[Suggestion] Are cheaters being banned ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Garte, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Garte

    Soe used to let us know when bans where made but I see nothing from DB about cheaters being banned. It would be good to know that they are actively banning cheaters as a deterrent and assurance that something is being done. Blizzard and Epic games let their community know that they are actively banning cheaters and in some cases prosecuting companies that produce hacks.
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  2. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    I'm pretty sure the official response is something like "report cheaters and trust in the system". DBG likes to pretend there's some expected measure of confidentiality, as if they're doctors and cheating is a medical condition. There is no follow up given to the community.
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  3. DarkStarAnubis

    What about a really simple web page where stats are published on a monthly base:

    xxx perma banned
    yyy temporarily banned
    zzz warned

    And so on. Both for harassment (TKing, griefing) and cheating.

    As a paying customer, I would for sure appreciate the effort the company is doing to make things better.

    I have made many report of serial TKers (yes, I check their stats before submitting a report to be sure) without outcome.
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  4. blackboemmel

    Keep on reporting!
  5. BorgUK1of9

    By the number of BR1 to 10 HS hackers recently they arent banning them, clearly a free hack has become available and its ruining the game. I speak from a VS pov because they all seem to be on TR, cant speak for the other empires.
  6. BamaRage

    Do they even take any action for grieving? Never seen any indication of it if they do. Oh and I like the web page idea, if I find an outfit member cheating they are immediately kicked and reported. I would use a webpage like this for that purpose.
  7. AgentRed

    I am guessing some are but not very many. DBG used to have this cool system that they made back when they were SOE. So it would detect people what were low BR that would get crazy shots and scores then ban them until a real person looked it over. Then you had a group of people "elitist buttholes" made new accounts going on like koltyr to see how fast they would get banned for doing something like this. So then pretty much all of them got banned for having these high k.d and score. So they ran to reddit because their PS2 accounts were banned too, So then DBG was forced to change Anti-cheat instead of just leaving the people that wanted to abuse the system banned. So that is why you don't see people being banned any more and this why we cant have nice things.
  8. OgreMarkX

    When game companies say "Trust us, we are looking into this and, yes, people are being banned" it reminds me of politicians and bureaucrats saying, "We take you seriously and trust us, Justice will prevail."

    There was a guy on Connery openly speed hacking and teleporting and knifing people...FOR MONTHS. <<< MONTHS >>>

    He evenly openly admitted it to people in chats, to me in tells as well as others, claimed there was a "missing file" in his game and DBG was aware of it...and he kepty merrily speed hacking, teleporting and knifing, FOR MONTHS.

    In some older games I've played you could enter spectator mode and watch other players. Oh wouldn't that be interesting in Planetside 2 so we could see the guys who "are just really really really skilled at PvP Bruh>

    <image of South Park WoW guy with wrist brace>
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  9. MongooseTwoFive

    I don't like to throw accusations of cheating around. Most cases, no matter how salty I may get at the time, I accept that it's ultimately somebody who made an epic play or got really lucky with that headshot while I was cloaked on an infil.

    However lately there's been one group that's pretty obvious. The TR outfit "Recursion" on Emerald isn't even subtle about it. They show up to a fight and you find yourself getting killed instantly from across the base with their sidearms.

    They have such a reputation that I've been in platoons that literally opt just to redeploy and fight NC because it's not fun fighting against Recursion.

    I love this game, but reports against cheaters never seem to have any tangible impact. Any kind of feedback regarding the reports would at least be reassuring that they're doing SOMETHING about it.
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  10. Prudentia

    grief banning actually happens.
    you are forced to go to the DBG page and write a proper support ticket to report them tho. ingame does absolutely nada.
    tho that might just be because they actually have to read support tickets in a timely manner while the last time i asked roxly why someone who was sitting inside rocks and sniping people through geometry hasn't been banned after a week the answer was "we do those tickets in the order they are sent in" which would suggest there probably is like 1 guy who spends an hour a day in his coffee break reading ingame reports.

    ofcourse there is also people like CCCPzero who spent months team killing through hundreds of reports and then disappeared the instant i wrote a proper support ticket.
  11. BamaRage

    Agree, I have been killed through walls by Recursion multiple times as well as other strange events.
  12. OgreMarkX

    Recursion plays NC on Connery. When Battleeye first came out a number of them disappeared, all but one I was watching for never came back. The one who came back, lasted a few weeks and left again. Apparently "game performance" was an issue with him...ya...game performance tends to go down when you can't use ye olde hacks.

    The thing with some hackers is, they do not understand that their patterns fall into common patterns of PVP game hackers/exploiters. Even their responses to being accused fall into a pattern of hackers/cheaters.

    There was a guild in Dark Ages of Camelot on my faction (Hibernia) called OoZ. Major cheaters. They always denied it. But in that game, if you were on the same faction as someone, it was easy to spot their hacks. OoZ hacked. But they insisted they were just "super skilled and trained a lot together".

    Also, at some point, someone in the outfit/guild will let the cat out of the bag.

    Yes, you can get good at PS2, but when your performance NEVER varies....yup...you guessed it..

    Recursion was one of the early, very coordinated and hard as hell to fight outfits.

    But eventually they became stat obsessed and you could see the hacking start.
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  13. Atorum

    We have QQ you have HAX/DA, it seems like there are balanced amount of cheaters on both sides.
    One of the reason why I like fighting NC, they have less of them.
  14. MongooseTwoFive

    That sounds about right. They're not even subtle about it. No, I'm not going to believe it's "skill" that you got headshots on me and several other people in different directions within a fraction of a second when you went zooming overhead with ambusher jets.

    I'll never understand the stat obsession.

    It's like the pokemon EV trainers who show up to competitions to crush a bunch of 10 year olds with mathematically optimal teams.
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  15. OgreMarkX