[Suggestion] To: The Develoopers (Construction Buildings and such)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Destroyer0370, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Destroyer0370

    1. Please can you make it that the construction can overlap each other, build in each other a bit. So as long as part of each is exposed for enemies to damage and therefore take out. i.e Building modules in a pillbox that usually serves for others and I, a spawn area/barracks housing the the spawn tube, but the outer buiding/pillbox got blown up, we have to deconstruct the modules+spawn tubes to put it right back in the same spot again unfortunately, and waste our time. Therefore just make it that we can place back the pillbox over those things when setting the pillbox down, as long those thing are exposed at least a bit to enemies so they can take them out if they come upon them.

    2. The construction buildings under repair module+Skyshield cannot hold up to 2 liberators at least, concentrating firing on them. A tactic I see, is they just overwhelm the skyshield from high above, where the anti air turrets cannot get to them, and then take out the silo. The result is end of base and even more so, because you went and put in the decay mechanic on sturcutures if no cortium available. NOte: A new tactic I see relating to this is them/enemies spawning huge amount of liberators such as 10 or so (sometimes accompanied by repair galaxies+ fighters) and rain down damage up high out of range of rockets, denying each area of the map they go. Note..a solution, as mentioned in the past, is just allow some things to be more effective, or only effective against construction like the ant, and you did it. Perhaps, make a weapon for liberators etc. for planes to more effectively against construction, skyshield included, and the weapon can still harm other stuff but are less effective against vehicle+infantry though.

    3. Construction spawn tube is very easy to take out by enemies even when under repair module influence+ It does not give enough time to spawn back so we can fight any enemies around, becaus the spawn timer is extremly slow. Once a person die there the enemy hase enough time to take out the spawn tube, without us gettting to spawn back in the area. End of base for sure...unless we deployed a sunder close by in the constructed base and then might have a chance to fight back them.

    4. Still no indication when placing down infantry Pillbox/guard tower, to show a red box at the entry points that they are blocked, such as on a rock making infantry cannot get inside.

    5.Furthermore, still no capability to deconstruct building that is being constructed, since a person realizes it is not placed right. We have to wait until it is constructed then go and use the tool on it at a certain point. Note... We should be able to use the tool on that point and/or Press Control on the keyboard +use the construction tool on any part of the constructed building/building in construction to deconstruct.

    Just a rant, kinda ignore! Ground Anti air in the game sucks, it really does, has always sucked in this game relative to what air can come up and take out quickly a target and move off with their almost 180 degree freedom of movement as they are air.
    • Up x 1
  2. Armcross

    1. I prefer clipping
    2. Maybe, but I prefer more and stronger anti-air
    3. Hide your spawntube well. It is not suppost to be a bunker.
    4. I have no problem with it. Just do a test, if it's block redo it.
    5. I 2ish that too.
  3. Zagareth

    Try to build a Sunderer Garage, place a fully certed remote repair sunderer in there and place all important things close to it. Helps a lot, but isnt the overall solution...

    Also get a vehicle spawn up, so you can quickly spawn a skyguard - still, w/o a proper amount of people defending the base, it wont help at all. But against single or double teamed bombers it will help
  4. strikearrow

    1-5. If they have slightly more people attacking than you have defending, then they win as it should be. You might be able to negate a 2-3% percent advantage with your defenses, but not much more as it should be in this particular game. If you have 6 people defending and 2 libs. attack, then 6 skyguards or 6 ESFs will stop them cold.
  5. Talthos

    I support the slight overlap of structures like walls and pillboxes, as long as any modules contained within are still exposed and able to be damaged by attackers who get within range (whether on foot or otherwise). It would also make infantry-proof wall seals (except against Light Assaults, of course) so much easier to do.

    And being able to deconstruct a building you accidentally misplaced before its construction finishes? Yes please. Too many times I've had to wait for a misplaced wall to finish, while hoping that a wandering enemy squad doesn't find me before I fix the placement...