GPU particles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vetx, May 12, 2018.

  1. vetx

    i want some answers from the devs. It been years now since we heard about the gpu particles and i know nvidia killed physx, but back then when ps2 ran 32bit and was overall more laggy it still somehow managed to run with Physx. But today Planetside 2 Runs very well and its 64 bit and also the consumers have allot better pc`s now then 2013, So please can i get an answer WILL the GPU particles come back?
  2. Fishpoke

    You will get new infantry weapons and construction content and you will like it, damn it.
    • Up x 3
  3. Benton582

    You won't get a dev response, but short version is that the particles kept breaking and severely hurting performance across the board. Nividia won't fix it and nor can both SOE and Daybreak can without a great time investment.
  4. Jac70

    With the advance in PC tech over 6 years I reckon some of the higher end PCs could now run the PhysX - plus they were always optional and the game ran fine if you turned them off. Depends upon whether they have stripped the code from the engine, if so I doubt they spend the time to put it back.

    I think the game could use a visual refresh anyhow to keep up with more modern titles. I'd like to see some improved textures (some of the current in-game textures are shocking), improved AO perhaps. Put some of the polygons back into the Very High model quality. I doubt it would be financially viable for the company to build a new engine for the game though.