1 Month MBTs main gun stats by Wrel.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zanaffar, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. HisokaTheRed

    If you've never played with a magrider, go test it out in VR, all their guns drop like a rock after ~70-100meter, hesh even more so. And when I say it drop like a rock, I mean you aim like your throwing a grenade with higher velocity past 150m.

    Forums are still a bunch of armchair generals I see.
  2. LodeTria

    When you think a squad of 6 harassers is normal for everyone.
    Coulda done that **** with halberds. Hell maybe even basilisks.
  3. Dethonlegs

    In this case the armchair generals are correct. Halberds at that distance would have been twice as effective as the saron.

    As to the numbers, the reason most Mag pilots use AP is obvious. The velocity/drop on non AP weapons is painful, VPC splash doesn't one shot kill and PC DPS is less (I think) than FPC.

    Also, prowlers, prowlers everywhere might explain some things.
  4. HisokaTheRed

    Is it not? I think only 2-3 person in the squad could be considered harraser mains. Everyone else is either my pilot friends or a random pubby. I get together with a few friend, then make an open squad after saying "Recruiting for harraser squad" in order chat. Thats it, nothing special we are not some hardcore harraser only outfit or anything. The clip is pretty much average to me. Only reason I made it was because I didn't die throughout the engagement, which is a rarer thing really. Hard to believe this isn't average on the more populated server than Connery.

    As for your Halberds, you should know it has a very harsh drop at long range unlike the laser like sauron at any range if you tapfire it. Now think what weapon would be easier to use to reliably hit "****" at 200-400m range where we choose to engage and harrass a bigger force of MBT. Not to mention missing one shot with the halberd is much more punishing Compare to the sauron 6 shots. At a range where weapon are, guess what, pretty inaccurate

    I'm not saying the sauron is OP, but its very effective and very noob friendly with arguably better average dps then the halberds at such an engagement range.Not everyone in the squad is an expert gunner with the halberd and yes, we could have done this halberds or maybe even basilisk, but we had the sauron which is the better ES gun at long range to anything else.

    How so? Do you have a clips of your halberd harraser squad doing something similiar? Have you play with or lead a harraser squad before? Or do you not understand what an armchair general is? Have you even play with the sauron or the halberd before?

    Take LodeTria comment as an example:

    "It blooms so hard that using at "long range" just makes it do piddly damage so it's better used up close."

    Well I just showed him a video of where we took the advantage of the sauron, accuracy at range while minimizing its disadvantage by tap firing(literally what most the squad did in the video). Now imagine if we took his advice and went in to confront those vanguards at close range where he claim the saurons are better. Thats what an armchair general do, they test the weapon once then send their troops in to die base on their shallow knowledge of the weapon.

    Could we have done better with the halberd? Possibly if the squad were better. Would I have used the halberd as NC or TR at that ranged? Definately since the Enforcer and Gaterkeeper are not better then the halberd atm at that range. However, I was VS and we had the sauron and it does not suck at range if you used it correctly.

    This is why I left the forum for a while, because discussion with a rock would be better since I can reflect with my own thoughts rather then wasting energy talking to a circle jerk of armchair generals. But hey keep patting each other on the back and pass around that box of mint to wash out the aftertaste ;)
  5. Pacster3

    If I don't even know the name of the gun I'd be careful to call other people names.

    What would have happened if you would have attacked vanguards with 6 harassers with saron close up? You would have been able to unload the saron in half the time and the vanguards would have exploded in half the time(likely not even been able to react). That's all. Seriously, 4 lightnings with AP guns and just 4 players would have been faster at killing things than you with 12. The Saron is like the lightning viper(without drop)...the first shot is on point, the rest is luck unless you just tap. I actually got the feeling that the viper is better to control than saron if you really want to fire away on longer ranges...you just need to get a feeling for the slight drop(which makes the saron friendlier for beginners. But if you can't deal with the drop of viper then better stay away from magrider. Those energy balls really drop like stones.) and the recoil. Well...and viper packs 66% more damage per shot. Still you don't see that many driving around with viper beyond the stock lightning because landing 6 shots while taking a break after each shot is just much harder than landing just one shot...and neither gun got enough shots to just spam away and not mind if you miss here or there.
  6. LodeTria

    It really isn't that common at all. At least on memerald and cobad is isn't.

    If you're going to use the ease of use argument, you should have been using basilisks instead with their much high velocity. The problem with your "evidence" video is that you're using numbers to make up for a weapons weakness, something that can be applied to every gun in the game and is NOT unique to the saron. It'd be like saying this:

    It just doesn't fly because you have numbers, just like that video there. You could do this to any gun in the game from Flak guns to Archers. Now if you want to argue that numbers make the gun better than others sure, that does work with for example the Old lancer although how much is lancer or numbers is up for debate.

    For general advice though, since most people are normally solo, it's better to just give solo-based advice. In larger and larger squads and platoons, what becomes decent becomes wider. This that were so-so solo can be come great if you have enough of them.

