[Suggestion] Reset certs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoriLoco, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. GoriLoco

    What about the possibility to reset certs?

    This should be limited to certs enhancing abilities. The more I play, the more I noticed all certs I have spent in abilities "just to check it out".
  2. DemonicTreerat

    Not to mention certs invested in certain abilities that get changed or plain outright broken.

    And I'm not talking a few hundred certs for thermals. Imagine dumping 2000 certs to get the 20% small reduction from max rank nanoweave on a combat medic then one day you log in and find that the sole reason you spent that many certs is now available on the first rank. Two thousand certs wasted but because the character is over BR15 can't do jack about it. Or consider spending 1500 certs for Mine Carrier 2 plus 3 AV mines then you log in one day and discover that the patch broke AV mines so badly that they no long trigger if a vechile crawls right on top of one and starts dirty dancing on top of it and stay that way for weeks.

    Nor can they say "well we don't have the tech". The full cert recert at BR15 shows that they can do it, and restrict it based on whatever criteria they chose. The only reasons we don't have this now are developers too arrogant to admit that they make lots of mistakes and a management too busy chasing whales spending right now to consider that just maybe smaller but more numerous fish could provide more money for a longer time period if courted right.

    Make it once per account per week if they're so worried about a horde of flavor of the months each day. PS1 had full recerts every 24 hours. For each character on an account. For free. Even when the game went free to play. And it didn't cause any great explosion of "flavor of the month". Certainly no more than the "meta" ever did.

    Something certainly has to give because at this rate Daybreak is going to kill one of its few reasonably successful titles out of neglect.
    • Up x 1
  3. GoriLoco

    Certs should be refilled.

    This can be good!!
    Periodical Cert Resets will also help the new players to try new play styles and motivate them to keep playing. If your are a lvl 25 player and spent 1500 certs in an ability you thought will work nice for you but it doesn´t.... you've lost around 20% of your earned certs. This can be frustrating.

    - Maybe a full cert reset, losing weapons and everything you´ve spent certs on... will also work.
    - Maybe cert resets at certain lvls 15 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 120 (and again in asp levels). Maybe this cert reset can motivate ppl to reach certain lvls. Also adding a free name reset or any other system stuff to levels can help ppl stay in the game. Maybe allowing lvl 100+ gamers to be able to play the new robot class.
  4. DemonicTreerat

    Thing is any certification reset tied to battle rank will stop being useful once the person hits that battle rank, but the need will remain. So no, not going to work. What we need is the same thing Planetside 1 had. The universal option to reset all of our certs after X amount of time has passed from the last time we reset them. Period. No complex "jump through this hoop first", no "well its only one time for this BR", etc. A plain "every X days you can reset all your certs." With that when Wrel or some other ape at Daybreak screws up something horribly (ex. AV mines during NSO, sticky grenades for the NC) players who put certs into what they broke can at least put those certs somewhere that is working.
  5. FateJH

    So, we re-instate an upper limit for certification points earnable? There's no point to a reset, after-all, if you can simply acquire new certification points to replace however many the spent old ones.

    Formally, that limit already exists regardless of whether you're a free-to-player player or a member. It only applies to certification points earned at the moment however and, in other cases, overflow is tolerated. We can easily apply some maximum reset value as well using this logic.
  6. GoriLoco

    I don´t care about frequency, but we should be able to reset certs. The more I play, the more I notice that I messed up my ability certs.
    Some abilities are not as useful as they are described. IE: I added stealth certs beacuse I thought that could make vehiclesinvisible as the sunderer or the flash (quad).
  7. Demigan

    There's a problem with resetting certs: The money plan.

    DBG sells two things. One is things you can't buy with certs, like camo's and other visual things. The other is weapons that you buy for certs. If you are allowed to reset your certs, even if they aren't for the weapons but their attachments and your class upgrades, you essentially take a potential money source from DBG.

    So why would they let you reset a large part of your certs? Or worse, all your certs? I've got 199,437 certs that I would be able to spend on practically anything I wanted.

