Just recently returned

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dreyone, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. dreyone

    Just recently returned after a long hiatus from the game to see if any of the horrible issues were fixed.

    Good lord, I didn't even imagine the game could get this bad. I thought things were bad before... I don't even know the words to describe how awful it is now.

    1511 ms server latency. One thousand, five hundred and eleven milliseconds.

    10 second input lag on firing a weapon or detonating a C4.

    Squads of enemy infantry teleporting 5 meters away from you and killing you with an eruption of gunfire that had been fired like 10-15 seconds before, you never saw or even heard it. Just "pop" and suddenly there's 12 guys right in front of you and you're dead.

    The changes they've made to the weapons and gear. My god. What have they done.

    I thought the game was unplayable last year... Now it's literally unplayable. Literally, impossible to play.

    Good job daybreak. You have officially killed this game. Not even worth keeping on my hard drive anymore. The damage you have done to this game is so systematic that it's beyond words. You have taken literally every feature of this game and broken it to such a degree that I don't think it'll ever be fixed again.

    This game is officially dead. R.I.P. planetside 2

    Hopefully when Planetside 3 comes out (IF it ever does), these mistakes won't be made again. Hopefully they learn from this experience and know how not to ruin a game.

    Goodbye planetside
  2. Doc Jim

    Bye bye.

    Next time you pop in, consider which server you log in on.
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  3. adamts01

    There was a game-wide latency issue like you're describing during the last 2xXP event, but whatever is going on with you is on your end. If you do decide to try to fix your connection problem, wait till the next big patch comes out, as they're hopefully fixing this god awful continent lock system.
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  4. Skraggz

    Maybe demand your isp clean up their service? I run 50ish ping.
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  5. CplRDaWiggy

    I see a lot of people that claim one of ps2s greatest failings is the high latency, crap servers etc.

    While I can get behind that from the viewpoint of clientside hit detection, as someone who has an average of 40 ping and between 50-60 server latency, it does seem somewhat churlish when people drop their own crappy internet at DayBreaks door and say 'fix this', not to mention I know for a damn fact many people have multiple windows open while playing online these days.

    As the poster above me said, you need to grind that axe on your ISPs forehead, not DayBreaks
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  6. JobiWan

    Not my experience at all. Apart from a very few odd times, I get about 25 ping and 30 latency. Not Daybreak's issue to fix IMO.
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  7. Demigan

    I think OP suffers from brain latency. 1500ms means 1,5 seconds, but he treats it like 10 to 15 seconds.

    Dont get me wrong, 1500ms ping is horrendous, but the game wouldnt survive a week if such pings persisted. So he has to realize that these are flukes. At the very least he should have informed himself before going off like that.
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    I get generally good response from the servers, except yesterday when I was DC'd 3 minutes from my faction winning an alert I had fought all the way through :(
  9. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    We've been having a bit of extra server weirdness for week or 2; we've been investigating different causes and have slowly been getting things back into better working order.
  10. dreyone

    It's not my connection. There is a difference between "network latency" and "server latency." My ping is consistently around 40-50 ms. It's the server latency that spikes into the thousands whenever you go into a big battle. I'm not the only person this is happening to and I've seen scores of people complaining about it in /yell chat in-game. More complaints about lag than I've ever seen since I first started playing the game years ago. They screwed up the servers. It's not our connection. I played the game for years before and I never had these issues even though my connection was the same

    Are you playing on Connery? Are you participating in big battles? Do you actually look at the "server latency" (not to be confused with "network latency") in the window that comes up when you hold the tab key down in game?

    Oh, you again. I expected as much from you. Do you even realize how dumb that sounds? Do you realize that a ping of anything over 100ms in an online game like Planetside 2 is enormously detrimental to a multiplayer experience? Do you realize how big of a difference 1.5 seconds of latency makes in an online shooting game? Your reply to my post is absolute cringe material
  11. tommyrocket

    I can vouch for this as a Connery player. It does indeed lag spike sometimes as it is not on us. Especially as I did recently get my own home internet fixed which was having issues. I know not what is wrong with the server, whether it's an in-game issue causing stress on it or something on their hardware end. It used to be pretty good, actually. Most of this lag started up around of time of the maintenance that occurred before they started the most recent double XP event. Seemed that way, anyhow.

    It appeared to be caused by the event during that period, but it has since continued, in a rather chronic sort of way. It doesn't lag all the time, but when it does you definitely see it, and feel it.

    The most we can do for now is be patient as they figure it out. Supposedly it's not been as easy an issue for them to track down, so it's been a kind of trial and error process as alluded to by Roxxlyy. If I've learned anything from my experiences with cable modems, ISPs, routers, etc., you gotta check them all. Some internet problems can be a complete mystery and the problem source may be something completely unexpected. I replaced a router, ethernet cables, network cards, modem and the like. It turned out that the old fittings and cables from the outdoor hub were giving poor and inconsistent signals. Just the good 'ol wear 'n tear that heat, bugs, 'n who knows what else does to the stuff. Best replace them all when you've got problems. Modems run all the time, so they're probably the first to go.
  12. dreyone

    For all the people trying to say its my internet connection here is a screenshot for you. Take a look at the bottom right.



    It's not my connection. It's the servers. The entire game is broken and its apparently been this way for an extended period of time

    Just for good measure heres also a screenshot of me running a ping on google


    Honestly I would pay for a copy of the old version of the game before the devs broke everything. I'd actually pay money to be able to play the pre-Epstein version of planetside 2. Everything after 2015 was a disaster. Just revert the game back to how it was in 2014 please. You guys have completely ruined this game. You've broken literally everything including the servers so now it is literally unplayable