[Suggestion] Canister Buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoobIet, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. NoobIet

    So I'm a big harasser fan and play NC, and loved playing ps2 because of that reason.
    I don't understand why all NC Harasser weapons were nerfed. I feel like the dev are trying to make all the races the exact same...

    The whole idea for ps2 is that each race be unique, the canister at any range now is a terrible weapon AI weapon now, and why can it damage heavy armored vehicles? It's an AI weapon not AP, if i needed a AP weapon I'd change out the canister for Enforcer or Boombox... Now I feel i can only use a Kobalt because thats the only reliable AI weapon that can actually do its job. Not to mention neither Enforcer or Canister reload a single round anymore (I can understand that). I can no longer use turbo across mines, or use turbo while in the air to avoid being flipped. There was nothing more satisfying about getting a kill then speed across a mine and surviving.

    There will always be people that complain about how they always die to a certain play style and want it to be nerfed, the reality is that its war and you can't win by yourself, and will always have to adapt to the specific scenario. But if you nerf everything because people complain its too "over powered" and don't know how to fight something how are they suppose to learn, how are they suppose to adapt?

    Although I'd really like for the harassers to be put back to their former glory, I know it would never happen because its either (A) too hard to do or (B) never hear the end of people whining, about how they got spread across the ground like butter on bread.

    After all if you're a lone rider out in the middle of no where, expect to get killed. Whether it be a light air, liberator, heavy armor, harasser or infantry. It happens to us all, stop asking for things to be nerf because you can't seem to figure out how **** works. Instead ask to balance out other mechanics, have things buffed instead of nerfed.

    If something is OP, then it should be able to take on a whole platoon or squad, of equally skilled players. With that being said, will Canister ever be an AI weapon again, or is it staying as an all purpose weapon.
  2. LtBomber1

    Just for clarification: ALL vehicle AI secondary weapons got nerfed in CAI, but can now damage light armor. Kobalt as exeption
  3. Prudentia

    But the Canister is pretty good. atleast according to all the NC harrassers that always turbo drift through bases which seems to be fun to make kills with and not too unfun to die to.
    only Marauders seem to be pretty much extinct and the only time i've ever seen one it wasn't even threatening when it shot at me.
  4. Campagne

    I agree, I thought it was pretty balanced just before the CAI.

    Now it's sort of just bad at AI and bad at AV. I don't think very many people were asking for ES AI topguns to damage heavy armour in the first place. Should have jut left it alone to do a single specialized role and do it well.
  5. Sazukata

    This post contains just about every line from the "I know a lot about game design" type that only shows up when their playstyle gets touched.