[BUG] Game Launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zeewulf, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. Zeewulf

    Whenever there is a new patch/update for PS2 my launcher keeps shutting itself down during the update. I have to keep restarting it until it's managed to do the update. Tried running the launcher in both admin mode and not, with or without my anti-virus running and it still does it not matter what.

    Even tried re-installing the game twice and numerous validity checks and still no joy in solving it.

    I'm at the point where i dread BIG updates as it takes ages to even download it with this bug....
    • Up x 1
  2. Villanuk

    Same here............
  3. Beerbeerbeer

    There's a fix for other games with launcher problems. Not sure it will work here, but worth a shot.

    1. Right click the shortcut you use to launch the game and select properties
    2. In the target, at the very end of the string, add this: -http=wininet

    This allows the application to acces HTTP protocols.
  4. Scifi

    it works :D, typed it out wrong :(
  5. Beerbeerbeer

  6. Korban

    Same here as well! I had to open the launcher several dozen times to complete the patch/update today.
    • Up x 1
  7. Drasilov

    Can't find a "target" in the steam launcher and if I add the line to the set launch option in Steam it makes no difference. Taken around 20 restarts and I still haven't finished the download.

    Why has this still not been fixed?
  8. Zeewulf

    Still not fixed I see :(
  9. Zeewulf

    ANY chance this bug is going to get fixed ? About to give up on the game due to massive problems trying to do any updates....
  10. Zeewulf

    See this BUG is still here and being a nightmare come patch time. Seriously about to give up on this game now ......
  11. Zeewulf

    So Daybreak, ANY chance in hell this patcher bug is going to get fixed ?
  12. Nintyuk

    Doubt it, been a issue since punk buster was added last year.
  13. Zeewulf

    Yeah, it's one of the reasons why I don't play anymore. Way too much hassle to just even update the game let alone play it.
  14. Zeewulf

    When are Daybreak going to get round to fixing the launcher bug that keeps shutting itself down during patches. It's been ongoing FOR AGES !!!!