Happy with the update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneShadowWarrior, May 14, 2019.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    Although I know you folks at Daybreak still have a long road before DX11 can be the welcome update for the game. I am happy with the server and bug fixes update for 5/14/19.

    I know in time the game well be buttery smooth, stable and optimized. I am excited with the future of what you will do with the robots once they have their own set of weapons, vehicles, max suit, armor, helmets and you've created a 4th empire when they find their own place, people will fork out the funds to develop. I know I would if they had more than a skin.

    Exciting times to see the breath of life coming back to Planetside. I know the work is long and the rewards few, but I salute you for your efforts, eventhough I get frustrated at times with some of the updates.

    • Up x 1
  2. Liewec123

    the game will run buttery smooth thanks to DX11,
    you just won't be able to spawn anywhere that you want or need.
    • Up x 3
  3. typnct

    all fixed not(as far as im concerned)
  4. IcEzEbRa

  5. Clipped!

    Same here except that smoke causes massive fps drops, and that various NC and TR AV MAX weaponry cause lots of stuttering because of how many times they produce smoke in a short period of time. And yes, daybreak needs to fix the spawn system yet again.
  6. OneShadowWarrior

    Yes I see they have lots of work with game bugs from animations, particles, graphical concerns and a host of things that have merged with DX11.

    All of us have seen the server latency issues.

    It appears they are trying to get things stabilized, sanity will be restored, it’s exciting to see what they can do as time progresses. Maybe we’ll get more graphical options down the road, such as DX12 shader, anti aliasing choices, new rendering ranges, high definition options, the list is limitless.