[Suggestion] Tanks and Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarAnubis, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. Demigan

    Considering I mauled 6+ LA's (and two HA's, all within 50m range) using rocklet rifles with an AP Lightning myself upon release of the Rocklet Rifle, how would they pull this off? They would have to have several rear-shots during the opening moments to make sure they can pull it off before the tank can escape or kill them.

    I also don't see how a Kobalt or Basilisk would be more of a help than simply hitting the acceleration.

    That will pad your vehicle kill stats a bunch. And if you succeed in killing the vehicle, you can often survive unless the target is surrounded (which would make success of your kill even less likely).

    But by all means, show some video or something of that happening. I'm interested to see how that goes.

    The Kobalt should get more AI utility anyway. For example, explosive bullets, the ability to shoot an AI-based ability like a ranged EMP grenade etc.
  2. FateJH

    I'd love to be able to believe that I could kite as many tanks as another tank in the same way that some (exceptional) Infantry players boast the ability to kite other Infantry in quick succession or as frequently as it comes up. The elongated time to kill just doesn't make it possible save for very choice situations.
    Are you certain you're not talking about a different weapon? The Kobalt is already a dedicated anti-Infantry top gun.
  3. CNR4806

    Unless they nerfed it after I left the game, the only buff the Kobalt could possibly need is a CoF bloom decrease.

    Its damage is fine, its starting accuracy is very fine. If you decrease (or eliminate altogether) its bloom it will be very potent at its job and a very attractive option for vehicle owners seeking a dedicated anti-infantry top gun with its immense range, good damage and great RoF for anti-LA point defense, at the cost of sacrificing almost all anti-vehicle capability.

    A coax would be nice and logical, but would need some balancing against the Kobalt. Personally I'd recommend putting an actual cap on main turret rotation speed if there isn't one already (so no changing DPI for crazy aiming speed, for either the main gun or the coax), and putting the coax at the 125-damage tier at similar RoF. This would give the Kobalt both higher DPS, reaction speed and general usability, making the coax inferior all-around to offset the Kobalt's need of a gunner/seat-switching.

    But at this point of the game it's best to not hope for such things.
  4. Silkensmooth

    Huh? You guys are talking about buffing the kobalt? You do realize this thing is a farm machine?

    Throw 2 kobalts on a 200 resource sundy and kill scores of infantry.

    On a tank, im ok with it being strong.

    Imo sunderer guns are overperforming for such a cheap vehicle.
  5. adamts01

    6 LAs should be able to 2-clip a tank from the front, I haven't played in a while to say for sure. Even if you kill one LA every 4 seconds with AP and somehow never miss you'll still lose the dps race. Combined with ambushers, tanks also can't reverse fast enough to get away. Their only savior is getting out to shoot or using a Kobalt or Basilisk. I say it isn't good for stat padding because it's a 1/6 chance you get the kill, and you're sure to die from something after you give up your position to kill a retreating tank. It's one of those things that's pretty OP when you have 1/2 a covert squad on coms, especially considering it costs no nanites.
  6. Pikachu

    If it's so good why is it the least used weapon? Dual fury is the norm on a sunderer. Kobalt is an anamoly.
  7. Prudentia

    Sundy meta atm is Dual Basi, Dual Kobalt or Basi/Ranger.
    dual fury is only pulled by people who still have their old loadouts.
  8. FateJH

    "12-clip a tank?"
    "72 shot kill a tank?"
    Is there a better way to express this?
    • Up x 1
  9. Campagne

    Well dual Kobalts leaves a sunndy super exposed to any enemy vehicles around, from Lightnings to ANTs to Libs to other sunndies and everything in between. Not really worth the full-AI loadout when even dual Basilisks can do the job well enough.
  10. Demigan

    And what are you trying to add with this statement? It doesn't really change anything. Infantry are squishy, tanks are tough. You have an easier time killing a few infantry in a sudden burst of damage and then kiting the player after a respawn than you can with a tank. But what does it matter? Infantry can't kite tanks as well either, they have an even harder time as a tank can at least draw attention and then take them for a ride until they give up (or drive over a few mines you quickly place in a choke just before he rounds a corner).

    Yes the Kobalt already is a dedicated AI topgun, but not one used a lot. Should Coax weapons become a thing, Kobalts would become even more rare on the battlefield. So it doesn't matter if I suggest an upgrade for the Kobalt to make it a more often used weapon or to upgrade the Kobalt to make sure it doesn't become virtually obsolete due to a Coax gun.

    They should be, from CQC range with 100% accuracy. The problem is ofcourse that the Rocklet Rifle is a very short-ranged weapon with a lot of drop behind it. You would have to basically jump on top, use the rightmouse to unload all rockets at once, then hope you have Ambusher fuel to catch up to the tank by the time you can fire again or it'll be virtually impossible to hit him with any reliability to finish him off.
    But most engagements don't go that way, even if you do find 6 LA's willing to coordinate a strike. They fire from a short distance, so single-fire is needed giving you time to retaliate and get to a relatively safe distance. "Relatively safe" would be 30 to 50m or so, giving you plenty of space to move backwards and forwards to juke the lead and drop of the Rocklet Rifle and dodge incoming fire. I don't know what's sadder, the fact that you can dodge at that range, or that you have to lead a target's distance and drop at that range. Also, you can fire back, which means that the LA are now popping in and out of cover and often even just flying all over the place, ruining their own accuracy with the extra vectors they now have to take into account when firing. Worse still, you might be killing some of them.

    So while it's theoretically possible to have 6 LA's 2-clip a tank, it's not likely. It's like asking 6 HA's to shoot a Galaxy flying at 600m range and expecting half of the HA's to hit first try.
  11. adamts01

    Clip, mag.... Whatever you want to call it... If 6 LAs each unload their rifle twice then the tank should be gone. With its quick reload, that's probably around a 2 or 3 second ttk.

    I'm no great player, but after a couple hours of practice that gun is plenty reliable at pretty far ranges, probably 80m or so if you're target is a tank, double that against ESF. This is also refwring to stock ammo, which tracks aircraft and is considerably easier to use than Typhoon rocklets at range. 3 or 4 LAs can reliably 1-clip an ESF as well, especially if you hold fire till he's close and let him think he came across some free certs. But really, don't take my word for it. Get 5 friends in coms and go wreck some armor, it's hands down my new favorite class, especially since Hossin gets play time. Drop a spawn beacon in a tree or ledge above a tank fight and collect salt.
  12. FateJH

    The technical term for that would probably be "lamentation." If you take it as whining, I'll downgrade to "grievance."

    Also, I specified "tanks kiting tanks" like "Infantry kite Infantry." I've never had a personal interest in fighting against Infantry as a tank, unless I need to go through one to get to the other.