magicjohs0n420 another hacker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by plattner, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. plattner

    this magicjohns0n420 was on esamir today killing ppl in the spawn rooms from under ground,along with an aimbot this just shows that this game has too many hackers and going down the toilet.
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  2. CaparzoX

    you are wrong in the game there is no hacker I play it practically since it came out and if one appears cheating they eliminate it very quickly since the community is huge.

    Now if there are people who are cheating now, should be reason for the last update that went wrong, as many users can not enter and without solution so far 6 days.

    Those responsible for the game are to blame for not having a backup of the previous version before the update the truth that many have us bewildered.
  3. Towie

    Oh dear.

    You're wrong - there are hackers (almost always have been) - although it's much better now relatively speaking post Battleye.

    HOWEVER recently there have been people using exploits to get underground, complete with pictures / videos. So sorry - there are most definitely hackers / cheaters. Do you think the paid-for cheat writers did it for fun ?

    This has nothing to do with the latest update. There seems to be a vocal minority who have connectivity issues. Although I do feel very sorry for those suffering - if I check out the World population on my server - it's the same this week compared to last month.

    Bizarrely i'm seeing fewer cheaters now than probably ever before - but they're still around.
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  4. JibbaJabba

    I used to believe this as well.

    Until a certain user. He was reported by multiple people. I took a video of him cheating (movement hacks), submitted it with a support ticket. It was acknowledged and closed. The player is still playing. He did not get banned at all even after DBG was provided with actual reviewable evidence of cheating.

    Whatever efforts DBG did with cheaters in the past they do not seem to be doing now.