[Suggestion] To those of you who think subtle hacks are common.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ROMNEYTRON, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. AllRoundGoodGuy

    In some ways I really admire people who take the time to search out an old thread and reply to it. I know if I was looking for something like this I would not search for a thread made 5 years ago.
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  2. Towie

    You haven't played for a while (at least not on your sig character) so maybe you should try it now - for whatever reason, it has been pretty bad the last few weeks.

    I get annoyed as i'm a paying member - and wonder what i'm paying for exactly. There are very few of us left and I fear that the cheats are not going to help matters for the future of this game. That concerns me.

    On a brighter note - last night was noticeably better. Exactly why I don't know. There was an update - and Battleye actually started on my machine - or maybe it was just pot luck, who knows...
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  3. Demigan

    Besides the thread being ages old, it seems almost designed to piss people off.

    For example, "taking a deep breath" is similar to the "wait ten seconds" rule. All you'll be doing in that time is focussing on what happened and be more angry and convinced about it.

    There are also several outfits in particular that we know have been using any trick or loophole in the book to get ahead, and then when it was fixed or the loophole closed they stopped using it. Do you really think that outfits like that would at any moment not have a portion of its members stoop to using subtle hacks and glitches to get ahead?

    Just think of the great and wonderful "daddy" maneuver which his friends naturally all used. He had a macro set up that would make him exit his vehicle, open the vehicle menu, deconstruct the vehicle, open the game menu and log out whenever he was threatened to save his stats and deny his opponent a vehicle and infantry kill. Just for that trick alone the devs had to remove manual vehicle deconstruction and add a system that would make it count as a kill for the opponent if you logged 10 seconds after being hit.
    Naturally at some point a patch broke this system a year or two later, and guess who's outfit somehow knew this and had a macro set up to get out of the vehicle and log out immediately to circumvent deaths?

    The step from abusing glitches like warping into terrain and such to abusing subtle cheats that are hard to catch is tiny. If you believe that people always deserve the benefit of the doubt you are either naive or one of the people who would benefit from getting the benefit of the doubt.
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  4. Demigan

    I think these people might have searched using google and not realised this thread was old. The forum search tool is a terrible way to look for old threads and takes minutes to load anything so I dont think they used that.
  5. Towie

    ARGHHHH - thankyou for pointing that out ! Got me too....

    I was questioning why he has played so rarely recently (once this year) - and tempted to question how his k/d for his last 25 sessions have been so poor compared to his headline stats https://voidwell.com/ps2/player/5428011263433987409/sessions

    Makes you wonder what he was using before ;)

    Or maybe the subtle hackers got him after all !
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  6. iller

    I wouldn't call certain people in their Outfit "Recursion" players. I would call them Future Crew & HIVE transients who were frequently called out in /Yell for VPN'ing exploits and lag wizarding which isn't technically hacks but it's also definitely not 100% "Skill" either

    Only adding this into a necro'd thread because I will not accept Historical Revisionism. I was there for every "season" that their players were being accused in. Any thread that tried to excuse every last one of them was propaganda and should be looked at carefully with the same Skepticism one looks at Barry Bonds' baseball record with
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  7. frankFrank

    Yup...decent people should not be afraid of questions asked, I think... And, if someone is afraid of truth, that would not be nice. There are lot of cheats around this game. Maybe worst are not really playing, but, more likely, selling? :D
  8. frankFrank

    Some faulty logic you got there, I would say :) If large scale abuse happens, it is not for peoples own benefit to just go along with it. Nope.
  9. AllRoundGoodGuy

    I don't mind people necroposting, it gives me a good excuse to post a necropost meme.
  10. DemonicTreerat

    Oh look. A Recursion trying to deflect suspicion away from cheating. Now we have proof of just how long they've been a bunch of cheating little ****ters.
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  11. niceone011

    Well, yes, there seems to be whole lot of cheating going on, and, astonishing amount of denial. If it is truth that game developers them self sell hack, and those who buy try to protect corrupt system, it is beyond sad. https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/duplicates/b98411/developer_drew_is_giving_hacks_to_his_friends/ I can not claim I know exactly what is the case, but I hope truth will come out with time, whatever it is.
  12. niceone011

    Oh, how sweet of you for preaching acceptance :) ... Would you not be offended somehow, if I ask, are you by any chance, a shill? :D
  13. Inogine

    I had to double take when I saw 2014. Then I upvoted anyway.
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  14. pnkdth

    lol, same XD