We are about to go below 1,000 avg players.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lukenukeum, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. lukenukeum

    According to steam charts, player numbers have been steadily dropping and are on track to go below less than an average of 1k people playing at any one time. https://steamcharts.com/app/218230 from the looks of previous years the months following april usually see a player count decrease with a slight rebound in the summer.

    What went wrong? is DBG doing that bad or are there just that many other options out there in the gaming world? As far as MMOFPS' go, there is little alternative.

    Planetsides mmofps is a unique experience that many players crave however something in sorely lacking in ps2, namely the gameplay mechanics but also performance, graphics, and ofc lack of playerbase in a game which core essence depends upon.

    I had a lot of fun back in 2013 when the game firs came out despite the bugs and performance issues. The large battles, coordinated player events, gungho sort of enthusiasm amongst playerbase coupled with faction loyalty made for a great playerbase.

    The game would still be fun after all these years (despite the onslaught of less than satisfactory changes in many cases) if there were simply more players on, and they weren't the toxic run of the mill lone wolf one shot kdr kids from CoD.
  2. Skraggz

    Doesn't that track just steam users? I do not use steam to play as I am not a fan of its sluggish ui and updates and restarting, ugh. Back on topic, I am pretty sure it doesn't track people from dbg launcher.

    Also from your own link it says 1950 playing 20 minutes ago.... 1950>1000

    Edit again.... oh I see average, which is 1200ish
  3. lukenukeum

    Yes at 1200 but its been dropping every month for years so its going below 1k.

    a lot of people launch from steam and its a good representation of the playerbase. if steam avg player count is steadily dropping the same is true for those that use dbg launcher.

    we should do a poll of how many use steam vs dbg launcher.
  4. Yessme

    Last 30 days only 1.582 players online @ all Server.


    the problem has always been the developer team.
    Of course, a small band of players is satisfied with the developers.
    but a great part just not and this has always been ignored.
    best example was the hooverframe nerv.
    the majority of the community was against in the official thread, but the update came anyway.
    After that, the population dropped drastically.
    After every nerve in recent years, there is always a drop in the number of players visible.
    frontnite, for example, has nothing to do with planetside 2.
    the ideology-claw of others does not exactly convince.
    Now let's be honest, planetside 2 is available worldwide.
    1500 players worldwide only play ps2.
    a game that is unique in its form.
    Now a very serious question.
    After the whole Battelroyal and war games hype, does a game like ps2 manage to keep only 1500 players?
    what I have to remember is that after every big update, the population is higher than before the update.
    what does that mean?
    actually means the ps2 has a larger racetrack, as are currently players on the map.
    The fact that you do not get these mobilized is not due to the game, but is a developer thing.
    no matter how it is, it's definitely over with ps2 and that was not due to the game.

    Of course, developers have had a great idea to develop psa, unfortunately, only one has forgotten to tell those that the BR hype is over and the market is saturated. Also, all major developers have announced updates for the beginning of 2019.
    what are our developers doing by ps2?
    Of course, they announce psa at exactly this time, LOL
    It is clear that the psa now have to move until summer or fall, otherwise psa is the absolute purest.

    Now you can think about what it was XD
  5. Skraggz

    While I don't advocate the dev's ignoring the game and letting it go to the wayside and would (much like you I assume) rather it bolster a healthy population, the game is several years old. It is natural for a title to run a course like this. The title didn't have the groundbreaking launch that others have had, while having POOR advertising or little to none to be exact. So the beginning following wasn't strong and here we are 5+ years later and it still has 1 continent open with several decent fights to pick from.

    I am just holding on to hope that Dx11 brings some back and in. While it would be enough to make me happy and most that play often I question.... Is it really enough to give it a push in the right direction?

    Just food for thought, wouldn't exactly blame it on the devs or their ideology, 5+ years on a online title is actually (subjectively) good.
  6. Pikachu

    Developers have said several times that most PS2 players don't play through steam. Meaning the playerbase is >2x what the steam chart says.
  7. PoopDatGame OUT!

    game just old news now.Other games provide that feeling they actually won doing something instead of what this game is made of..rinse and repeat to point a to point b..bout it.Long walks ...boring place
  8. strikearrow

    The game is about dead. Give it a year and it'll just be another scrub game played by 50 people on primetime.
  9. Pacster3

    The same thing can be said about World of Warcraft. And has been said already like 10 years ago...usually by players that do not even actually play the game anymore(or spend very little time playing it).

    Or in other words: Your doomsayer negativity neither helps nor is appriciated. Go play a different game if you find one that you like better.
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  10. lukenukeum

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  11. strikearrow

    Doom? lol melodramatic there mate. Truth does hurt I guess and some people do call it doom. Well get used to it.
  12. Skraggz

    It's a natural course, a game cannot be played indefinitely... Well I mean it could, but I am sure other titles in the future would stop that.
  13. Exileant

    :eek: There have been a few vastly anticipated titles that have dropped recently, Anthem in particular, so yes you are going to see a drop in active players. It will be fine though. D.C. Universe has survived because they realize something many other games fail to. o_O Once, the novelty of the newer games wears off, people will return to what they love. I always do. ;) Everything will be fine, so long as they remember that and do not go the route of the dummies at C.C.P. Dust514 or P.S.N.s Home by shutting down the game.... because dwindling numbers. :confused: All they had to do is spend a few bucks advertising, in fact at the end there was a massive swell of players and protesters at both games closing. o_O So much so for Dust514 for a time they entertained us with the possibility of turning it back on for only matchmaking, excluding the market and anything over basic maintenance, to keep the game in operation. (We happily would have accepted those terms because of the sheer amount of time spent gathering money Skill Points and Blueprints....) :confused: And with so many people logging into P.S.N. Home on it's final week we all questioned the sanity of the staff for closing it down....
  14. JobiWan

    There were 1955 players on the PTS playtest last Friday. This is hopeful IMO.
  15. Yessme

    no not hopeful, exactly this what i mean.

    If you look at the 1955 online pts and only 1540 players in the whole month on the live servers, you can only be sad
    a difference of 400 players is almost 1/3 of the current status and these are only those who are still following ps2.
    But there are certainly a few more.
  16. Scrundle

    Lets be honest, the only reason those players were on the PTS was for the NSX Raijin.
  17. Jingstealer

    * Lack of content:
    - PS1 had many more continents, caves
    - More stimulating game mechanics.
    - Many more things to do even for a smaller squad
    * ****** lattice system
    - While lattice was an important part of PS1, it wasn't as boring for the most part. Zerg fights are boring in the long run.
    - Hexagon system would give rise to smaller fights and more mobile combat
    * Lack of stuff to do
    - Base construction mechanics seem detached, they do not work well with the rest of the game
    - Nothing of consequence to do for smaller squads (remember generator holds in PS1?)
    * Balance issues
    - Cloakers are the cancer of the game right now, they are way OP
    - Heavy Assault nerfed too much
    - LA way OP and really an idiotic class in the first place
    - Balance between empires out of whack. VS > NC > TR. TR game mechanics are broken with server lag.
    * Did I mention lack of content?
  18. Jingstealer

    I would have been happy if they kept the game mechanics and overall continents and structure of PS1 and given it a gfx overhaul. Perhaps add some new guns and the new cert system isn't all bad. But at the core the entertainment level of PS2 is way below PS1. Too much zerg. It gets boring fast.
  19. Caydn

    Play on soltech it aint dead there
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  20. lukenukeum

    just because you have a few weekend zergs doesn't mean its "populated" ok.