[Suggestion] Dixie flag!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mianera, Apr 10, 2018.

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  1. Mianera

    Hey y'all, so I was sitting on my couch in the front lawn this morning while drinking from a jar and I done had me a moment of clarity!

    We should get the Dixie flag as a decal in the game!

    I mean, if the hammer and sickle decal is alright, then Dixie should be too? I've got one on the tailgate of my truck and I thought... it would look cool on my Vanguard too!
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  2. JibbaJabba

    The all white one? What would be the point of that?
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  3. Campagne

    Google says the Dixie flag is just the Confederate flag. I was expecting something more "silly" given the name.

    Hell yeah and after that the Nationalsocialism Flag together with the ISIS one
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  5. Mianera

    What is the matter with you? How can you even say such things in sarcasm?
  6. Daigons

    Says the person who suggested the traitor flag.
  7. DemonicTreerat

    Because its a pretty accurate comparison? Both had a very "let your betters tell you what to think and do" mindset (except the National Socialists didn't hide it behind "manners" and religion), both practiced rampant racism, and both believed that power should be concentrated in the hands of an elite (an open dictatorship vs. a self-appointed land holding aristocracy). Except that National Socialism drew the line at allowing individuals to own other humans.

    Not to mention the "Dixie flag" (properly the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia) was the flag flown by traitors who were upset that population & power was shifting from the self-appointed inbreed aristocracy of plantation owners to industrial cities so instead of accepting the outcome of an election they throw a tantrum that resulted in millions of dead Americans.

    Don't like it leave the damn game. You're hick ancestors were stupid and in the wrong, they lost because in the end no one wanted to help a bunch of losers who felt skin color was sufficient grounds to determine if a human was a person or property, and no amount of whining and begging is going to change that.
  8. GenTech

    I've never understood how Americans can practice a holier-than-thou attitude toward their own people with regard to historical racism when institutionalised racism wasn't abolished until well into the 20th century - long after your civil war ended.

    Land of the free indeed...

    Also it's just a flag, get over it.
  9. Skraggz

    It's easy if you were not even alive in said periods.
  10. Mianera

    You call me a hick, insult my ancestors and ask me to leave the game while spewing hate speech.

    Then you make references to terrorists and national socialism as a comparison, implying that the Dixie flag is at the same level. The hammer and sickle is apparently alright, and historically up till present day that symbal and decal stands for something far worse than National Socialism or ISIS ever did in human history. National Socialism barely lasted decade and terrorism has barely reached half a century. Where as Communism, Marxism or Socialism (whichever you prefer to call it) is in fact over a century old, Stalin was far worse than Hitler and it is a active type of government which used in some countries. Which you would know, had you bothered to go to school and educate yourself or had been born before 1990.

    And incorrect about the death tolls here as well, it's as easy as using google and... OR opening a history book.
    - Millions of Americans did NOT die. In fact, not even 1 million died in the civil war.
    - Stalin was responsible for twice the number of deaths than Hitler was.
    - Stalin and his regime, did not end in 1945... it continued and like I said, Communism still exists today.

    I also, though with some regret since you mentioned this, feel the need to say to y'all... that when it comes to death tolls between the US and them terrorist groups, well... we've killed more terrorist then they have killed American soldiers... and I ain't entirely proud of mentioning this, but we've also killed more of their civilians than they have of ours, 9/11 included.

    Now, the Dixie flag wasn't the main flag of the confederacy, it was in fact the second. Back in 1861-1865 it stood for something else than it does now in 2018. Today it stands for southern unity, southern music, food and culture.

    It doesn't represent slavery, oppression or hate.

    Call me a hick, hillbilly, redneck or an inbred if you like. I may be one or two of those, but... you know what? I like it. It's how I grew up, I'm a patriot and I love the south. At least my Mamma taught me history and manners.

    With all due respect, you are utterly clueless on what the Dixie flag stands for and represents today, but through your reply you have clearly shown us, that you Sir, are not educated and neither are you a gentleman.
  11. Skraggz

    Ah, the hidden agenda reveals itself.

    Better suggestion any flag that doesn't represent a nation (I don't view nation flags offensive, sorry?) and/or made up directly for the game gets removed. This is a game based on futuristic fps and combined arms, not a history class, it's not here to stir emotions. It is a video game, it should separate itself from these political cry babies.
  12. Prudentia

    the Dixi flag?
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  13. Doc Jim

    What a historical flag represents is a matter of general knowledge and perception, not the wishful thinking of the person who displays it. No matter how hard Southerners want the Dixie flag to represent only their food and music and culture (?), everyone else is instantly reminded of facts like slavery, treason, segregation, etc... hence, those are the things that the flag represents. I'd say that makes rehabilitating the Dixie flag to the realm of decency a lost cause.
  14. raidneq

    I support adding a Dixie flag because the hammer and sickle icon exists in the game. If we cant have a Dixie flag because its too radical of a political statement (not saying it is, in fact I dont think its edgy at all) than with that reasoning the hammer and sickle icon should be removed.

    Also be careful with what you argue in this thread, if it gets too political it will probably get removed
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  15. JibbaJabba

    It does not stand for southern unity, southern music, food and culture.

    LOL. It absolutely represents slavery, oppression or hate.

    If you want a confederate flag, use the actual confederate flag. That is the flag that stands for southern unity. Strangely nobody uses that one though. They instead use the battle flag which was popularized NOT by the civil war but by the KKK and others on the wrong side of history during the civil rights movement.

    Don't try to pull one over on me. I live in the south.

    As for your request, it's going to be denied. This debate is the reason.

    I'm sorry your symbol got co-opted by a bunch of racists. I assume with all sincerity that you are not one of them. Nonetheless, people without hate allowed people with hate to trumpet their symbol. The damage is done.
  16. raidneq

    Id honestly be fine with either. I mean the battle flag is the one that was over the SC state house. The people that use the battle flag nowadays arnt using it as a symbol of hate. Just in my experience people that hate the old south are going to tell you that both are symbols of racism so it isnt going to matter to them which one is used.
  17. Mianera

    I couldn't agree more. And I by no means want the hammer and sickle removed.

    All I'm saying is if the hammer and sickle is cool, and I honestly DO NOT mind it being in the game at all... then I would just like to see the Dixie flag too.
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