[Suggestion] Money-making idea for DBG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beerbeerbeer, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. Beerbeerbeer

    I love the voice emotes, all of them, so much so that I would pay money for exclusive taunts and insults.

    Go hire those voice actors back and put in the store more taunts for DBC.

    I’ll buy all of them. Go do it. I need more insults and taunts.
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  2. Beerbeerbeer

    They should take lessons from Fortnite.

    However, there’s more to vanity than camo and helmets, which frankly all look the same in this game...

    Voice macros is definitely an item high on my desirability.

    Come on now...add some.
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  3. Beerbeerbeer

    And I’m not talking about new voices necessarily. I mean the same purchaseable voices, but with just a greater variety of insults and taunts. Let us unlock those for DBC.
  4. PoopDatGame OUT!

    how bout make your own pack and put it in the recursion program?
  5. PoopDatGame OUT!

    dont think taunts can be put in there toward other people but i do know there are taunts for when you die to much it will make fun of you
  6. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I wouldn't mind new voice packs. The only voice pack I like is the Mercenary voice pack for NC. The rest either sound like they've had a change in pitch, or they just don't seem interesting to me.
  7. KingSnuggler

    Been playing off and on since launch I remember 6 month XP boosts and since ive came back I have never seen them sold in the store any chance of those coming back perhaps?
  8. Courtnie

    No those VA's are trash and did not sound like they cared where they are in the first place. Honestly the only western VA's that did a good job in a video game were the ones who did work for warhammer 40k games.

    PLEASE GOD NO! Fortnite is terrible and the faults could be listed for an hour. Id rather the devs make decisions that are inspired by things not currently flavor of the month.
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  9. saronyogg

    Fortnite gives a lot of lessons of being a GOOD F2P NOT PAY TO WIN, but sadly, most CEOs want to be like EAs boss