Will the flash remain dead forever??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriggeredFeminyst, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. TriggeredFeminyst

    So, the flash was nerfed into oblivion.
    The combat wraith play style was outlawed, it seems by the way they nerfed the cloak...

    I come here to ask, is there any chance of fixing it up or even getting a revision to the flash as the problems which apparently lead to this nerf have not been solved at all (people still instakill with other methods) while our unique and fun play style was terminated for no reason at all?

    I have not seen anyone talking about it until recently on reddit, so I wanna bring the discussion here too.
  2. Zizoubaba

    Personally, I only use the flash for transport, so the 4 or 5 seconds delay for wraith cloak that was introduced recently that occurs if you cloak and uncloak is fine with me.

    Especially as :

    Flashs could abuse the no cool-down, no delay cloaking to nuke sundies from far away and dissapear during reloading, which would very often make it literally impossible for the sundy (or arguably most other vehicles) to defend against this.
  3. TriggeredFeminyst

    The cool down could remain if revised and diminished a little but the way the drainage happens every time you hit the cloak button is just too much. It drains about 25% of your pool in a single action, basically.
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  4. AlcyoneSerene

    Had just started putting some certs into a flash to play with a friend, but as the excessive nerf hit at the same time, doesn't seem like there's a point so shelved that play style.

    It was hard enough not to get one-shot or chased by almost everything, but now it's so punishing any other play style is more rewarding and less risky.

    There were anti-armor flash weapons for the longest time prior, if Starfall was the problem as people said over and over then adjust the weapon not the entire vehicle.

    In all the times I've played tank, only rarely did a flash or group of flashes uncloak and flank, but I recall more often taking out cloaked or uncloaked flashes, or just shooting them as infantry.
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  5. Liewec123

    Tis sad, i've been having more success as a passive XP junky Medic flash than with my old love the wraith,
    And I totally agree that the unwarranted and excessive nerfs
    have done NOTHING to solve people's issues with 2 person flashes nuking vehicles with decimator,
    it has however totally destroyed solo wraith
    (which was never capable of soloing any vehicle driven by someone who has ever played an FPS before.)

    So yeah, since DBG/Wrel have killed wraith flash for no reason, I'd recommend that people try triage,scout medic flash,
    Tons of certs!
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  6. Vanguard540

    I'm trying to aurax it, unless you have max rank it's too hard to be fun. With max rank and practice you can have fun. But one mistake and it's over.
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  7. TriggeredFeminyst

    This is so true what you guys have said. I just know I should have no hope at all but idk perhaps if more people started talking about it at least the old good flash wouldn't fall into oblivion...

    And yes, I tried hard playing with it today and I can affirm its gone in any way, shape or form its basically there just as a painful reminder. What pains me even more is that this was such a lazy nerf and solved anything...

    One less fun playstyle and the game is lackluster to me now as my favorite thing is gone.
  8. NMdamien

  9. adamts01

    This. 2/2 Flashes after the nerf are just as capable at taking out a tank every run, just not as survivable. No biggie, as Flashes are essentially free, and no one who Flashes cares about their K/D.
  10. Armcross

    Cloak + shotun = Over Power
  11. CptLegshot

    A single shot is all it takes. Cloak flashes were not a threat to vehicles unless already damaged and outnumbered. Bad players are an exception though.
    Just snipe the driver if your sundy is under attack.
  12. NMdamien

    At 16:00

    Cyrious Gaming on youtube:

    Is it still worth getting planetside 2 in 2019 ?

  13. Crayv

    Been away from the game for a while: I see the "Lazy Flash" is still around yet the 2 man Anti-Tank Vehicle has been nerfed.... sigh it was so much fun.

  14. Kerros


    My infinite AOE heal, 150% shielded planetman, infinite 100 meter infantry radar, kobalt/shotgun spewing flash that can be bought for 50 nanites would like a word.