Returning after more than a year off

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. dngray

    Hey everyone!

    I am a long time VS player on Emerald. Recently took a year off from the game but played for the first time last night and had a blast. I am definitely adding PS2 back into my lineup currently consisting of SC2, PUBG, Overwatch, and now PS2 again.

    I was really happy to see my PC played PS2 extremely well last night. I have an i7 quad core hyperthreaded CPU @ 3.4 ghz, 16 gigs of ram. and a GTX 760. The game ran smooth back then but it seems to be much more optimized now. Have there been any major optimizations to the graphics engine? I did notice a bug last night however... When I was in my magrider using the thermal optics, the game wouldn't let me toggle thermal optics off even if I exited my magrider, the game was stuck in thermal optics. This issue went away once I died and re-spawned.

    I have a few questions if anyone could answer them, it would greatly appreciated:

    How has the PS2 (for the PC) been over the last year. Has the game stabilized in terms of player count? Is the game growing or losing players?

    Are there any major game play changes that I should know about in the year of my absence?

    What is the current condition of the VS on Emerald? Back when I used to play, the VS used to dominate but then slowly the NC took over. The TR was great back when the Enclave was doing their thing. Is the Enclave still around? Buzzcutpsycho was hilarious IMO.
  2. JibbaJabba

    It's hard to say on player count I think. The decline from launch seemed to stabilize and player count went flat. There have been some game improvements and those seem to be bringing some folks back. I think we got a bit of a bump about a year back and are still riding on that.

    All said, the fights are still big, the continents still packed.

    I'm an NC Main on Emerald. VS is my #2 there.

    VS seem struggle with population at times. Leadership over there seems solid though. Good intra-outfit coordination during alerts and such. Despite pop, they frequently dominate the server.

    Buzzcut is gone as is the Enclave. He was hilarious but also a dick and not half as good at leading as he envisioned himself. You'll still find worthy foes in the TR. Recursion on Emerald is a really solid TR outfit. Very fun to play against.
  3. dngray

    Is the VS always the lowest populated faction on Emerald these days? Thanks for the response btw!
  4. HippoCryties

    Yeah pretty much, although they have the best coordination which allows them to always pull of the win. Honestly doesn’t matter what faction you play tbh. And yeah player count is growing very slowly but it is. Fights are still massive as they used to be and you never won’t be able to find a fight. Even off peak
  5. dngray

    This makes me happy to hear. I will see you all on the battlefield.
  6. Bagger

    they're a bunch of cheats, not all, but most of them use aimbots, lag switches, and ESP.

    so they can all go play in traffic, imo and the world will be a better place
  7. SpeckEye

    See the image below. Taken from here:

    Three big ones you should look at:

    -Combined Arms Initiative (called CAI by most)

    -Revamp of Implants

    -Advanced Specialization Update (called A.S.P.)

    I am of the mind that Emerald is the most stable. Connery (West Coast) has some action but due to players logging in from across the globe, it creates incredibly high and unplayable ping and it's not uncommon. Emerald has outfits faithful to keeping the game alive (and others). NC struggles with getting organized. VS retains low pop which is oddly beneficial since the load times are smaller (ie smaller line queues) and they are able to keeping zerging to a minimum. They're forced to work tactically. TR has organized groups as well (I myself run with Brothers of Tyr [BTYR].

    There is also a large update coming in next week. That will change things like construction, air play, adding new weapons, and supposedly 9 pages of notes.

  8. JibbaJabba

    Sorry man, but I've not seen a bit of evidence of this. As best I can tell they are just really good high KDR players.

    Haters gon hate though.
  9. JibbaJabba

    Generally, yes. It seems to have a pattern though based on time of day. During the daytime you can find them with the most pop every once in a while. During primtime things get fairly close. During deep evening the TR and NC pull ahead.

    Population balance has caused some troubles on other servers. Seems pretty OK on Emerald even for the VS. VS also has some really solid outfits and leaders on Emerald which mitigates what pain there may be.
  10. LodeTria

    The game continues to bleed players slowly, with the larger updates normally adding some pop but then them leaving a month or so later in addition to the continue bleed out. Certain updates accelerated the bleed for that quarter.

    Nowadays only prime time for each server has enough pop for "large battles", otherwise it quickly becomes a ghost town throughout the night & morning. The prime times are typically 4-10pm for each servers location.
  11. adamts01

    Combined Arms Initiative and Meltdown were absolutely massive patches and even bigger flops. But it's not worth reading up on everything because we're getting a big patch in the very near future that'll really shake up how the game is played.

    One thing that's absolutely worth doing is reading up on how to optimize your graphics settings. Check out this link for starters.
  12. dngray

    Thanks for the replies everyone!
  13. Razeel

    after this update me and my friends have this [IMG]
    so expect less players after this update cos ppl will not reinstall windows to play ps2
    • Up x 1
  14. 4JlEH30CM

    agreed, i lose two buddies because of that, they denie to install licensed windows because of PS2. today they said that start play on another game therefore i thinkning about to buy windows to them
  15. LordKrelas

    So... Basically you want Battleye to not notice a pirated OS? (idk why it cares anyway)
    As odd as it is, for the thing to care, why exactly should someone who wanted windows but not any version that is licensed, IE a pirated version, complain that an anti-hack system is noticing a pirated OS as a bad thing?
    Like what's the logic? If you pirated Windows, might as well con battleye's scan about it rather than complain about piracy being an issue?
  16. Razeel

    relax no1 interested in your "holly carnage" in few threads, pirates bad, ok ,we all agree, we left u can play safely now.
    it will be interesting online statistic this next month.
    • Up x 1
  17. Shellby

    Agreed with Razeel, and what's next? You will check user's camera and if he has a face that you don't like just show him the error like " You are too ugly, try to reborn "