    This is true though, of the 3 ESAV guns, the saron is currently the easiest to use provided you have a gunner who doesn't just spam at all ranges.
  7. HisokaTheRed

    You're literally proving my point right now. You and a lot of people in this forum think you know something by casually using once or twice, or even worst, get use to one thing and anything remotely different is automatically wrong in your eyes.

    What kind of idiot takes a lightly armoured vehicle into a pitched fight against heavyly armed and armoured opponents that outnumbers them. The name of the vehicle is literally a harraser. The sauron is better then the halbert at the range I choose to engage them at; outside of their effective maincannon and top gun halberts range(you can see halbert shots missing us in the video).Yes we could have went in and shoot one vanguard "(likely not even been able to react)" then proceed to get kill by the other tanks that is there. This why I'm calling you stupid if you haven't caught on. Also your viper analogy doesn't help your argument when you yourself admit tapfiring makes the sauron very accurate, which is precisely why we are using it at that range in the first place.

    I'll say this nicely as I can becauseyou're not trolling, just young I'll assume. You're a *******, but thats ok. You can get better. Go back and think a bit before you make a response, and don't make one out of anger. Think about what you want to say and does it have a point before you type.
    1. Thats a shame, I thought with all the montages I see, it should be common. It is a team based game afterall.

    2. Ease of use between the saron and the halberd. My point was for a mediocre group of gunners, the saron is the better weapon of choice for that engagement range, IE outside the range of my opponent's guns.

    3-4. The problem is your original statement was that the sauron suck at range. Not whether numbers was use or not. If you're going to deflect my example by interjecting with numbers; why not just use a sunday and 12 archer on that ridge at crimson, same **** with less nanites spent. I'm not trying to prove to you archers are not bad at range.

    5. This is the stupidiest statement I've seen you make. No offense. Why should solo advice be more prominent in a team based game. What kind of mentality is that. Stop being so subjective and think about your statements for a bit.

    6. So do you rescind your original statement or do you have a valid rebuttal this time? Could have done it with halberds-yes- or even basilisk perhaps but that wasn't the point. I've done it with the saron that you said was weak at range. That was my original point and the main reason why I'm degrading you as an armchair general. You've done nothing to prove my point wrong beyond giving me suggestions base on your personal experiences.
  8. LodeTria

    As with any montage, many are edited to show only to good portions, not the times when there's nothing happening. To pretend that what happens in montages happens 100% of the time is pretty big misread.

    No, you originally said "You'e wrong armchair general" and then tried using bad gunners & numbers as an excuse to justify using whatever weapon.

    It does suck at range though, because of the blooming I already mentioned before you even started. If it's only comparisons are the halberd & aphelion then yes it does "suck" at range.

    If you think this game hasn't constantly lost outfits that do teamwork stuff, doesn't have many many lone wolves and redployers then I ask you to stop using your time machine and going back to 2014. Most midfits are dead these days. To pretend that teamwork is alive and well is just wrong, and advice should be given out as such. If your advice is "use numbers to prop up average players", zerg herders already figured that out.

    Ease of use=/=Better. You should know that.

    Neither have you all you've done is show that yes, if you throw enough bodies at it, any gun works at any range. Even in your own video you have some halberd & aphelion users, showing that weapon composition matters less and less as your numbers get larger.
  9. Sorato

  10. Pacster3

    Maybe you should first adress all my points instead of picking some, twisting them and making wild assumptions....before declaring yourself as winner and treating me like an angry stupid child? I guess you hoped that would p**s me off, but given that I got more than 20years of experience with inet forums this isn't even tickling me. You need to work on your skills there. Get better or get lost. =)
  11. OgreMarkX

    Hisoka, calm down. And drive straighter, it makes my hornets easier to use and I am old and lack steady hands.
  12. pnkdth

    To be fair, weapons/classes/vehicles are always either OP or UP on forumside.

    That said, it would be nice to see what kind of stats which would satisfy forumside's hunger for truth. It would be best the devs got to hear this before posting ANYTHING else. This way people who are upset with reality cannot move the goalpost onwards forever.
  13. HisokaTheRed

    Jump to your name.

    1+4. Holy **** you're stupid. If you're so hellbent on labeling a weapon weak base on one point then you know **** all about the weapon, again thats my rant about you being an armchair general, you don't know **** about the performance of the weapon on the battlefield.

    What other weapon would you compare the saron to. For long range theres only the halberd, gatekeeper, and enforcer. Compare to that group, the saron is easily number 1 at extremely long range and hands down better then the rest at a DPS+accuracy race.

    **Lets consider your statement for a second.Worked out great for the other side didn't it. Only took them losing 3 lightning 4 vanguard and a sundey I think? before they drove those 6(six) horriblebly horrid (OP)harrasers back to howling pass. Someone surely deserve a medal for such a daring feat. **** no idiot, use your head before responding again.

