Obsessed Players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BamaRage, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. BamaRage

    I have known players who were obsessed with the game, c4 and so on. But this is not about that.

    This is about a player who appears to be obsessed with me. Its been years and this guy still wont leave me alone even after promising to do so. He has spent time insisting we would become great friends while I keep telling him I want nothing to do with him. This guy is my first and only stalker and reporting him has done nothing.

    So I ask here what does one do to get rid of an obsessed stalker in planetside? When someone is so determined to be in your life and nothing you do makes them go away. I mean, its really unhealthy for all concerned. And I think it might have something to do with my sexy accent.....
  2. Demigan

    You can use the in-game ignore function. Otherwise benefit from the best situation you can have with an ONLINE Stalker: kill them repeatedly whenever they get in contact.
  3. BamaRage

    Yes I have him on ignore but then he goes around joining my outfit platoons and giving grief to my outfit members. Constantly putting himself in my way so I have to know he is there. I have told him I am not only strait but married so I don't know. A**Ha**A just wont leave me be regardless. And again this has been going on for years..,..
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  4. Liewec123

    extreme measure could be to make a new character :)
  5. Sindroms

    I do not believe that we are playing a game where a griefer and a player that has accepted the EULA for DBG has enough legal power over another player game-rules wise that it would necessitate the deletion of your character in order to avoid them.
    This isn't eve online.

    If evidence of such actions are presented in the forum of video or other proof, the offending player should be hit by the game community managers as malicious and dealt with accordingly after receiving a strict enough warning.
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  6. BamaRage

    Well after 100's of reports with no action being taken to prevent further harassment I don't think anything will ever be done. But I will not change my name or delete my character. However at points I have come close to just leaving the game over it. And if I named the obsessed one all would know who he is and yet Nothing will ever be done. I have been Tongue & Cheek here but this has to end somewhere and obviously after all this time DBG isn't going to do anything. I mean this started late 2015 and has never really stopped more than short breaks.
  7. Towie

    Sounds pretty freaky stuff to me. Have you submitted videos to DBG (I assume you've been reporting as harassment).

    Do you know what you did to get all of this attention ? I mean, I did have one 'friendly' take out my MBT because I got in his way and I certainly paid him some attention (well, until weapons lock anyway). Incidentally - I searched on the character who did this to me and he was reported previously for doing similar stuff so maybe see if the stalker has been mentioned.
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  8. OgreMarkX

    Just file a complaint saying the stalker killed Wrel while Wrel live streamed.
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  9. BamaRage

    Yes I have submitting vids, screen shots and so on to no effect.

    As for what happened to start it, late 2015 he tkd myself and two friends and I yelled at him for it as it was intentional. Now his aggravation is not anywhere near as bad as it was the first year after. But he never stops for any length of time and reporting him means nothing. Now his current activities are much milder but yet he insist that we will be great friends now. And apparently I have no choice in becoming friends from his world view.
  10. Magma52

    Tell him you know where he lives.
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  11. ObiVanuKenobi

    Don't feed the troll. It's as simple as that. All he wants is attention.
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  12. Pelojian

    well if ingame reports and tickets don't work, i'd suggest as a last ditch making a new character with a sufficiently different name then the name of the char you are being harassed on.
  13. BamaRage

    Nah, I am the leader of my outfit so I don't think that would work for me.
  14. HippoCryties

    It’s me EuroScumbag here if you recognise me, I’ve fought you a few times.
    If I were in your position, I’d turn around with a commissioner and kill him. Then /ignore and blacklist him from my platoons!
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  15. PoopDatGame OUT!

    be the dudes friend just be it!!! Once he/she becomes friends then that thrill will go away and they will move on.Its kinda like cheating but less mess to clean up.
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  16. BamaRage

    Not today, tomorrow or 100 years from now. Oh and he is now getting others to join my outfit just to keep it stirred up seeing that I have him on ignore.
  17. BamaRage

    Okay, I am tired of this and want it over once and for all. So, here goes!

    MadHatta you cannot force me to be your friend or to allow you to run with my outfit. You cant make me accept you or forget the torment and BS you have pulled. For the last time I hope, I do not have any interest in being your friend or ally. And its really creepy that 3 years later you still wont just do as you agreed and leave me alone! I am tired of this and I am never changing my position regarding you. You are no one I wish to associate with in any manner. Leave me alone please, once and for all!
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  18. BamaRage

    Thats right, MadHatta is the stalker
  19. Pelojian

    at the very least if you want some time in PS2 without harassment, you can still make a new toon and get a friend to invite your alt to your outfit
  20. BamaRage

    Thanks guys for all the responses and sincere recommendations. I truly appreciate it but have made the necessary decisions to bring this issue to a close. Would be great if the Admins would just delete this thread. Thanks again guys...
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