[Suggestion] Can PS1 "T.R.A.P." 's make a return?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iceuhk, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Iceuhk


    For those of you that havent been around since PS1, click above to see the basics behind. Essentially it was IDEAL for stopping a zerg of vehicles as it had a HIGH health pool and could stop zergs right in their tracks.

    The benefits to this should be apparent. With a Narrow enough space these things could buy your side valuable minute or minutes to establish a counter attack. Or even to set up a trap.

    The beauty of these things is that they are large enough to block vehicles but small enough that if there is a zerg of vehicles, only so many will be able to help shoot it down without hitting their fellow teammates.

    I think the only way for it to be fair is that they would be deployable using the Cortium resources/ spawn locations.

    Or hell, let em' be used around default bases too. Thatll be up to the Dev's to balance but i think these things have a really solid Anti-zerg mechanic.

    What do you guys think?
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  2. HippoCryties

    I think that this is something never brought up before in my experience and is an absolutely fantastic idea well done .... if only they would implement it now. Maybe increase the health pool a bit more cos vehicle zergs are a huge problem maybe even some of these traps could be permanents only allowing infantry through and can’t be destroyed but only in a few bases like J908Impact site, the infantry farming base
  3. OldMaster80

    This is the kind of things I expected to be able to do with Construction: support the battle flow. Being able to slow down tanks, build sky shields to protect Sunderers, fortify small bases with turrets etc...
    Instead devs designed Construction as something completely disconnected from standard battle flow.

    Because... let's say it: player-made bases are awful scenarios.
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  4. Metalsheep

    I would love to see pretty much all of PS1s Combat Engineering. I'm not sure why such a big part of the original was omitted from PS2. Being able to place 10-15 Spitfires or specialized Shadow/Cerberus turrets, 20-25 Mines, motion trackers, sensor disruptors, EMP Mines, TRAPS, Aegis Shield Generators and the mannable ES Field Turrets. Not to mention the ability to upgrade Phalanx Turrets.

    All of this stuff would be amazing to have back in PS2.
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  5. Silkensmooth

    I hate vehicle zergs, but i also hate automated turrets.

    This is a pvp game. Its bad enough that if you want to play infantry you have to deal with tanks and maxes. Even worse to deal with automated turrets.

    And metalsheep all of that sounds like it would be absolutely awful for gameplay.

    Libs need some better defense against flak, and then they are perfectly capable of removing vehicle zergs.

    Upgrade shredder ammo pool.
  6. FateJH

    Nothing had ever said it had to be only a pvp game. I don't have the copy I read back in days on hand (can anyone help me with that?) but I think even the original design specs left the door open if they could figure out how to work with it without causing performance drops.
    It worked for PlanetSide Classic, it could work here as well if modernized properly.
  7. Silkensmooth

    It was previously 100% pvp and it was a better game. The more AI they add that auto attacks, the less im inclined to pay to play.

    If i wanted to fight against the computer id play WoW or something.
  8. Vamperial

    It's simple really; PS2 has classes. Planetside had a very free-form way of letting you create the ultimate soldier. You could carry just about anything you needed for any situation if you were savvy at the inventory tetris mini-game. If one engineer could place 20+ mines or deployable in Planetside 2 only an infiltrator could destroy them with his/her emp nade. My point is that Planetside 2 was built around having class-specific roles where-as Planetside was not and that allowed 20 deployable per player because any player with an EMP nade could deal with it. You also have 4 times as many players able to play in one area vs Planetside so I'm sure CPU resource cost would've been an issue.

    There are a lot of things that I wish would have been carried over from PS1 including the ability to place deployables down so we could defend a base more effectivly but as I've watched this game develop it's become clear that the tech to do it right with 500+ people on the screen just isn't available yet and PS2 simply wasn't designed that way.