Major update today

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icufos, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. DarkStarAnubis

    The new spawn system is offering tens of spawn locations all over the map where absolutely nothing happens whereas the only places where good fights take place are out of bounds...
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  2. sIcGER

    Stopped working for me yesterday ...
  3. DarkStarAnubis

  4. Liewec123

    and thats for starters, they plan on adding "wave spawn" too, so if like me, you enjoy playing risky on the front line,
    enjoy staring at a death screen for the majority of your playtime!
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  5. DarkStarAnubis

    My FPS are capped and I can't see any drop however from time to time I get micro-stutters. I am running an high-end system (Windows 10 on SSD, i7 @ 4,3 GHz // GeForce RTX 2070)
  6. Technologist

    Without Recursion. The game is isn't near as much fun to play. Infils stand out like sore thumbs now. So many new bugs I'll probably take a week or more off.
  7. tommyrocket

    Following up on my previous post, I tried resetting the UserOptions.ini file. Didn't really help. I went and turned resolution scale down to ~83%, at 1920x1080. Everything else is literally on Low. Before, some settings were maxed. Ultra textures now seem to offer no performance increase, but rather a massive decrease. Many things have been GPU shifted, which is great for people who have better graphics cards, but for those of us with decent CPUs but only half-decent GPUs in comparison are getting the short end of the stick.

    Of course, there's the possibility that what we've run into is simply an isolated issue based on certain types of hardware architectures, drivers, etc. I'm running an April 2019 NVidia driver right now, so I'm not sure if it's problematic or not.

    I'm also seeing the sporadic framerate spikes towards around 180-ish according to the in-game FPS counter, though the framerate never actually reaches that level. Ultra settings at 30 ~ 50 FPS showed the same spikes, where Low @ 80 ~ 150 does as well, so it's quite strange. Warpgate seems to be very bad performance-wise at the moment. Looking up at the sky on low or even ultra can yield exactly or close to over 200 FPS, but looking sea-level or inside the buildings will yield maybe 70~ish FPS on all Low settings. Used to be 120+ in these situations without much issue, though battles would always creep into the 50s fps-wise no matter the settings even before the patch. Worse now, obviously.

    Anywho, I'll keep testing different things later on to see what improves framerate and what doesn't. If someone else who has stellar performance from this patch could post some details about their system, configs, etc., that would be helpful as well.
  8. DarkStarAnubis

    Change Banner does not work for NS operatives. Nothing is displayed.
  9. iStalk

    I couldn't create a NS char but eventually I did, without even doing anything? I think the next button doesn't render sometimes idk
  10. DarkStarAnubis

    NS characters are not entitled to the 48 certs bonus every 24 hours? Nothing is happening on my character...
  11. Skraggz

    This. This has been devastating to my gameplay so far. There was a base under attack one hex over with 66% enemy and 33% friendly when I tried to spawn there I ended up starting at the screen as I mindlessly clicked spawn or on the circle mode itself. Got no feedback from the game why it declined to let me join that fight that needed help. Spawn system is not fun atm, most bases that it allows me to spawn at are 3 bases away from fights... heck I even tried to do a quick redeploy from warp in an esf and the game said there are to many friendlies in the zone..... really? You don't say.....