. (do you know how long a time it has been?)

    3 statements, boom boom, boom, and one question.

    If this were an intelligent conversation I might have added arguments and illustrations too :)
  6. FateJH

    Don't be pretentious. MSPaint is too much effort for a conversation of such low caliber.
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