New Gamer Experience

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoriLoco, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Tattoon

    This is not only a new player experiance. its a experiance everyone have. Some accept it, alot of the ppl didnt. Thats why the game is in this really really bad position, pretty much on lifesupport thanks to DBG, If it was Sony still they would had pulled the plug on this piece of garbo. Im a Planetside 1 Beta and PS2 beta player, and this game is so bad, I installed this game again after a 1½ year break. Played for a week now and its just still as bad. No improvements at all to make the game fun. Useless killcams, another stupid thing to make the Prowler more OP. Magrider still ****, Libs still OP as ****. C4 spam is lower now which is an improvement. VS Max still **** since they ****** it up nerfing their ZO to the ground. AA still utter garbage. Air-supperiority fighters still roam freely and farm Infantry kills. With not much risk.
  2. TRspy007

    The devs do try to improve the first player experience, but it's hard without matchmaking. This game is almost 7 years old, many players are hardened veterans that will carve up new players in half a second.

    This first thing to accept in this game is that death is inevitable. Learn to run in and out of cover, zig zagging while you do so. Remember that this is a client side game, meaning whatever the other guy sees on his screen happens. You could be behing cover, but latency and ping could mean that on the persons screen, he killed you before you reached cover, meaning on your screen you reach cover, his hits register and you die. In a sense, try to pop medkits as soon as you see you're taking health damage, because you could be dying faster than you think.

    Now in engagements, try to familiarize yourself with your weapon, as default, you have the most versatile weapon. This means you can engage in any scenario (close, mid, long range) but you will never have the advantage against specialized weapons for that situation. This means the weapon you are given as default is neither overly good, nor overly bad. Learn to choose your engagements, pick distracted targets, single targets, strafe (a and d keys) as you burst fire to remain accurate. As VS, your weapons don't have much recoil, but if it helps aim for the body and let recoil guide you to the head.

    As general rule you want to aim for the head, it has powerful multiplier (2x on most weapons), which is why as a new player you can empty whole clips into people and still die in half a second to 4 shots. Once you master aiming for the head, people will die way faster, as nanoeve armor does not affect headshots.

    Also if you're new, don't even bother going into vehicles. You will be SHREDDED. Vehicles are a huge cert drain, and your vehicle must be maxed out for you to be effective against others. Cert into your infantry abilities first, worry about vehicles later in the game. If you want to play vehicles, you will have to find a squad/friend that can make you their gunner or lend you their maxed vehicles. I'm sorry, that's just how Planetside 2 works.

    I highly recommend you find a friendly outift of veterans to help you learn the ropes, there's also a few channels on youtube that help guide new players.

    Good luck, don't give up.
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