[Suggestion] Make the repair gun deal damage against enemy players, MAX's and vehicles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gustavo M, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Gustavo M

    Title. And yes, I want to "repair" a enemy MAX to death by doing this.
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  2. NXR1

    You realize it just rebuilds their nanites, are you gonna rebuild them a different color to make them your faction? If anything that would make them stronger as you add more nanites onto them.
  3. Demigan

    Short version: Nanites can assemble and disassemble, repairguns can be used to disassemble enemy armor.

    Nanites can assemble stuff in any order, this makes for something that is arguably one of the most effective weapons: the disassembler. It doesnt have to be as organized as the assembly nanites so an equally sophisticated disassembler can destroy more than an assembler can create. This is quite nice as with nano-construction they could build monomolecular armors like Graphene Alloys that are virtually impervious to damage. A full 2 cm of low-quality Graphene of that size would be close to current tank armors and be worn by infantry so being able to disassemble it would be quite useful.

    Also I would argue that all vehicles and MAX's are filled with semi-dormant assembly nanites that keep the vehicle repaired until they run out of energy, explaining how tanks can keep operating as if nothing happened until almost destroyed.
    The repairgun can either recharge or agitate those nanites, and when agitated it'll do bad stuff to the owner.
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  4. NXR1

    I mean I more of just meant, we have the disassembler so we dont need to use the repair/healing tool.
  5. FateJH

    Aren't the nanite disassemblers called "firearms?" We have a lot of those.
  6. Demigan

    The disassembler and assembler can be the same thing.

    The repairgun can ALSO fulfill the role of disassembler. Just because we already have something doesnt mean we shouldnt look for alternatives.

    Seriously what's with all the expletives that keep mentioning "but we haf smthing fo tha role aweady sir! Les no add vari-ety cus we haf smthin'!". It's a nonsensical argument that would immediately mean we would have had a game with onr class, one vehicle and one weapon for each "because they are similar so we dont add extra variety".
  7. FateJH

    We already have a lot of this variety is how the argument goes. Variety for the sake of variety is clutter. Moreover, the variety we currently have is decently planned out; lackadaisical adoption due to a position of "why not" is antithetical to proper design planning.
  8. Demigan

    There is no reason not to add the ability to deal damage with a repairgun. It does not provide clutter nor does it create needless tools or complex systems.

    So any moaning about "antithetical to proper design" is just you who wants to make the ghost of an argument sound smart and expensive, while you are holding back the game's progress.
  9. FateJH

    Contradicting what I said previously, I have two in easy reach, and one which you refuse to accept as a valid argument (for some reason). The first is that it reduces the intentional risk of being an Engineer who is caught with his repair gun out in a combat situation rather than an actual weapon. The second is that it would steal away the of a dedicated disassembly Tool that replaces the repair gun. The other disagreement you denounce with little reason is, of course, that it unnecessarily muddies up an otherwise simple system that doesn't need to be muddied or onion layers.

    There's not yet been a good argument stated in this thread as to why this complexity is warranted or what benefit it provides over any other item in the game against similar (or different) targets. These are two points that are required, even if the suggestions are only hypothetical in nature and are purely as a hook or lure. You need a use case.
  10. PlanetBound

    Battlefield Vietnam engineer had the gas welder/cutting torch.
  11. Gustavo M

    The glue gun already has a right click function meant to remove explosives;making it (also) deal damage to all enemy targets (at the same rate it can repair friendly targets?) can be added with no hassle or "added complexity".
    And regarding benefits? Other than fun... not really.
  12. Icedude94

    Then in all fairness, I want the meditool to be able to kill enemy infantry. I will no longer need that shotgun attachment on my gun for dealing with those cloakers running at me with their knife out.
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  13. Luicanus

    Really my only issue with this is that it promotes Engineerside play. If the rep tool could destroy armour that's another anti armour weapon on top of everything else.

    They coul literally have Archer, Explosive crossbow, rep tool, MANA AV Turret, and 4x C4.

    The only way I'd consider it balanced/fair if it was an alternative option to Demolition Pouch and Mine carrier being "Offensive Nanites" which granted this ability.

    It's not impossible to implement but it needs some sort of balance in that manner.

    And you could do likewise ith the Medics having an offensive nanites option for their med tools.
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  14. Sazukata

    A hundred and something DPS within 5 meters is not that scary. I don't see why not.
  15. Gustavo M

    It takes around 10 seconds to fully repair a MAX. And around 20 ~ 25'ish seconds to fully repair a mbt. If the devs consider this idea and implement it (and use the same repair rate to the deconstruction rate) -- it definitely won't make the game engineerside. Neither make it a "viable" alternative to what the engineer currently has -- most likely, it'll make it a "last resort" option. Then again, if "more toys" is a concern, to you... well, engy -is- meant to be a "jack-of-all-trades" class, with a large arsenal to its disposal. Even with that, I don't see any problem adding a "insignificant, yet fun" feature to the glue gun.

    Sure, I'm totally fine with it.
  16. GoldenGuard

    to be fair, maxed out repair tool can disassemble explosives like tank mines so its not outside the realms of possibility

    and i agree with Luicanus on this point
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  17. Gustavo M

    You both make it sound like someone would prefer to face a enemy MAX head-on with a glue gun and "deconstruct" him in (around) 10 seconds instead of throwing a C4 brick and hide behind cover. Like I already said -- it's mostly a "last resort" rather than anything else.
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  18. GoldenGuard

    we are not saying it is ideal, hell against a max its pretty much a death sentence, it might be nice to be able to do it and id only do it if A: i had no c4 or tank mines, B: I dont have my archer, C: im pretty much out of ammo (nearly impossible with ammo kit), D: I already have the repair tool out and a max is charging the room or area im in and im close.

    and besides, a wise hobbit once said, the closer you are to danger, the further you are from harm, maybe said max is bad at tracking targets
  19. Luicanus

    To be clear my warning against engineerside wasn't that the engineer would be exceptional in every role only that they could fulfil every role.

    A Deploy Shield Sunderer can just about survive an engineer with 5 AT mines or 4 C4, unless they use crossbow darts or archer to drop the shields before detonating. This ability without my suggested modification would let them not only bring the most explosives of any class but near silently deconstruct any sunderer while hiding under/near it. You could carry 3 claymores and still have a comparable anti-tank ability as carrying c4.

    Hmm, thinking on the issue further you could even have the option replace the mine/c4/aux shield slot, essentially making it completely replace the option of taking any C4.

    I'm happy with it being an option that Engineers can select to change up their gameplay but it shouldn't be a flat upgrade, they need to sacrifice something to get it.
  20. Gustavo M

    Again, you make it sound like adding an option to damage vehicles/MAX's to the glue gun would be a valid (i.e effective) option compared to C4, archer and the like... while it isn't. Like I said before... it takes around 20 to 25 seconds to fully repair a MBT -- and if you let a engy fully deconstruct a deployed sunderer... you probably deserved losing it.
    In other words: Addition =/= upgrade.
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