[Suggestion] Are NC weapons too easy and simple to use?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DispatchPilot, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. The Shady Engineer

    I've been playing my NC toon lately to get to that sweet ASP-able battle rank 100 and no, NC weapons aren't too easy or simple to use.

    The thing about NC weapons is they have a very high ceiling but also a higher skill floor than their TR and VS counterparts. Lower fire rate, higher recoil and higher bloom per shot make it so the shooter has to be more precise and burst their shots more carefully than if they were using a TR-VS type automatic.

    On the flip side, once you get used to NC weapons, holy Nanites are they rewarding. Low horizontal recoil, high damage model, high initial accuracy, high damage per magazine, 3 shot headshot kill up to 15m.

    That's why a lot of times when facing NC it's feast or famine. You can mow down hordes of random Joe McBattlerank 12 NC players because they haven't gotten used to NC weapons yet but then a squad of experienced NC players shows up and absolutely murk everyone with Anchors, Cyclones, Bandits and Reaper DMRs.
  2. AlcyoneSerene

    If you read my entire sentence, it's about the general tendency ("propaganda") not about the SAW specifically. Players always calling their gear underpowered (hard mode, hard to control, etc. etc.) despite being anything but, to no end, meaning they settle for nothing less than something grotesquely overpowered, again, meaning they show no regard for a balanced playing field.
  3. Campagne


    So when you condone a post stating the opinion that NC weapons are easy to use and are "the best in the game," refer to NC weapons using words like "pampering," state they are "overperforming" and that the developers have intentionally left the NC in an unbalanced-in-their-favor state as you extol the virtues of NC guns while castigating the TR's & VS' equipment, you are by no means calling the NC's weapons "I win."

    Yeah, seems legit. :p
  4. AlcyoneSerene

    You don't get it. I'm through trying to explain it to you. It's the mentality of not giving a crap about balance to the point of wishing for an i-win button.

    I'm not condoning nothing. Having a higher skill ceiling and skill floor is not the definition of balance. Having one set of weapons perform better due to server latency limitations and FPS limitations is not balance.
  5. Campagne

    Oh, I get it. You associate this mentality with the NC because in your mind they are overpowered.

    In my opinion it's entirely possible to have difficult but better weapons in an asymmetrically balanced game. But I also don't feel that NC weapons are just magically better because of a universal engine limitation. The issue still will affect SAWs albeit to a lesser degree, and though they'll likely lose less DPS than other weapons they'll generally have less DPS from the start due to the limitations I mentioned earlier, such as bloom. Latency impacts everything the same way. A Lynx will still be impacted by latency just as a SAW would be.

    You're acting as if a SAW is in anyway some blatantly overpowered gun which anyone can pick up and dominate the enemy with despite the fact it and every other 200/~500 gun has remained basically the exact same as they were at launch. You claim to have played NC but I don't buy it. Maybe refresh your memory with the SAW.
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  6. LaughingDead

    Great generalizations of the NC weapons but also

    This also carries over to the 167 damage model weapons.

    Even at the highest ranks of play, the only thing NC really has to compete with TR and VS is the alpha damage on hitting the head, it really isn't that great of an advantage.

    The only weapons that break this trend are the GD7F that sport a 147 damage model, the cyclone with higher RPM but is still lower DPS than the Armistice, GR-22 with 45 lower RPM of the GD7F and that's about it.

    NC have diverse weapons but in terms of being better; the longer range weapons do better at longer range than the TR and VS counterparts but that's really about it. NC heavies don't really beat out other heavies in terms of the damage because again, outdps'd and the numbers don't like up when it comes to headshots per kill. If anything about this thread is true, it's the opposite, NC IS hardmode because the newer players can't use the weapons properly most of the time and are generally much more punishing so you kinda gotta carry the fight but again, lower dps when it comes to vet play so you kind of straight out lose if they have players of equal skill.

    NC is not fun to play for this reason. It's also why NC lose more alerts than all the other factions across the board on all servers.
    Despite NC max OP or phoenix destroy all de sunderers, NC still lose despite these "OP" weapons.
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  7. DarkStarAnubis

    IMHO most of the "purposeful" fight to attack/defend bases is indoor/CQC where low ROF/high DMG (typical NC) weapons are at disadvantage: duels are won or lost on missed shots or a bullet absorbed by nano weave armor and a 100 ms refire time is an eternity.
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  8. pnkdth

    The only weapon this really apply to is the SAW though. Both the Merc and Gauss Rifle are both very similar to the VS default Carbines/ARs. SAW being the default does, however, mean new players will go up against Orions/CARVs which are both excellent close to mid range weapons. Not to mention new players won't really have the game knowledge or experience to know which weapon to choose instead.

    It has been a topic of discussion from day one and it seems the SAW remain the default only out stubbornness. If NC had the EM6/merc/gauss rifle as their default things would be looking much better. The EM6 has a big magazine with the 167/600 damage model.

