VS or NC long term?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Okjoek

    Trying to decide which faction I want to play more in the long term. My TR is already BR 120 now and I want to play another faction more since they get the best toys for the sneakier play-styles IMO.

    On the NC side:
    - Phoenix brings something really nice to the table. It's great for guerilla tactics and for countering zergs that have you trapped in the spawn room (very common since critical mass)

    - Vehicle + MAX shields The tank's shield and the MAX's Riot shield really help the NC push forward in fights and brawl.

    - Canister on harasser is better for wack-a-mole and shooting down LA. The Marauder (which sucks IMO) and the PPA rely on splash which makes them ineffective for fighting infantry who are peeking out from behind cover in many cases. And we still get Fury/Bulldog which emulates the marauder "well enough".

    - Jack-Hammer is a great hipfire gun for HA, though not sure if I would take it over unstable ammo.

    - Doesn't suffer as bad as VS on mag size because your rounds do more damage on most guns. I have a really hard time using VS carbines/ ARs for this reason coming from TR.

    On the VS side:
    - Unstable Ammo is great to use I've found from using the Canis. Hipfire is improved, shooting targets at range is easier.

    - No bullet drop is useful for certain guns. Sniper rifles are immensely easier to use at long range because of this and I imagine it helps on guns with low muzzle velocity.

    - Though I've only gunned for them, Magriders are really hard to pin down and flank because they're very maneuverable and strafing around seems surprisingly effective. As a TR I was always wary of building my construction bases in spots where VS magriders could get vantage points on us.
  2. Prudentia

    magrider is a lot of fun while Vanguarding will be very familiar to you as a TR.
    Lasher is a lot more unique than the Jackhammer, afterall thats just a shotgun,while the Lasher is a mini grenade launcher.
    Lancer i'd definitely put as a negative for VS, it's just a lot less fun than the Phoenix or even the Massamune
    PPA is just a shotgun that shoots for longer :p
    Snipers sadly do have bullet drop,only the semi autos have no drop.
  3. Campagne


    Phoenix is fun for a little while but with the dreadful DPS you'd be forced to use something else, preferably an ES AA lock-on.

    Canister isn't as good as it used to be pre-CAI. Better off using a Kobalt for the range or Halberd for the versatility and OHK.

    Jackhammer is a bit lame now, post-shotgun changes. Meant to be ADS'd like the rest of the shotguns. Baron is kinda the same with semi-auto.

    NC has the small magazine trait, so don't be so sure. :p Also, the magazines are only stretched out with very high accuracy.

    Plus, you wouldn't have to deal with bullsh-t like the Gladius or Promise. ;)
  4. pnkdth

    Both. My meta these days is to play whichever faction is underpop because f*** queues.
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  5. AISkander

    You know that any sniper rifle a part from the Phashift (pha****) has bullet drop for Vanu right?
  6. Lord_Avatar

    Incorrect. Semi-auto sniper rifles do not.
  7. AISkander

    Sorry. Any "worth" vanu sniper rifle has bullet drop
  8. Lord_Avatar

    Don't discount the semi-autos straight of the bat. They are more pesky to use, but get the work done. The semi-auto Scout Rile also deserves a mention.
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  9. AISkander

    Really tho, they are good only for directives
  10. Lord_Avatar

    I disagree. That's especially true for VS, as slapping on a suppressor won't **** you as much due to no bullet drop. Don't get me wrong, those aren't my first choice either, but with some practice they can be effective.
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  11. Doc Jim

    OP, I think you should take a step back from individual vehicles and weapons of the NC and VS and also consider your preferences in aesthetics, sounds, lore and general gameplay feeling. Also take the player population into account, who do you prefer to play with or which of your friends play what?
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  12. blackboemmel

    Play NC, find out that that you overestimated the power of the NC weaponry, then stick with the "Hard-Mode-Fun Conglomerate" or switch to the "EZ-Mode Sovereignty". :D
  13. pnkdth

    Sounds good in theory but as someone who's made it a point to use semi-autos and other scout rifle-like weapons I've always removed the suppressor in the end. The bullet velocity and reduced damage turns them into water pistols. Having no bullet drop is nice though but using a suppressor will lead to many a "how many bullets does it take to kill this guy?!?!?!!?"-moments coupled with lots and lots of misses on anything but stationary targets since you will be using a weapon with around 400m/s velocity...

    The no drop aspect does, however, elevate the semi-automatics from trash tier weapon to useful. That said, if you want a ranged weapon get the low magnification BASRs or simply the T1 BASR. The SA-scouts are fun for some TactiCool tryhard sessions though.
  14. AISkander

    Trust me, a sniper rifle with a suppressor will just not work, since the slower the bullet goes, the lesser dmg it does at long ranges...thus it's ****.
  15. AISkander

    I played NC. Gave up becouse it was too easy to shot people with scattermaxes and sniper them with the gauss saw
  16. Lord_Avatar

    I know. Attaching a suppressor forces you closer to the fighting; oftentimes too close for comfort (either that, or you run into "water pistol" issues). Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of "semis", but I'm far from discounting them altogether, and I do believe that the VS perk of not having to deal with drop on them comes in pretty handy.
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  17. Lord_Avatar

    It might not work on its own, but you can *make* it work. You need to find a safe way of cutting the distance between the enemy and your "nest" while maintaining concealability. Case in point: sniping from trees on Hossin.
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  18. pnkdth

    It is definitely handy. Help at very long ranges. Just that some people, for whatever reason, have decided semis are a good introduction to sniping and generally act as if BASRs are high-skill weapons (you know, the usual NC is hard mode narrative). So I suppose I was projecting that which was in error.
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  19. Lord_Avatar

    That's OK. If I were to weed out all my deeply rooted sentiments and much-cherished bias I'd end up rewriting all my posts in an endless loop.

    Technically BASRs *are* high-skill weapons, but they also tend to be low-risk which skews the perception quite a bit. This is further compounded by having to score two headshots with a SASR in order to down an opponent which is largely counterintuitive and adds to the image of those weapons being generally sub-par.
  20. AISkander

    You can make the patriot work, but is it worth the time you spend on it? No.
    That's why you don't see snipers that are more then br 20 to use semi auto, if not for directives