    The only time you should be able to reset your certs is early in the game. Early in the game you are still learning what is good and what isn't. Allowing newer players to reset some attachments or bad cert-buys so they have more reason to stay once they learn about their mistake will help them stay in the game for longer and be a positive for DBG even if these people don't pay money (non-paying players mean DBG does not require to set up an AI to work in the game). But you need to be careful in how you do this. Communicate that this will stop at a certain BR level, and cut players who play above the curve off from this to prevent veterans using a weapon quickly and then uncerting it once they are done with it to great effect.

    The reset should be used for a single thing. Say a single weapon or suit/vehicle slot, excluding anything that has been used for more than 1 hour of playtime. Since you likely made a mistake in one category you would be able to reset it. Add a limit, say once per half hour of play. For newbies this is a ton of resets allowing them a bit more freedom in what they try out to see how good it is but once they reach that BR level and are considered smart enough to do without a reset they get more incentive to go out and buy weapons and stuff.
  8. GoriLoco

    Well, actually i´ve been playing for 2 months, I am lvl 65, I have all acces and I´ve spent more than $150. I think I can qualify for a cert reset accordingto your point of view.

    At lvl 15 (cert reset) you still haven´t played enough to understand all game mechanics.

    A cert reset will remove a potential money source....hmmm no.

    There are many types of players, basically divided in three (money related):
    - The "I don´t care, I will buy it".
    - The "I don´t care, I won´t spend money, it is a free game".
    - The occasional buyer.

    You can´t change this with a cert reset. Or maybe you can sell cert resets ($25 for example) for the first type of players, that are the ones that are supporting this game.
  9. Demigan

    Entitlement means nothing. I've bought for hundreds of Euro's at the supermarket, does that mean I'm entitled to a free meal or something?

    Yes, that is why I proposed to have a large amount of resets which for a player that jumps on for half an hour at a time would allow about 1 reset per playsession, which for new players should be plenty.

    hmmm what if I didn't mean "take it all"? As in "it reduces a potential source of money if you allow too much certs to be reset at a time"? The goal is to allow the player to reset mistakes so they enjoy the game and player retention is higher, which will ultimately result in a higher revenue of the game. It isn't to allow you to reset your entire arsenal and buy half a dozen weapons that you would normally have had to work a lot harder for to give an incentive for buying a few weapons.

    You can change this with a cert reset. If you were allowed to reset all your certs (at BR 65 that would be upwards of 21.718 certs) you would be able to buy 21 weapons, you would probably buy less weapons say 10 and upgrade them, but since you can ignore all the weapons you've already auraxed (except the ones you liked) that means you suddenly have 10 reasons less to buy a weapon with DBG funds.
    Hey, since you have less reason to buy a weapon with DBG funds, you've just cut a bit of their revenue with little return for that investment on DBG's part! The player retention will be higher but it's unlikely to be high enough to offset the potential lost purchases of weapons with DBG coin stuff thingies.
  10. GoriLoco

    Don´t go out of subject.

    You said if you reset certs you will not spend money. If you have already spent money, you deserve a a reset... according to your logic. This is a free game, don´t go out of subject to a supermarket.

    If you want to reset every hour because you messed with spending certs on a certain ability, maybe you should have the option to do it (if you want a certreset every hour, you should pay ;) ). You should have the choice, not the restriction. Or only a cert reset when you sign up to ASP.

    - We are always talking about ability resets, not total resets, so reseted certs will be much less than your count.
    - It is your choice how to spend certs, you already own them. There are many weapons that can be bought only with money. It is the devs choice what can be bought with certs and what can be bought with money. Since the basic principle of this game is "it is not pay to win", we can take out certs to be spended in weapons after a reset. As iSaid before, you should always have the choice.
    - What I am talking about is about "dead certs". Certs you already earned, but are freezed in a buffed ability or in an ability that no longer work for your playstyle. You already played for that certs, so you should be able to remanage them. Maybe you´ve played the same playstyle since you were lvl 1, but it is not the case for everyone. As I told before, the player should have the option, not the restriction.

    Other solutions:
    - Maybe sell tickets to remove certs from a certain ability.
    - Certs reset cost according to the quantity of certs you will get back. The system should have the price:
    *$1 for every 1.000 certs.
  11. Demigan

    I don't.

    I said that "You essentially take a potential money source from DBG". I did not mean the entire potential money source. And you can now say "ah but I did not read that in those words!" but that would mean that you willfully ignore the meaning just to be "right".

