First Time I've Seen Someone Obviously Cheating

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by silent wave, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. silent wave

    This guy was warping around in midair like he had some kind of noclip or fly and speed hack modification. And he did it in front of like 20 of us Vanu players. He was a very low BR player, playing as engineer. It's the first time in PS2 I've seen this; I've been playing for 5 months. Sad. Has this kind of thing happened a lot in the past, before the BattleEye service started being used?

  2. Towie

    Cheating in PS2 is an interesting story.

    At first the hacks were very crude - you could do things like teleport to a player, instant kill, fly - all sorts of rubbish that was very easy to spot.

    The hacks progressed so as not to be so totally obvious and gained an amazing level of sophistication, like adjustable aimbots, most dangerous target identification (sophisticated ESP), flying aimbots.

    When Battleye was first introduced it made an absolutely ENORMOUS difference. My own k/d increased significantly, it's amazing what a level playing field can achieve.

    There were options left by modifying the asset files (changing things like head-hitbox, ESP) - and people most definitely did that and still do to this day, but DBG have introduced various checks to catch them. It's a cat and mouse chase that never ends. When caught it tends to be a 'delete' ban now which is good.

    Things since then haven't been so rosy. Last year in particular saw an increasing number of 'suspicious' folk using things that felt a lot like the pre-Battleye aimbots. So they've either written their own, paid for one (if Battleye doesn't 'know' the cheat then it won't detect it) or found a way to bypass Battleye.

    As to the guy you've found - sadly this is most definitely a cheat using what looks to be an old-style hack.
    Good news is he will be deleted soon (if not already). Bad news is that he was just stupid - just how many people are still playing today who are not so stupid and only use their little helper when needed ? I'd suggest - more than you think.
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  3. Beerbeerbeer

    Hacking is a lot more rampant than people realize. Also, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that guy won’t be banned or deleted soon, because the devs rarely monitor for this no matter how much you report; that report feature is nothing more than a glorified placebo.

    It needs to get worse. It needs to endanger this game and their livelihood before those fat ****s will lift a finger to do anything. And even then, the collective brain power of the dev team falls below an average fifth grade class considering their past success at squashing this. Ineptitude is a defining characteristic of DBG.
  4. WinterAero

    Tbh I don't think it could get much worse and endanger the game. But for clarification; I've been playing some APEX with people I played the game with many years ago. I guess it was the days of Wrel hitting his peak video making, drath and Matti still plagued the grounds and skies with their funny troll builds. The game was more popular, to say the least.

    There were people we played with then of course, who had that 'get gud' attitude towards people. Hell some people are just cocky like that and a decent level of skill 'can' create false positives. Especially amongst newbies. So it was overlooked in the crowd.

    But whats interesting is that as time moved on; we crossed some of these people in new titles. DAMN are they garbage. Like trash tier - can't hit a barn door whilst stood in front of it bad.

    Compare that with other dry adopters of these games. People like Nico101. He's no superman in games - but what you do notice is that his general fps experience has been transitory. He's not bad and still has a grasp of the basic fundamentals because of it. Even in a totally new environment.

    It's apparent because of the slight loss of ability (due to the new game) but his continued standard of play around it - that he very likely does play his games legitimately. It's something likely expected from him. Along with his compatriot Daddy.

    The same thing happened in overwatch. And in that game, having recognised certain 'names' from here - it was hilarious to walk into starter/pre-match area and see them even discussing the cheats of ps2 now they no longer care. So yes, they lied. For all the years playing this game; they had tweaked it. To give them a 40-50% upper hand in every one-on-one duel. Unsurprising to see the same sort of outfit tags floating around. And they seemed very amused that people had thought them legit, even friended them on the basis of their ability - when one guy laughingly said 'I had a k/d of 1.2 - before I used a website and did the hitboxes - then I was at 5+'.

    Extreme cheaters (flying maxes etc) piss people off no end. But they aren't as damaging as they appear. Drawing attention to your activities is moronic. As one person recently said on the cheat sites about people sharing the method of getting around the hitbox file encryption. 'Don't reveal the working cheats ffs!'

    What you have to look for (almost impossible) are people who inject ESP/Radar tools, removal of recoil and use loose body/skeleton lock. They are doing it subtly. You'll never get them without proof. But there is GOOD reason you sometimes NEVER get the drop on a certain person. To repeat myself yet again - it ain't because they are clairvoyant son.