    2. Decline and decay is common in an old game but it is no excuse. There are still active outfits out there and to pretend they don't exist is just wrong(and an insult to them). Excuses should never be given out as advice. Look at the previous paragraph(**)if you're still accusing me of using numbers as "advice".

    3. I don't really know what to say here really. Scratching my head on how to respond to this one without just screaming moron, imbecile, idiot, ******* and nitwit in your face. Of course Ease of use alone doesn't make something better. It just facilitate more access.

    5. Yea, like I said, I have a few people who play harrasers a lot and are actually more comfortable with the halberd at long range and I let them use whatever the **** I want because I can trust them to do what I want; mainly kill the other guys faster and more reliably then they can kill you or your friend. As for the aphelion, I assume it was the only gun they have unlocked or their gunner specifically requested that gun. Paraphrasing is what I say to my squad a lot, "Use the saron unless your gunner request something else, if you don't have anything better then a basilisk(anything really) please gun for someone else".

    I'll give you one more chance since I'm tired of this conversasion. Convince to me the saron is "weak" at range. Thats all I ask. Now think a bit before you reply and not rush in. Really dig deep and give it to me. Get some evidence perhaps. Otherwise I would have to say those tank guns in my video are even worst then the saron at range; may I -dare I say- they are "lodetria" tier? Or a loded with ****? Same thing I suppose, at the end of the day.

    My title for the clip was "When TR lacks a good long range weapon so you improvise the best you can." Means, I already admit the vulcan and most TR guns are **** at long range and impovise mean you do the best with what you have not that its the best out there. It makes a nice clip but I wouldn't use it in any other argument then the title I gave it.

    If you didn't notice not a single of us got a kill on the killboard, that sundey died to the one rocket turret engy and lightning shooting at it.The second kill(lightning) had like 4-5 vulcan harraser shooting at its ****** rear/side and it took longer then 5 second to kill cause the vulcan is **** at long range and I order to moved in closer. You should have also link the voice comms part of the video as I assume you got that from reddit.

    Thats why I'm ballistic right now. Arm chair generals arguing about balance that they know **** all about. TR is not even my main character and I was able to cobble up a ragtag group, literally taking anyone who joins, while they have "organized outfits" for years and years and for some ****** reason claim "For general advice though, since most people are normally solo, it's better to just give solo-based advice.". It totally baffles me. Boggles my noggles.

    I'm not a betting man, nor would I wager that you're European and English is your second language. However, your wording and phrasing presented to me as the rambling of someone with cognitive difficulties. Perhaps of a mind not fully developed or one that has been tragically degraded by the monster that is time. The way your logic flow and meanders reminds me of a child chasing a butterfly but stumbles on a rock and shortly loses interest in it. Evident in your original post about the saron and viper comparision. I do by no mean insults but I will call a fool a fool. If you have an opinion about something, be poignant about it and not diverge into rambling of another subject.

    You should wait for me to repair, 2 hornets and 1.5s of noseguning will kill a 80% health harraser when they are stationary before they can react. Also you and cyro should really stop trying to kill only me a second time, I always bring a ranger and you guys always end up throwing away your ESF the second time. Also didn't we have this convo before, a bit of deja vu for me here.
  14. asmodraxus

    The reason that the Saron has a rapid fire function and a bloom was to make it competitive against the Vulcan. Much like the Enforcer got tweaked so it would auto reload after firing. This is because before the implementation of the Mjolnir, Aphelion and the Gatekeeper but after the Harasser got released with ES AV weapons, the Vulcan dominated. However no matter how many tweaks the devs realized that they had too make a new range of weapons CQC for NC and VS and long range for the TR (yet when testing they only listened to the TR and made an anti everything version of the PPA which is why its now in the state its in).

    Fast forward the new AV weapons several years of buffs and nerfs the Saron still has the bloom and the rapid fire making it less of a long range weapon, yes it can be used at long range as long as the user is prepared to wait between shots unlike the Enforcer/Gatekeeper which have there own issues.

    However this topic is about how much the Magrider needs to be nerfed as it has the capacity to kill a random infantry in the middle of nowhere after firing and hitting him with its complete ammo capacity of about 30 shots, which makes it far to dangerous for Prowlers and Vanguards to engage as they might have to stop and repair after killing 5 magriders in a row. /s
  15. Pacster3

    I can't blame you. That happens a lot in school when average people deal with kids that are much smarter than them. It's okay. Intelligence can't be judged by stupid people. Maybe you just bore me.
    It's my third language. ;-)
  16. frozen north

    Magrider was my most used tank once upon a time. Granted that was a while back ( pre CAI). So my recent experience is rather limited. Although thinking back, I do remember flanking being popular even then, so I guess I'm kinda just aimless rambling at this point.

    Fair enough, though when compared to the last time I used a saron ( which was way before CAI), the bloom on the saron much worse then it is now. And as far as the faction weapons go, its probably the best ranged one by a significant margin.

    But yeah. Halberd is always the go to these days.