Bought 40 ISO-4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hs0003, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. hs0003

    Got screwed, no exceptionals.
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  2. Armcross

    Try reupload the .jpg
  3. ConcernedPlanetsider

    Ahh dude, that really sucks, I have probably bout about the same now, I have however had 5-6 exceptional implants now, but the drop rates are totally whacked out, what's that like £50?
  4. Vanguard540

    I spent 500 iso *10, 750 certs *15 Nothing here too.
  5. hs0003

    10k daybreak cash on ISO-4's. I know it wasn't the smartest way to spend them, but perma implants were new from when I played the game ages ago and I wanted to see if I could get any of the interesting ones.

    Before I spent real cash on them, I got 2 of those AoE push in MAX implants, but it isn't interesting/fun/good so that was a downer.
  6. Towie

    When it was last tested in 2018, an ISO-4 Recycler would drop an exceptional roughly 10% of the time so you were either incredibly unlucky or they've changed the chances.

    I've got most - some are very situational, others suit very specific play styles and some are a liability (i'm thinking of you Minor Cloak - others seem to like it though).

    However I don't have Logistics Specialist which I think would suit my squad play very well. I too have ploughed a fair bit of DBC into those goddam recyclers and still don't have it - very frustrating (but i'm a member and with nothing else I want to buy, i've got to spend it on something now haven't I)...
  7. hs0003

    It just felt bad to toss 85€ into trying to get something that could spice up my game a bit and pull the short straw 40 times in a row. (Got a few more using recycled stuff, but still nothing spicy)
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  8. Sazukata

    It blows my mind that there are people who spend actual real cash money dollars on a chance of getting the virtual thing they want. Lootboxes and equivalent gambling mechanisms (in this case implants) serve no purpose but to squeeze more money out of the unlucky at the expense of nearly everyone's game experience.

    It's a shame that it works.
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  9. hs0003

    Yes, well someone has to keep the lights on. And I used to play PS2 a lot (not level 100 a lot, but still), so I figured I'd toss a bit more cash their way. It just annoyed me that I lost +40 roughly 10% chances.
  10. BigG

    Got what you deserve buying lootboxes. Shame on your for supporting such anti consumer practices. You are part of the reason they won't go away. The sad thing is many people must be trying to pay to win with these or else they would have realized they don't make any money and taken it down. Shows what a sad state games are in that so many people are such bad players that they feel like they need to spend real money to have the upper hand against others. Imagine if you could pay a small fee to have your chess pieces move for you and beat grandmasters. It is the same mentality that cheaters have. Hopefully you learned something here.
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  11. DemonicTreerat

    Other side of the problem here.

    I've gotten just about every exceptional implant - some more than once - trying to get Combat Medic (when it was the only medic-only implant). Well except the one I wanted (logistics specialist). A few I use once in a while for specialist builds (carpace medic, counter intelligence for dedicated solo vehicle, etc) but most just sit around just taking up space.

    Really wish Daybreak would give up and let us A) build ANY implant and B) scrap those we don't want instead of just duplicates. That plus fix the stupid "must win alert to get decent ISO" model to something like "get small amount of ISO for capping/ defending a base etc"
  12. hs0003

    I wish I had the other side of the problem, I just wanted to spice up my game a bit with some special effects, but nah, non of that for me.
  13. silent wave

    Thanks for the perspective. I have now decided against gambling for the chance to maybe possibly at a very low rate potentially perhaps get something. I mean you don't go to the store and gamble to buy your food, do you? At checkout: oh no, I'm sorry, you lost 40 times in a row, you can't buy that apple juice. What's that? You spent $100 trying to buy a bottle of juice? Oh well. Better luck next time! o_O
  14. Vanguard540

    I needed to get ISO-4 to level up my implants, and had too many certs (had no real benefit spending more certs on vehicles and weapons), ended up with carapace suddenly dropping in a 750 cert pack. I think it's worth it, but don't spend DBC on that. Would be quite expensive. (got 1 exceptionnal after 20 packs or so)
  15. LtBomber

    Well, I got all implants in the current iteration.
    But pls dont ask how much Certs/Iso i dumped into that system. On the other hand, i was rly asking myself what else to do with excess orange and green numbers... Now i am just upping some implants for extreme niche gameplay, still need thousands of iso for it. This keeps the grind going (a good thing).
    Implants (rare ones) offer no little benefit i actually thunk its ok to use RNG here. Implants can be unlocked through normal gameplay with just time investment. As allready said: Someone has to pay the bills...