    So lets get real. The games population is gone. In aggregate this means your chances of crossing a long term subtle hacker is far greater. Just forget the K/D and play for the fun bits in between until the doors close. Stressing about cheats in a f2p game; it's a little like complaining the weather is hot in the desert. Totally true - but futile without more effort than anyone is willing to invest.
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  5. silent wave

    Someone just deployed an NC sunderer inside the building at The Scarfield Reliquary. That's impossible without a collision cheat. That's two days in a row I've seen obvious cheating. *sigh* And I can't report it because I don't know who on the NC deployed the sundy inside a building with only infantry-sized doors.

    It was back in this corner under purple smoke. I was having a hard time finding their sundy, so I ran inside towards the point and I turned right and I'm like.. WTF?! and ran back out and tried to figure out how they could have gotten a sunderer through a doorway through which not even a harasser can pass -- and the only vehicle terminal, which they never hacked, puts vehicles on the opposite side of the base.


    On the other side of this wall:


    Clearly there is no way this could have happened without cheating...



    I find it fascinating and quite agitating to see that players are cheating. The two times I've seen the cheating now is towards the end of the continent lock alert when the cheater's faction is about to lose. I'm glad to hear that Battle Eye helped, and I think the game is still fun and frustrating regardless of any cheating.

    It's hard to tell sometimes whether someone is just massively benefiting from lag, or if my point-blank headshots and their subsequent double kill, or their turning to me and shooting me four times after I've killed them, is some kind of cheat.
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  6. Sazukata

    Now I could be wrong here, but I believe that sundy placement is possible if you use some of the rocks in the second to last pic as a ramp to make it in the base and subsequently through the big frontal opening to the hangar building.
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  7. TheProScout

    There are some methods where u can use an Hardlight Barrier to create a ramp so u can land on those bigger orange containers, and if u bounce correctly u can fall over the walls.

    wich can be useful if u want a double Kobalt Battle Bus inside the walls.
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  8. IcEzEbRa

    I was with you last nite, and even though I've played for years, this is only 1 of 2 times I've ever seen anybody do stuff like this. He was obviously not trying to hide it, just flaunt it, and I bet won't see him again. I know some people get glitched and "take advantage" of it on occasion, but this guy wasn't trying to get away with anything other than "Look at Me...I'm a dick"
  9. silent wave

    That's a cool trick, I'll have to try that next time I'm on Amerish. :eek: I did see the sundy go around that side earlier, then vanish -- and there was another sundy too outside which I destroyed with a lightning.

    The technique you mentioned sounds fun.
  10. JibbaJabba

    I'm afraid I can't quite spot what you're talking about with the sundy but I'll say this... Those harassers CAN fit through doors. Look carefully at the shapes. They just have to be sideways. :p

    As long as players come up with some clever way of getting it sideways and through there it's considered "emergenty gameplay" and not cheating. If they leverage network tricks to foil collision then yes it's cheating.

    Also regarding the jumping around and flying through air observation:
    The key is whether it appears they can control it. Typically those moving through the air can.

    If they jump and skip about on the ground, It's possible they're having network (often NAT related) issues. Other players don't know this and will report them. Eventually they'll get ahold of tech support and get sorted...It's a miserable play experience for them, not just the people fighting them.
  11. silent wave

    I was able to bring a sundy indoors there thanks to your suggestion.




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  12. Eternaloptimist

    An NC walked through a TR spawroom shield and knifed me two days ago. First obvious cheat I've noticed since the infamous Max who could kill shooting through spawnroom shields two or three years ago.

    One incident doesn't make a trend but I wonder if a new generation of players are stupid about BE, are trying out new cheats to test BE, or just don't care. Is it time blatant cheaters suffered a ban based on their IP address so they can't just open another account?
  13. Towie may be right - the name of the mid-air cheater is known to be an alias for someone who reverse engineers Battleye to post what it looks for.

    IP and HWID ban can both be bypassed too.

    Maybe this is the ultimate destination for most F2P games ?
  14. Trigga

  15. CowboyBob

    Check youtube, there are videos people snap of warpers out there. Some are so blatant it is incredible.