    The Vanguard has also historically been lacking severely in AV/AI (in the times of MBT infantry farm NC players went for lightnings) play and the NC MAX pretty much relied on the MAX charge ability which was idiotically removed so "engineers can more easily keep up." I'd rather trade the Aegis for the MAX charge. Not only because it is better with the NC MAX but because it is much more in line with the NC trait of delivering high alpha damage. Currently slugs is more or less a must have which further increases the rather hefty cert investment before the NC MAX is viable.

    Sums up much of NC. Great stuff if you have it all but rather meh till you get there. This doesn't show in Server Smash and other events like that but on live you got tons of people going through the grind to reach the point where its good.
  9. Demigan

    Yeah but only one faction is actually right. Considering NC's weapons do have on average lower DPS and higher punishment for misses and the NC weapons that are OP are for the most part high ROF weapons that don't have the NC traits... Go figure.

    And if anyone is wanting something grotesquely OP, ask Vanu. They have a knack for it. "starfall not OP" and all that.
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  10. TR5L4Y3R

    ... nope they totally aren´t .. exactly what is easy about a default gausssaw?
    mercenary is pretty middle of the road imo .. razor is alright
    em1 get´s bashed like 98% of the time and gd 22s feels merely alright to me ...
    the main weapons that are praised are the gd7f (which has super nontypical factiontrates), the em6, the anchor and i think ACX 11 (which is rather a vetweapon) which all are 1000 cert weapons that i doubt the majority of people have ...

    on the other hand both VS and TR default weapons feel fairly easy to handle though with less a punch per bullet ...
    can´t speak bout AR´s because i don´t play medic ...

    and i totally disagree on lowering the ttk as i am not intrested in the game becoming first seen first killed ..
    that may aswell affect you worse ..
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  11. chamks

    late i come but still. easy to use? the railjack easy to use? the gausssaw? maybe the jackhammer? gaussrifel easy? most of nc weapons have nitch so deep, that it requires many time to practice and learn in comparison to the other two factions. it really is the nitch faction. and the ttk is lower the most of tr weapons im sure
  12. Corezer

    NC 200 damage weapons require:
    Above average accuracy due to low RoF
    Exceptional HSR due to nanoweave being much more punishing to them
    Biblical luck due to dropped shots by the server or your client being much more punishing to them
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  13. Newlife1025

    Hi there, br 90 nc here who's just starting out their vs and tr accounts. I'd honestly suggest you play nc and their OP weapons before implying a nerf. I was br 60 before i actually got above average control of the weapons. Hell i thought vs and tr were op before i played a while back and found that each faction has it's drawbacks
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  14. Towie

    Speaking from a vehicular point of view, I personally feel the TR have the weapons and vehicles that are the epitome of user friendly.

    Take the likes of the Vulcan - it's so point-and-click simple that literally anyone can use it with great success.

    You only need to drive a stodgy Vanguard for a while to fall in love with the sprightly Prowler - the handling is just soooo much better.

    Anyway - just my opinion...
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  15. Glykool

    Late to the party!

    I have played all 3 factions somewhat equally. NC is my highest atm. I have about 90% of all guns unlocked across all 3 factions (Too much Irl cash went into this lmao) Anyways 1500 Hours soon total on Planetside 2 and I don't care anymore about faction balance as I have basically put NC as my main for now due to reasons below.

    1, The frustruation of playing TR or VS seeing those high rpm bullets dissapear harmlessly onto enemies when getting killed before the dmg can be registered.

    2, when Server delay permits its wonderful scoring those perfectly placed headshots with the TR weapons such as MSW-R. But why should allways the 1v1's be determined on my perfect allignment and recoil control? When i can just --->

    3, Pick up the GodSaw! Fkyeah! I love it. What I do everytime is to place my crosshair on the enemies torso and hold down left click to score a kill! Further away just burst because the recoil is so managable. No longer will enemies run away with 1/4th health. They can't. Those 200 DMG freedoms shread them to pieces before they can blink.

    I buy the server limitation argument seen in this thead. High RPM isn't relevant when a portion of those shots will dissapear into network oblivion. And however one looks at it. At least for me somewhat of an amateur shot, I find myself going back to NC to find a huge difference in performance with the NC arsenal.

    I think that NS series should introduce a 200 Dmg model gun *Takes cover*
    Seriously, Why not? If VS or NC want to enjoy TR guns they just go to the depot and buy a simlar performing NS gun. So why shouldnt TR get to enjoy a respective NC 200dmg Model ?
  16. Twin Suns

    *watches* from the seat of my vanguard with envy, as the Maserati takes the Chicane like a hot knife through butter. Hmm...

  17. Hegeteus

    That's it, I'm sending you all to the mag-scatter gulag
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