Planetside arena - mother-ship

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elkikko92, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. elkikko92

    Is a mother-ship at the beginning of planetside arena trailer?
    Can we expect a mother-ship assoult mode?
  2. elkikko92

  3. Ares8

    I've heard rumours that when OShur is released we will be able to deploy from the bastion carriers and even get to fight on them.
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  4. Sparkatb

    First time I've seen a video for PS Arena.
    I'm surprised its a new game to be honest, it just looks like a Planetside 2 game mode expansion pack lol?
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  5. Redoubt

    I think that the ship you're talking about was part of a battlemode, its like a Galaxy. I forget which battlemode it was, but note the guys dropping out of the bottom. Like a galaxy, right?

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  6. Ares8

    Yes and yes. It's going to be like BF2142, now we just need BFR's to make a come back. It could be something you can only use during certain alerts or you have to collect a certain amount of coritum to unlock them.
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  7. elkikko92

    You mean we can deploy a mother ship with resource lile a veichle?
  8. MichaelMoen

    Those ships are called Bastion Fleet Carriers. They are like floating aircraft carriers that will act the same way as Warpgates. They are not pilotable vehicles.
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  9. Redoubt

    Cool, then I did sort of remember right then. Nice to clear that up.
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  10. elkikko92

    I'm very excited about the Bastion Fleet Carriers.
    I hope they will be used good in Oshur, to create a great gameplay
  11. Stopper

    I don’t really care about Arena (but will try it anyway).

    However, I really want that we have « moving warpgate » like this mother ship in PS2 so, especially when a continent is unlocked with only a few bases, we can have warpgates randomly dispatched and so, have fights in bases we almost never go most of the times (notably bases along some fringes).