Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. Zizoubaba

    This is starting to happen A LOT and it's REALLY ANNOYING.

    More importantly, if I can't spawn there, it's likely none of my allies can spawn there either.... so WTF?

  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I'm guessing it's a combination of your current death location and the amount of friendly population at the base you want to go to. Sometimes I cheat the system by using Join Combat and it will sometimes override the factors that would normally prevent me from spawning at a base such as that.
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  3. FateJH

    You also can't spawn at Untapped Reservoir, if you notice, though that makes sense.
  4. Zizoubaba

    which is why, I used my "paint" skills to highlight the right part of the screen with 2 BIG ARROWS :)

    EDIT -> I just realised that it isn't obvious, I am TR on this screenshot, and the population of TR is under-pop for that base.
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    This. Since I only see you play VS, naturally I assumed you were referring to VS spawns.

    That aside, I don't know the whole story with the new spawn system since I was away for a few months at the time, though I have found that it feels very over complicated in the way that they attempted to 'fix' the problem.

    I think what they were aiming for is if the player is in an adjacent region that their faction is overpopulated (e.g. 70% and/or more than 12/24 players) then prevent them from spawning. If they're in adjacent region that is underpopulated (e.g. 30% and/or less than 12/24 players) then allow them to spawn. Otherwise, if there is a friendly base under attack and doesn't meet said population criteria, otherwise, disallow them to spawn. Some overrides of this being spawn beacons and spawn tubes within a certain distance.

    However, and while I can't confirm this, it's as if the new system tends to conflict with itself. I know there were changes made to the system since its release, but it just seems so... unpredictable.

    Sometimes, as you've shown, I cannot go to a spawn despite it being under populated and in desperate need of help, but it will quite happily send me to somewhere where my faction is practically zerging 1-12 vs 48-96. I do try and get around it by pressing Join Combat... which sort of works... sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it likes to try and send me to an entirely different continent.

    The whole thing seems clunky. Or maybe I'm just not seeing the difference between the new and old system in terms of zergining behaviour and need to play for yet another million hours.
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