[Suggestion] Dalton Damadge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daddy010, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Daddy010

    Hello People and hello devs,

    how about buffing the dalton again to oneshot ESF's and 3 shot Liberators again. Actually it is impossible to hit experienced pilots 2 times in a row. The dalton should oneshot ESF's because it only would be fair. The ESF can dodge the shots on verry long range because the bullet is flying so slow and its so big that everyone can see it. And on close range the ESF is able to fly like above or behind the liberator so the dalton cant even see the ESF.

    I know that it is impossible to hit experienced pilots two times in a row because I have 900+ hours in the ESF and 200+ hours in the Dalton.

    Please buff this gun again.

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  2. JibbaJabba

    Dalton still oneshots ESFs unless the pilot has given up other options to buff armor 20%
  3. Daddy010

    Dalton brings a full life ESF only to fire with 1 shot
  4. Daddy010

    It should be the case anyway that dalton OHKs esf but composite would pretend it, so it actually had more benefit
  5. Sazukata

    No thanks. No mater how much skill/luck it took, it caused ESFs to play skittishly and plink from several hundred meters instead of actually engaging. That's not fun competition for either party.

    And it's not like you can't do it anymore. If a Dalton hit happens, your tailgunner should easily be able to weaken it first or finish it off after.
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  6. Wingthong

    The Dalton nerf promotes a new "meta" of lib play which just abuses tail guns like the hyena. tail guns should only be a low damage deterrent, leaving the belly gun to do all the work. currently the most popular lib loadout is shredder/hyena/vector (or spur) which allows the lib to spray a huge amount of dps at any target with ZERO SKILL. Bring back OHK Dalton v ESFs (and 2-3 shots for libs) and maybe we will see the high skill ceiling gameplay that makes air fights awesome.

    sidenote: I do play lib in its current state (auraxed it), and watching an ESF take a hit, pop FS, and run away makes the whole fight unrewarding and useless. this is most noticeable when fighting gank squads as its just not possible to focus down the ESFs as they are likely to just fall back and wait for NAR to rep themselves back up.
  7. Skraggz

    I'll take a pass at the Skill(luck) OHK dalton, it promotes single pilot libs that just spam daltons all day, YOU know this is why you want it, I much rather see lib crews working as a team. Game is in a by far better state then that cancer was. The argument that it's hard to hit them twice doesn't matter (and shows you favor luck over skill) because you have a tail gun that makes it easy. You already are using the weapon outside of its intended design, Dalton is not meant for AvA.
  8. Demigan

    YEAH! Because a Liberator with tailgun/bellygun/Vector takes far less skill than an ESF plinking large Libs with noseguns/whatever! /S

    Oh and please have your head checked before you leave, sounds like you can use it.
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  9. Jbeasty

    I think it should still OHK ESF's (without composite armor) personally...

    But if it remains as-is...Then I think it should get a largish velocity buff. As is perfectly evident in-game, the shredder is vastly more popular now. A velocity buff would make it much more desirable.
  10. LaughingDead

    Nerfed it because it was unfun to play ESFs against good libs apparently. Can't have something actually put some fear into "skillful gameplay", doesn't seem like bias at all.
  11. adamts01

    I love the Dalton nerf. Like Sazukata mentioned, it promoted bad gameplay of ESF sitting at distance and plinking Libs to death with Libs lobbed hail marrys across the map. I remember 3 Chinese Libs spamming Daltons from render range for hours on end one night, then easily returning to their warpgate if they were challenged. Every once and a while they'd get a lucky hit. It was pure cancer. I especially feel bad for solo-Libbers, but the standoffish gameplay the OHK Dalton promoted was just awful. And I happen to love my Libs. I've got hundreds of hours in them and bought and love every gun they have to offer. I love the Dalton nerf because it promotes close range combat. I do agree with Jbeasty in that it could use a very slight velocity buff, perhaps in exchange for a small damage drop off after 450m, as flight ceiling Libs are already crazy effective, annoying for the ground, and thow a huge wrench in the machine when it comes to balancing flak.

    Lib belly armor: The devs messed this one up. 50% belly armor meant you couldn't plink from the distance, you had to maneuver to get a good shot on a lib or work as a pair to flank it. Reducing this to 20% is a big step backwards. Libs were too resistant to nose guns, but they should have added a big (-) resistance to the top, and a small (-) resistance to the sides.

    Hyenas: This gun is in a bad place. It's too good up close and useless at range. This pushes us back to that 400-500m engagement range that's no fun for either aircraft. It needs better velocity and less tracking range. I'm stealing Sazukata's proposal of AA needing high damage per magazine, but a very long reload. This would let ESF more bravely approach Libs and evade while it's shooting, but land full-damage hits up close while it's reloading. Air combat needs to be brought closer, as this plinking nonsense is just awful.
  12. Wingthong

    Was about to argue with Demigan, until I checked his stats.
    5 hours between tankbuster, Dalton and shredder.
    Forums would be a lot better if people who have ZERO EXPIERENCE WITH THE TOPIC IN QUESTION stayed far, far away.

    As for a velocity buff, sounds like a great way to throw every single Dalton player off his game for the next year. velocity is just not the issue with the Dalton, people (like me) have spent years playing with it and most of that experience of leading tagets would be thrown out the window.

    OHK is in the game for tank rounds, and it is MUCH MUCH easier to land shots from the ground as there are less factors to take into account such as your own speed/direction, as all you have to do is stop. this is especially true for prowler AP in lockdown, as I have spend many an evening plinking ESFs/Libs with high velocity AA rounds.
  13. Silkensmooth

    Agreed about people like Demigan. He's a tanker who spends all his time trying to get the only thing that can kill him nerfed so he can farm without opposition.

    Dalton is fine. If your tailgunner is doing ANYTHING then its still basically a ohk.

    One shot gets you so close to death that 1 hyena will kill you. If the dalton hits you before the tailgunner does and you are fast enough to suppress you might get away.

    If the tailgunner just tickled you, then you are going to die instantly if the dalton hits you.

    It is still REALLY hard to kill the good dalton lib crews.
  14. FateJH

    I suppose this is a good enough place to ask; I'm always looking back or down. Since the update with liberator noseguns being allowed to swivel, has that factored into Air to Air combat for the Liberator in any way?
  15. LodeTria

    It's situationally hilariously over-powered on the Vecktor, you can kill rival libs and galaxys so easily especially if they try to run away. For ESFs it's mixed, mostly depends on the skill of the ESF pilot. Valks are **** and no-one cares.

    For the spur it's been said it's pretty good as farming infantry, since that's all that's good for.

    For the TB, it's not really useful at all since that guns range is so small you can just turn the lib itself instead to keep the gun on target during reload.
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  16. adamts01

    The Vector is actually a great option. Same velocity and accuracy as a stock ESF gun, with lower dps but no damage drop off, and armor piercing. It's silly how quickly it shreds Gals and Libs. You're actually better off using that than letting your Shredder and Walker gunners kill an enemy Lib, unless they're very experienced gunners.

    I also find it perfect for 2-man Libs if you're running a Duster. If air shows up you can dogfight with the Vector and let your Hyena or Walker take shots as he can get them.

    The only thing that really needs to be done with the nose guns is to put them in camera-mode when you hit optics, so you could actually see below the vehicle, and maybe increase the range of motion so all 3 guns could hit ground targets at once.
  17. FateJH

    Thanks. The people I pull Libs for will definitely appreciate that I get it right.