still along way to go dev,s

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x360pc, May 15, 2019.

  1. x360pc

    Great new updates,now go the last step and lock each faction to a 33% limit per map.You say you don,t want people to wait to join there preferred faction.what about the players that leave because there faction is over run on sheer numbers..This game doesnt grow for this very reason. At least trial run it for a day or two
  2. Demigan

    Think about what you post.

    With a hard 33% limit no one would ever be able to join. "Hey an empty continent! Whoops if I join my faction will have 100% of the population, sorry!". Ofcourse you could do it with a system that says "if 1 player of each faction tries to join, they join". But that would take a lot of time and would mean lots of players would simply be stuck in an eternal Koltyr hell until they log out or enough players leave.

    Which is another thing, what if players leave? While most players believe that unbalanced pops happen because of 4rth factioners joining whoever is winning, the population numbers mostly show players leaving a faction and not returning in another faction. Unbalanced pops happen because people leave, not because they join the winning team. So now several people leave, are you going to kick the same amount of players from the other teams?

    The real solution, as I've stated many times already, isn't to try and balance the population but to make if fun being outpopped. Not with carrots like XP boosts that only encourage players to play something they actually don't enjoy that much, but with mechanics that make it more enjoyable to play as outpopped faction. Better spawn rules for being outpopped, easier access to force multipliers like vehicles (like reduced resource costs and the ability to spawn vehicles out in the field), better ways to travel around the map and get into an advantageous position to compensate for lack of players etc.
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  3. Pondera

    Nah, it's cool. Sometimes it's fun to be overpopped. When I see that, I get a couple of my discord pals together and take out a few magriders. Depending on what the enemy zerg is rocking, we wreck them with PPAs and Aphelions and just FARM.

    Thing about enemy zergs is that they tend to blow up whatever is directly in their way and ONLY what is directly in their way. It's pretty easy to make a few vannies take the bait of what looks to be a lone magrider, and then have 4 of them pounce and tear him apart. Repeat until we're rich and the enemy is out of nanites.
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  4. x360pc

    im sure each map has a maximum limit on a total amount of players,divide by 3. (33%),did i really need to write this demigan.i think its obvious at 33%.
  5. PorkSocks

    It's fine. If they hard cap it, you'll end up with scenarios where 100 people want to play, but only 10 of them are, say, TR. Because of that, only 10 VS and 10 NC can play and 70 people are locked out of the game because TR numbers are low.