    Also at what point do you deserver a reset according to my logic? I pointed out that just because you've spend money somewhere for a certain service that you do not at any point deserve something that they can supply just because you've been a customer.
    The "out of subject supermarket" is what we call an "analogy", where you use a similar situation to try and explain the situation you are talking about.

    Read about analogies here:

    You are missing the point.
    Giving out cert resets needs to have a purpose. If you just randomly allow people to reset there is nothing really compelling them to buy things the further they get in the game.
    So why would DBG want to create a cert reset? Well to keep more players interested in the game and keep up a revenue. This means that cert resets should be aimed exclusively at errors made by the player. You don't want a player to use a weapon until he's done with it, then resetting the certs for that weapon and buying a new one with the liberated certs and thus bypassing the need to use DBG coins.

    Making people pay for such resets would mean they feel punished, and it would create an economical conundrum:
    • If you make cert refunds cheaper per cert than just buying a weapon it is a useful tool for the player, but it also means there's little reason to buy a weapon with DBG coins normally and the normal way of buying DBG coins to get a weapon is discarded.
    • If you make cert refunds more expensive per cert than just buying a weapon you get punished for using the cert reset system, this would be bad publicity on top of making players feel punished for making a mistake.
    • If you make cert refunds as expensive as buying DBG coins for weapons the players get a choice, sacrifice something they bought that they may or may not want to use so they can buy a weapon or upgrades somewhere else, or straight up buying DBG coins to buy a weapon which doesn't sacrifice something you already own but doesn't allow you to buy upgrades. No matter what, the player still feels punished as he needs to fork over money to fix a mistake.
    In each of these 3 options the player still feels punished for a mistake he wants to set right, a mistake that might have been the UI, or a lagspike we've recently seen that caused him to buy the wrong equipment or something similar.
    But if you make it a free option it has a purpose:
    • Newbies get to experiment more with weapons and upgrades, if they make a mistake they aren't stuck with that mistake.
    • Newbies get to spend their certs more freely rather than saving them up constantly in fear of making the wrong choice spending them. This means they upgrade faster and get more experience in the game faster which means they'll stay longer.
    • Newbies will not feel punished for making mistakes altogether.
    If I have money I own it. When I spend it that money is gone and I get something in return, an item, a service or something else. And just like what I proposed, it is almost always only possible to return it and get your full money back if you do it within a short timeframe.
    And as I said, this will be beneficial for newbies who would be allowed to use it properly without being punished.

    Maybe you play a single playstyle at a time, but I kind of change it up depending on what I'm using? I've auraxed every single cert-buyable weapon on the NC with the exception of the last Tengu that was gifted, and for each weapon I need different loadouts and selections (but not that much different, Nanoweave for example is too useful not to bring with). So don't try and make up some story about me and then say that I'm inferior somehow to get your way. Make an actual argument, and "I earned certs one day and spend it so I should be able to respend it" is not a valid argument.

    Look, once you've reached the BR level where you don't get free resets anymore I'm OK with allowing players to buy the resets, but you have to answer me: How much is that going to cost? As much dollars per cert as you would for a weapon? Seems like the best option, but you still have to bring it in a way that the player does not feel punished for using the system.

    Think about what you post.
    Sell tickets? Ok so a ticket used on my Lightning gun turret ammo capacity would yield me +/-1441 certs in one go, while reserting my Night Vision Optics that I bought to try out would net me 50 certs. That's kind of hard to balance out for players.

    1 Dollar for every 1000 certs? I picked a random gun that cost 399 DBG. Buying 500 DBG costs 500 and would mean a single weapon costs 4 dollars. The 10.000 DBG bulk buy would net you 3,39 dollars for a single weapon. So your system would either be 75% cheaper or 66% cheaper than the current system.
  12. oOHansOo

    I'd go for cert refunds and there is a simple solution, that should satisfy both sides.
    Certs spent on weapons and attachments can't be refunded.
    Certs refunded from abilitys, suitslots and vehicle slots will not go back to the main pool, named the orange certs for now, but in a different pile, like blue certs.
    Blue certs can only be used to buy abilitys, suitslots and the like, but no weapons or the like. Basicly, if you can buy it for Daybreak cash, you can't use blue certs to get it.
    This would allow players to respec their classes or vehicles, without taking revenue away from daybreak.