Idea of a fraction specific passive or special ability?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by undersuppressivefire, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. undersuppressivefire

    Here's a little idea on making each fraction a bit more unique
    TR: galavanize: gains 0.5 % extra speed increase and 1% extra damage resistance when friendly are near by, up to 5%/10%
    Nc: industry-scale armor: when a NC soldier resupplies at a terminal, he or she will gain a shield that will reduce the next 3 body shot damage by 20%. (resist shield will overwrite this effect)
    Vs deep plasma burn: damage dealt to infantry and max will decrease their healing/repair speed by half with in a period.
    Welcome to comment down any idea similiar down below
  2. LaSouris

    So a 12 man squad drops on a point and has 30% bullet resistance until they die?
  3. undersuppressivefire

    Notice a 5%/10% cap
  4. undersuppressivefire

    I tried my best to play with numbers so it is not that op
  5. LaughingDead

    NC: Weapons have farther damage profiles than most guns
    TR: Weapons have higher rates of fire and ammo capacity than most guns
    VS: Weapons have controlable recoil patterns and are faster reloading
    • Up x 1
  6. NXR1

    If only the game was like that, it might actually be balanced then!
  7. LaughingDead

    If only
  8. FateJH

    Until 11 of them die.
  9. Towie

    TR: Reduce in size by 50% so they can all get into that Sunderer

    NC: Reduce friendly damage by 50% so they can last long enough to kill an enemy (maybe)

    VS: Every player has a holographic twin to equalise population

    ...job done...
    • Up x 2
  10. DIGGSAN0

    Ahhh i see a fellow Cobaltian!

    Greetings :D