What is the winning factor in a draw?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nepas77, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. Nepas77

    I've only witnessed two of such occurrence in which both the VS won against the TR. So what exactly is the deciding factor for this?
  2. Kdog559

    That it's a draw.
  3. Campagne

    Might it have anything to do with the faction which was initially leading the alert?
  4. ZDarkShadowsZ

    In terms of the events, when all 3 factions own only 1 biolab, amp station or techplant. I assume it's similar for the aerial anomalies. From my understanding of the continent lockdown alert, if no faction has over 40% (or whatever the triggering amount is) then nobody locks the continent and it's classed as a draw.
  5. Vulpecula07

    Last time I saw someone in the chatbox says at the end of an alert, when each faction owns 1 facility, while one facility is being captured (but not finished) by a faction, then that faction wins. So it's like "one and a half" > one facility > "half" a facility. Not sure if it's true.
  6. csvfr

    I've seen VS win over NC in a draw, VS win over TR, and NC win over TR. So basically I suspect the winning factor is simple faction precedence: VS > NC > TR.

    Not seen anything which contradicts this.
  7. Blam320

    I'm sorry, but that's an utter load of crap with mere anecdotal evidence to back it up.

    It all has to do with whether your capturing or losing territory. If TR and NC both have 35%, but NC starts capturing a base before the alert ends, NC will win, because it counts base capture progress as partial ownership of the base.
  8. NXR1

    Whoever was originally winning wins in a draw, so if NC has 40% and TR has 38% and TR gets 2% before it ends so its 40-40 then NC wins, if NC has 45 and TR has 40 and NC loses 5% to VS then NC wins since they were winning first.
  9. Pacster3

    I think to remember a situation where VS was not the one leading and still won. Actually I only remember one situation when VS did not win in a "draw" alert. Might as well be who was leading most of the time...or who achieved the draw with the smallest pop(which in my cases was usually VS)...or who made the most kills. All those would be fair methods. It would just be nice to know so those "VS bias" accusations would stop.